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Keenan Higgins Smith

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Keenan Higgins Smith's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. I still cannot find a game, My NAT is open too. Also for some reason the Bandanna skull is H2A only affects weapons with a reload but weapons that overheat such as the: Plasma Rifle (Both variants) , Sentinel Beam, Beam Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Energy Sword etc... Can anyone help me?
  2. Excuse me, I am having ridiculous issues with Halo: MCC it takes me hours to find games and most of the time I don't find one for the day. I've only played two matches in the time I've owned this game. I can't even play with my friends, My game freezes for 5 minutes after every match I play whether it's multiplayer, campaign, spartan ops, forge etc... I live in Ireland, Would that have anything to do with it?
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