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Everything posted by the17fishsticks

  1. It happened again. It happens when another Xbox live account on my Xbox is signed into Halo 4 then they sign out and I sign in with my live account without exiting Halo 4. Exact same thing, everything reset. It's some sort of bug in the system that 343 needs to fix. It's really ******** me off. After I made this thread I went through and remade all of my loadouts and got rid of all of the "New Items" stars. And now I have to do it again. Is there a way to make 343 aware that there is a glitch in Halo 4 that causes that BS?! To answer your questions, I save my stuff on my Xbox I have never removed my live account from my Xbox And no other games are affected. Not even the other live accounts are affected on Halo 4. There are two other accounts on my Xbox that have Halo 4 profiles and theirs are still fine. Only mine gets messed up.
  2. I started up Halo 4 a few days ago and found that my Xbox thought that it was the first time I had ever put the disc in. I got the opening cinematic when I clicked on Infinity and then I came to realize that everything was reset. All my armor was set back to Day 1, as well as my load outs. The game also thinks I've never played campaign. All of my armor and weapons are still unlocked it just says "256 New Items" and "97 New Items", if that makes sense. I've waited a few days hoping that it was some sort of glitch with the Halo 4 servers but all of my stuff is still showing on Waypoint. I've come to the conclusion that this is an issue with my Xbox and I was wondering if this kind of thing has happened to anyone else. I can take the time and redo all of my customization, but the point is that I shouldn't have too. And I'm pretty pissed that my campaign is totally gone. I can't do anything except start it over. And it thinks I haven't beat it all when I've beaten it on legendary both co-op and single player. Any suggestions? Or am I just SOL. Another point I thought that I should add, my girlfriend has her own Xbox Live account on my Xbox and none of her Halo 4 stuff was reset. Just my stuff
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