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    LM Brogar

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. We had a group of 4 people playing Halo 4 last night. 2 Xboxs, 2 TVs, 2 game disks, and each on split-screen multiplayer. When we formed up a 4-man party and tried to play Slayer (or Big Team Slayer) it would not give us any matchmaking opponents so we couldn't play. We tested the queue on each console with only 2 players in the party and got members within ~10 seconds. We quit that though so we could play as a group and ended up playing a local Custom Map. What could we have done wrong? Why didn't it work? I thought the max party size was 4 for Slayer :/ (I don't know if this makes any difference, I'm SR88 and my friend's account is SR17. I don't think he has a CSR either)
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