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Everything posted by schnergun

  1. has there been any light shed on this problem? im hoping something happens soon. each monday when there is a update it seems I get ****** and have to play the same maps over and over. yet if im to jump into a straight slayer match there are like 15 more maps. YES, like in Halo 3 if you dont have the maps you should have to download them. I pad for them to play them for a reason. not to get screwed over because someone else doesnt want to.
  2. Why should i be screwed cause someone else doesnt have the maps. Everyone should have to have them to play the game
  3. I dont care about WHAT maps get introduced they just need maps period. I bought the Map Pack Pass or whatever its called so I could get new maps. Its a little ridiculous that they havent been added to the doubles playlist. I play doubles 98% of the time and would love to be able to switch it up. I would love to play user created maps. I mean anything new would be great. I hope they get it together and get some more added.
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