This thread is built for summer fun!
Here we will discuss summer forum events and think of new and hopefully the mods being gods will make are ideas come to life!
Summer Events!
Domion the day away play date.
-All other play dates since they aren't as special I'm not going over each one.
-(There's not much is there beside TNT)
So lets get ideas from the community!
I have one idea:
-Mods vs Members event ( we already had this but it's summer and were trying to have fun!
- Halo 3 repopulation day - try and get as many members as we can on halo 3 servers
- Halo 3 ODST firefight day - try and reach 1,000,000,000 by playing all day.
-Halo Reach Re-population day - try and get as many members on halo reach's servers
-domination day - play through each still online halo and have a huge wave of destruction on other clans!
Please mods grant the wishes of your members! Lolz