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    Helping others, Junior Moderator, Gaming.

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Drone (3/19)



  1. Yes well if they are community made maps, then sometimes they didn't have enough spawns, or had too many but regarding differing game mode restrictions, and maybe the maps weren't tested good enough, whatever the issue is, I think it will be fixed sooner or later.
  2. I think it'd be a good idea, just as long as they remain on track with the storyline.
  3. Welcome to the community forums Hell4u3, I will be calling you Hellcat from now on.
  4. Welcome to the (community) forums.
  5. I watched Doctor Who SVII(7) and the ending was pretty cool, at least we can see the 'Evil Eleventh', at least I think that is what he is.
  6. Do any of you know why my laptop has gone AWOL and has flashing orange lights on the sides of the monitor/screen, it says I havethe the charger plugged in but my battey is completely dead AND missing even though I see it and know it's a 9-Cell Battery..
  7. I made a playlist of some Halo 4 OST songs Here
  8. Thanks guys (and gals), as I have stated before in my About Me, I'm a possible candidate for another forum which I still am not disclosing as of yet, so I am a lil bit close to a Moderator mentality, if I act as if I am one sorry.
  9. In my honest opinion, it's a Halo game at it's core, they missed Halo so much they made a new game IP just for making a newer less restrictive Halo, but don't tell Microsoft Shhh *sneaks out*.
  10. Now another member is on leave, a few hours after I joined, WHY IS DIS HAPPENING?
  11. What is the 'New Members' Group for, I've never seen a forum have it in my career on them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scaro_H2H


      I know, but still gets to me.

    3. RedStarRocket91


      It's just one of the new measures we're taking to protect the security of our members. It helps make automated bots more visible to us, meaning they can be dealt with more swiftly.

    4. Scaro_H2H


      Pretty nice idea.

  12. Why did a member leave when I just joined :(

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      It's...it's not your fault. *Sniff* It's not your fault.

    2. Scaro_H2H
  13. Scaro_H2H


    Hello, I am joining because I've been playing Halo a long Expletive time, as everyone here, I am soon returning to gaming(and Halo) in a few weeks after I start working and my school year ends May 23rd or so, therefore I need money so I can start buying MSP(Microsoft Points) for other stuffs(games and DLC). Anyways to cut a story short, Hello and I hope to have many joyous days here.
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