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Jackal (2/19)



  1. something else about cod is that you can expect a new installment every year... too bad every one of them is the same piece of garbage
  2. try playing in the castle map pack game type or just delete castle and redownload it
  3. missile pods could have really balanced out the over powered mantis in halo 4 and I think that dual wielding should be brought back along with weapons like smg's, and maulers. In halo 3 the maulers were under powered enough to where you had to get really close to do any damage, but the smg's if they make a return should be knocked down just a little bit to make it fair.
  4. although it sounds like a really fun idea I cant say I would like to see the maps dominated by these two monsters. The only way they would fit into multiplayer was if they had their own playlist with maps suitable enough for them. However the xbox one will allow more players per server so perhaps we will see larger playlists suitable for vehicles like this.
  5. In this topic post character ideas that you would like to see in halo 5. I would like to see more characters that fight along side you and that feel important to you like in reach. halo has its new infinity cast and crew so lets add new additions to the game. Certain Spartans and marines could stand out form the others and be more involved in the storyline by helping you.
  6. change armor abilities back to pick-ups available on the map with the exception of sprint. Sprint should be able to be enabled and disabled for every gametype. Bring back dual wielding and a unsc aircraft.
  7. Halo 4 was a let down in some aspects but you can't say that it was a total let down. Campaign was done spectacularly the only thing that could've been done better was the ending boss fight. Other than that it was wonderful. Spartan op was cool and unique but it lacked unique coop moments. It's understandable that the first half of season 1 wasn't as good as it could've been but the second half stepped it up. Spartan ops has potential to be the bet coop experience if it just had more special moments and effects and less repetitiveness. More in-game cutscenes could be used too. Multiplayer was probably the downfall of halo 4. This has probably been said many times but it hasn't been paid attention to. First of all making the multiplayer too easy made it too boring. I felt like I was playing an adapted version of call of duty when I first played it. custom load outs are debatable on whether or not they are beneficial to the game but I think that for the most part they should be included in a minority of playlists and game types. Weapons were anything but balanced forcing the player to either use the DMR or Battle rifle. Along with these two loadout weapons you had the option of getting the boltshot in you loadout, which is extremely overpowered in range (more accuracy that unsc shotgun) an should be considered a power weapon. The ranking system should go back to halo 3's individual and overall ranking system. IT was fairer and provided you with equally challenging opponents. It seems like people were rewarded for nothing in multiplayer. You could unlock items for basically just walking around. Weapon drops were not a smart reward to give to the community. Whether they be randomly earned or dropped onto the map they can give one team too much power over the other making the game unenjoyable. Lastly the armor abilities were a major problem. They were too unbalanced for multiplayer. Giving these to the player made the game unfair. I have no say in what goes into further development of this game or halo 5, but 343 please do not bring back active camouflage, promethean vision, autosentry, or thruster pack. If anything change all armor abilities back into pick-ups on the maps like they used to be. Sprint could be an exception with the choice of enabling it off and on in certain game types. I have been a halo fan for a long time and the last thing that I want to see is for it to die. I know that you (343) have the potential of resurrecting halo the right way, and the community doesn't demand that you do it but expects that you do it right. This isn't hate mail this is me encouraging you to do the right thing.
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