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  1. Name: Arbitral Author: curmugeon Compatible Gametypes: Slayer KOTH Extraction CTF Oddball Flood Description: This map is a near replica of the Halo 2 map Sanctuary and the Halo reach Map Asylum. The gameplay on it works best when on a Classic Halo gametype, but works just fine on a Halo 4 gametype. I would recommend 2-8 players, but there could be exceptions (i.e. Flood). When picking the name of the map I thought of the two previous maps. Asylum and Sanctuary are near opposites, but I compared them to paradise and prison. In most Christian religions they believe in a paradise/prison and then judgment. Arbitral means: of or pertaining to an arbiter (a judge). So the name was actually picked for a purpose, not because it sounded cool. Halo 2: Sanctuary Halo Reach: Asylum Arbital
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