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J DawgMIllenium

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Louisiana, USA
  • Interests
    Isshinryu and other things.

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  • Gamertag
    J DawgMillenium

J DawgMIllenium's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. I accidentally made my username "J DawgMlllennium" instead of "J DawgMillennium." Can I change this?
  2. Hello, people of the forums. I have been forging since Halo 3, and I am now attempting to gain more personal contact with the community. I have some unfinished maps and sketches that I prepare to continue working on/redesign, and new creations will form as well. I will begin forging more often in about two weeks. Extra Information: I have an account on 4chub of the same username. Dominion railings are overrated. Moo, I'm a fish. Cortana dies at the end of Halo 4.
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