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Snipe MD

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Posts posted by Snipe MD

  1. Remember everyone, we are the halo nation. And as long as we believe that the franchise can achieve the gold standard, then so it shall. so raise your glass in celebration, for when the day comes that halo takes back it's rightful place as the greatest series of all time, we will be there...and we will celebrate.

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  2. Screw the cupcakes, I have recces pieces...I also learned how fun it is to say recces pieces...reccespicesreccespiecesreccespieces...and now I am angry......RECESSPIECESRECESSPIECESRECCESPEICES



    in all seriousness, welcome to the forums and I hope you can make a name for yourself here, alphaomegafire :respect:

  3. No that is wrong. The Wii hasn't given anything to YOU

    I loved Super Smash Bros Brawl and the Wii gave me that. The Wii or Wii U hasn't given me the amount of entertainment as the Xbox or PS but why does that matter? It still gave me entertainment. Remember that only applies to YOU not everyone else. 

    Yea, It gave People SSBB, but name five other games that people actually play, besides any of the COD games, on the system (boom blox counts too).

  4. Naw, not really. MLG really is not as good as people made it out to be. Take COD for example. people thing the new COD games, Post-modern warfare, are the "Pinnacle of gaming", but the original trilogy was the best. The world war 2 COD games conditioned you to use skill to adapt and survive, but the games nowadays revolve around "2 rocket perks" and "juggernauts". that's not pro-gaming, that's unrealistic. even in halo, the enemy A.I almost never did the same thing twice, so why should this game condition you to do so. at least in the world war 2 COD games you were actually learning something about a dark time in america's history. The only "Modern" COD game I consider to be good is the original Black Ops, because at least you were learning about a part of the cold war as you played, rather than using complicated drones and tech to survive. I guess the point i'm trying to make here is that MLG is like the new COD games, casual gaming being the World War 2 games. Games are supposed to be for fun and teach you how to think on your feet, not to play seriously and make money of them, which is probably why some people don't like new COD games.

  5. I believe I had stated this in a previous forum, but if there releasing the Xbox one with all this hype, such as the "every 2 minutes" advertisements, then there's got to be SOMETHING wrong with it. the Xbox 360 being a perfect example of how much we were screwed by the defective (albeit quite welcome) video game giveaway pyramid scheme that is mountain dew's "every 2 minutes" deals.

  6. Honestly, Halo wars 2 would kind of be spartan assault, but halo wars 2 would definitely be better, because of the fact that ODST takes place during a period between halo 2 and halo 3, there's really no room for growth, but with halo wars, it takes place somewhat before Reach, so you could more likely build off of that then what happens after halo 3 or 4, maybe make halo wars 2 on reach, perhaps.

    • Like 1
  7. Oh, the trauma...



    the trauma of making text messages on the kindle fire; Oh, the trauma... 



    Oh, the trauma...



    the trauma that is modern warfare 2; Oh, the trauma...



    Oh, the trauma...



    the trauma of not being M.O.M this month; Oh, the trauma...



    Oh, the trauma...



    the trauma of trying to beat the original Halo on legendary; Oh, the trauma...



    (We here on SNIP3m101's forum would like to say congratulations to this months M.O.M SPARKY, and we hope to see you on the forums)


    With begrudging respect,


    SNIP3m101 & his group of scriptwriters (Despite the fact that he never actually writes these, I mean, every letter you get from someone of Importance is never really written by them, I mean, they just have SOOOO much time on there hands that... uh... OK, were done looking at your faces now, so beat it before we have to use the red text...You won't like us when we use the red text...)

  8. Oh, the trauma...


    The trauma of not being able to unlock Inclement weather in halo reach; oh, the trauma...


    Oh, the trauma...


    The trauma of constantly being attacked by forum trolls who are somehow getting past the barricade I made in your parents basement; Oh, the trauma...


    Oh, the trauma...


    The trauma that this is the last topic post until next week; Oh, the trauma...



    ("Oh, the trauma..." was preformed by SNIP3m101 in front of a live studio ostrich




    SNIP3m101's  Scriptwriters)


    OK, this post was not funny at all...




    (the red text on your screen indicates great anger. See? See the red text? that indicates great anger.)

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