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Everything posted by tromenta98

  1. Forgot about: A falcon for Halo 5 and a 1v1 playlist in Halo 4
  2. In my opinion, Halo 4 needs: -Bring back infection, and add it to the flood playlist as an option, so people will be happy to build those crazy game types again -Add a classic slayer 4v4 (Loadouts-> Assault rifle & magnum or Storm rifle & magnum or Supressor & magnum, with no armor habilities, resuply and explosives and can pick up Dmr's, Br's, boltshot, Plasma pistol, rockets, sniper and other weapons on the map) and classic big team slayer 8v8 (Loadout's-> Br & Ar or DMR & Ar or Lightrifle & Ar or Carbine & Ar, with tanks, yes, there is only a map with this one, Laser on the center, sniper, and other weapons that u 343 would like to place on the map), with this 2 classic playlist, people would feel more like they are playing Halo. - Csr visible in Game - A ranking system. How? A ranking system like reach, where we buy stuff with credits. Pick up those helmets that people get from leveling up, and do like this: EOD- must be captain, and pay 35k credits EOD skin- must be general, pay 60k credits and have Ar commendation mastered. So don't reset commendation (because people that worked hard would get really disapointed), but if you are getting EOD skin on the new system, you don't need to do it again, because you have already done it. -Add more crazy gametypes like race, juggernaut (edit regicide) For Halo 5: - on the main menu, put that classic Halo music, because I REALLY MISS THAT TONE - Put some kind of super promethean (like hunter) - GIVE US BACK OUR INVASION GAME TYPE, MAKE ELITES PLAYABLE ONLY ON INVASION - Needle rifle as a covenant counterpart of DMR, like the carbine is Br's counterpart. in campaing, elites use carbine and jackals use needle rifle -My idea for Halo 5's first mission: The prologue, chief is in a nightmare, and there is cortana and bla bla bla, make some interesting nightmare, like Halo 4 ending, or a part from any other Halo, or even a mix of parts from other Halos. Them chief wokes up, looks through the window, them the city starts being atacked by the covenant (Strom), and the prometheans are helping covenant (like in spartan Ops), But then the Covenant ( the real one) shows up and a fight starts, and the arbiter will return, OR forget about the normal covenant and the arbiter. Chief has no armor, and is trying to get to his armor, which is actually on a armory or something. When gets face to face with the armor, Halo classic music plays (EPIC MOMENT), and he sees cortana on the helmet's visor. Shields- like Halo 4, but when you are out of shields and you get shot, the hud starts going red (blood), and there are health packs to recover from that red hud, more red is the hud, less body shoots you can take before dying, and also make some kind of recover system, with time, the red starts going away, and you can that more body shoots again. THAT EVERYTHING ( SORRY FOR BAD INGLISH, BUT I'M PORTUGUESE, NOT AMERICAN ;D) THANKS FOR YOUR TIME
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