Hello 343i, my name is Zigywig and I actually joined last night but there was something wrong with the validation e-mail, so I just did that now and everything is all good . Anyways, I'm from Forgehub and have been there for quite a while now, but recently there's been a slow decline in activity there, and after realizing that decided to branch out to more communitites, including this one. Hopefully I'll have as much as I had there here
More abooot me (lol). I'm 16, from NW New Jersey, and I'm a fan of Halo obviously, playing since the Halo 3 days. My main games are also Minecraft and whatever the hell is new these days. However, I've been noticing that I've been playing less and less Halo 4 every time now, so maybe I'll make some new friends here that might be into a few customs, or even custom lobbies!
Alright, I'm in a rush right now as there is more I would like to say, but I need to get going. See you guys around!