Couldn't agree more. I was late picking up the season pass so missed the Crimson and Majestic Playlists. Having tried to use the Castle playlist confirms that I didn't miss much though. I want to play Slayer or Big Team but if I use the Castle Playlist I'm often forced to play KoTH, Capture the Flag or the god-awful Regicide. Then I have to endure a match that plays weird because most of the players are looking to pick up the achievements they need before the playlist disappears. Trying to get a Crimson or Majestic map on regular matchmaking is such a random lottery that I have given up even expecting to see the maps appear in the vote. Especially now that the playlist has been dliuted with pointless Forge maps that all look the same (again, if I wanted to play forge maps I'd use the relevant playlist or just download them and play custom games). What it boils down to is that I spent money on a service that isn't reliable or readily available and that just isn't good enough. I'm assuming that 343i won't create a DLC playlist as they're fearful of fracturing the community? Well, it's pretty simple; the unfractured community is now dying. Less than 3500 worldwide people playing Big Team yesterday... well done 343.