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Snipe MD

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Everything posted by Snipe MD

  1. I miss when pokemon had the best theme songs, before they had two people sing them...IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR A PUNK HIP BEAT LIKE BACK IN THE 3rd GEN.?

  2. Keep it as a small reminder of when halo was super popular, before call of duty came...
  3. Seems kind of strange, maybe a 343 staff member would know. but as far as i know, I assume it to be up still
  4. Congrats to the MOM...Bnus!

  5. Totally epicly awesome, Bnus!
  6. Hey Hey, im back! SNIP3m101 here with this weeks...you know what? Im just not going to even call it that anymore. so...so what do I do, just read the last line...yea I just... OK... TAKE TWO! Hey Hey, im back! SNIP3m101 here with another totally epic awesome post...yea I think that sounds better. For those of you who don't know already (although you should), this upcoming Monday, we celebrate Vetranarian's day! During that day, we force vetranarians to work twice as long for half the pay...wait, what...thats not the right day?...then what day is it?... veteran's day?! oh, for the love of g... TAKE THREE! (sigh) This upcoming Monday, we celebrate veteran's day, and what better way to do that than by spending all day on a first-party forum typing out messages, right?...not really. But in all seriousness, have a safe and happy veteran's day, and i hope to see you on the forums, but until next time, have a totally epic awesome day (Iv'e got to think of a new praise) ​Typing a pre-recorded message, SNIP3m101 - (OK, seriously! there doesn't need to be a cheap joke here! Im not telling you guys were i'm @, Im sick of this, Im going home! I WON'T BE PART OF THE MACHINE!) SNIP3m101 will return in "For your forum's only"
  7. I am pretty cool with these games. like the halo CTF flash game
  8. I Do, but not as often anymore. It's kind of like halo 3 now; people only play it to make fun of the people still playing it. It's a sad day for America...
  9. I think that it was evanroyalty who said, "Is it true that MLG try-hard Phagits perceive halo as an actual sport like football?". I'm not going to be THAT harsh because you seem like a guy who is trying to help out some less experienced gamers, but we should seriously be playing the game for what it is, a game. and besides, it doesn't matter because halo is no longer a MLG game, in simplest terms.
  11. wrong, your favorite weapon is the one the enemy steals most...then kills you with.
  12. Honestly, I would be on the side of the empire FOR THE SOLE FACT that the republic clones turned stormtroopers cant shoot for shi'TAKE MUSHROOMS!
  13. Hey hey, it's me, SNIP3m101 here with this week's topic. "Doing a barrel roll" is an army term in which you rotate your aircraft 360 degrees to avoid enemy fire. The meme variation was first introduced in the Nintendo 64 game "star fox 64" back in 1997. In the game, Peppy Hare, a member of your team in the game, says "do a barrel roll!", as you are being fired upon by the enemy. This is one of the most well known memes and has been converted to a Google add-on (typing in "Do a barrel roll!" in the toolbar made the screen rotate), A music video, and even a yu-gi-oh card. Now tell me what you think. post your comments here, or even send a video of a "Do a barrel roll!" situation. I'll see you all next week with a brand new topic, but until then, have a totally epicly awesome day. Crashing, SNIP3m101-(location was compromised, not safe to talk on this forum.)
  14. Life is what you make it, and nothing is truly set in stone. no-one can truthfully tell you your fate, not even god. there's no fate but what we make for our-selfs. remember that.
  15. The plasma repeater, why? because theres nothing more fun to shoot drones with (besides rockets)
  16. Hey Hey it's me, SNIP3m101 here with this weeks topic. After watching some bigger action stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and others. I have noticed (as im sure other people have), that they almost never (if ever) reaload. this is apparent in movies like Terminator 2, when Arnold only reloads larger weapons, and in Robocop, when peter weller only realoads twice in the entire series. It might be to keep the action going, but it's the little things that count. post your thoughts about the topic, as well as any movies were this is apparent here and i'll see you all next week, but untill then, have a totally epicly awesome day. I have no comments, SNIP3m101-(if you descover location, you'll be in big...trouble.)
  17. Hey Hey it's me SNIP3m101 her with this weeks topic. I have played a lot of all those nostalgic, great SNES games and watched a lot of old-day warner bros. cartoons; and i had found a game called "speedy gonzales: los gandos bandidos". when i was younger, i played this game, and I loved it, untill i died in the game... In the game, if you die & lose all of your lives, then there is this small cutscene where speedy is in a cage and a silloute of a cat is walking up to the cage and you have to press continue before the timer counts down. It gave me nightmares for months, as i'm sure it has for countless other people. you can see it at this url: www.youtube.com/watch?v=InDV6JP8sBo The meat and potatoes of this post is that i have been a S.G & the suprising and sadly underated Sonic fan for years and I whanted to hear what people thought. I did not wan't to do this post as a "Vs." one due to the characters not really having a violent backround; and the thought of them fighting (as in "who would win") would be wrong, it would be almost hypocracy on my character. So the question would be, who do you like more, speedy gonzales or sonic? post your answers and i hope to see you all on the forums next week, but untill then, have a Totally epicly Awesome day! Andeli'e, Andeli'e, AribaAribaAriba, SNIP3m101 - (location: in your basment, watching Robocop [you still haven't bought my triscuit delisusnus]) (P.S: I know how to spell delicious )
  18. think about the future. when (if) halo 5 comes out, what things would (could) they do better? the reason why halo is such a good game, is the fact that it's essentially you who decides the fate of yourself and your allies, and that you control how each mission flows, so in truth, yea halo 4 was not as decent as halo 2 or 3, but honestly, think about all the series achivements. It was the first game to have a midnight launch, even in 2013, the game is still within the top 50 grossing games of all time, and mountan dew supports them, MOUNTAN DEW! not even grand theft auto or call of duty has that much culltural impact, even to this day! multitudes of people are to dissagre, but i belive that even though halo 4 is a quote-on-quote "COD in space", people still support it and 343 will most likely fix all that was wrong with halo 4 and bring the greatest video game series of all time back to it's former "100 %" glory.
  19. The game was the hardest for me to complete, despite what some people would say.
  20. You all should watch "Mike WB & Arbiter617 vs. 343 industries". Mike did good work on that project and it prety much responds to this topic.
  21. Come back to the forums buddy!

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