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Everything posted by Midwestchopper5

  1. All the weapons are close quarters weapons so you can't cross map shoot, and there are 2 trench tunnels, 2 side paths, and a center tunnel. There's also allot of cover and you have hard light shields. I appreciate your opinions but they don't hold any weight till you've played the map.
  2. Thanks man, try to play with at least 4v4 for the most fun:)
  3. Welcome to The Light in the dark created by Midwestchopper5, this is a symmetrical close quarter combat capture the flag map. Gametype- www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/e83d0729-14ba-4512-90b6-11db14ccfa61 Map- www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/d1a5e5ff-644a-462e-b2af-0d5ff24ee5f1 There are 2 bases on each side of the map red vs blue. All the weapon load outs are assault and close quarters weapons, and you also have a hardlight shield. You must use team work to make it across, team shooting and knowing when to use your hard light shelf are important on this map. Each team has 2 trenches on each side of there base. These are great for sneaking into bases and protecting fleeing flag carriers. This map was inspired by a ctf map I made, and I decided to make a better and big version. This map still has the feel of the original but adds even more strategy! Hope you download and enjoy it:) Gametype- www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/e83d0729-14ba-4512-90b6-11db14ccfa61 Map- www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/d1a5e5ff-644a-462e-b2af-0d5ff24ee5f1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here a link to the original map, that I remade. Uses same gametype Light Vs Dark CTF http://halocustoms.com/maps/light-vs-dark-ctf.412/
  4. Map was updated on July 3rd, map and gametype improved
  5. Yeah the large dock was based off of the air vent from the gameplay lol I tryed to create similar lighting and feel of it.
  6. This is the wet works facility, you have just escaped a battle with the forerunners and have set up camp in this under ground WTF( waste treatment facility). Little to your knowledge this facility is infested with deadly mutated Spartans and they are coming for you! Map-http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/caa7fb17-b33a-4844-9309-895c89edd216 Gametype-http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/7050917b-3653-410f-bb05-80fe1647bb20 This map is a medium sized free roam/holdout infection map. I say infection because it uses a modded game type and will appear in a different category then flood. It has a very spooky atmosphere and has some great aesthetics. It has 4 main hold out areas Each have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. The infected spawn in 2 different high discreet areas. The first one being a vent with 2 openings. And a high point on the other side of the map This game encourages team shooting and moving to different hold outs to fit the situation and skills you have. Map-http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/caa7fb17-b33a-4844-9309-895c89edd216 Gametype-http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/7050917b-3653-410f-bb05-80fe1647bb20
  7. You should include that one high up camping spot everyone went to in reach on infection:) other then that I think this is a great remake.
  8. Props to Beckoningzebra1 for the awesome pictures
  9. Outdoor map sector Indoor flag base(note the sneaky spartan (; ) Map overview High ground Defending his base
  10. Reticulum(Ctf, Slayer, Koh, and flood) Back story Welcome to the Reticulum Research Facility, this was a former UNSC flood research facility. It is heavily protected with heavy artillery in every high point and very high grounds for snipers to pick of any invaders. One day in 3014 they were performing a experimental surgery to remove the flood virus, this went horribly wrong and the virus infected all of the researchers, your the only non infected survivors, and their coming for you! Map Backstory and Description This map was initially based off of mr pokephile's march necrosis template contest, but my vision for this map didn't fit the contests constraints, I modified parts of the template and this map is better for faster flood. This map is allot more then a flood map though. When you play CTF on it, it has very unique flag bases. That both play different but are still balanced with there pros and cons. Gt: Midwestchopper5 Reticulum Map http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/midwestchopper5/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=df7037ef-bc22-4a56-954d-b0c1b289ea1c Outdoor map sector http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/download/7e0b3fca-1f07-4c5d-bae9-31b0fbc9927b/capture%20the%20flag?display=True Energy generators https://s3ugc.blob.core.windows.net/ugc-container/userfiles/ugcuserfile-9b8d145c-e64c-443c-8e77-fc1abe8cd8a9-bf6456b276cb5333-full?st=2013-05-30T22%3A51%3A39Z&se=2013-05-30T23%3A11%3A39Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=tOUFv96l%2F5rUXwDMHucogVqFzVL5Qoph7E4g3hw6kuM%3D Indoor flag base(note the sneaky spartan (; ) http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/download/2aab1168-6564-487b-a0f8-ab97bf85d9c2/r2?display=True Map overview http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/download/abf98c6f-f2ad-497a-aea5-2bac1fd3bac0/capture%20the%20flag?display=True High ground http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/download/4de1bc0b-7ee1-4289-8b59-0b19570432ab/r1?display=True Defending his base http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/download/674c30e7-af3b-4b61-966a-fa437acddd12/capture%20the%20flag?display=True
  11. Thanks man i hope you enjoy the map. Its best played with 4v4 or more, but you can have fun 1v1s to:) could you take some picture of it possiably and send me your fileshare, I won't have a Xbox till satetday and allot of people will ignore this map because of no pictures. If you do it when I get my Xbox we can forge some awesome maps:)
  12. Light Vs Dark Capture The Flag by Midwestchopper5 This is a small scale completely symmetrical capture the flag map, it gets it's name because of the dynamic lighting making one side vary dark and the other brighter. It focuses strongly on teamwork, because all the load outs are close quarter weapons and have hard light shield. You have to make you way across the middle ground and use the hardlight shield when your Shields are low and have a buddy to shoot when your hardlight Shields up. The tops of the bases have a trait zone that lowers damage slightly to prevent base camping. This map was Inspired by castle wars, but I wanted to make a more fast paced version that has allot more flag capturing.Another inspiration was trenches, I have 2 trenches on each side that provide cover. This is truly a unique experience I feel Ive captured that not may map I've Played have. Please give this map a try and I hope you find it worthy of a feature on your channel. Light vs Dark CTF Map http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/midwestchopper5/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=ba117433-db3b-4703-b459-bc57bb942575 Light vs Dark CTF Gametype http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/midwestchopper5/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameSettings&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=8af73a6d-5760-46e5-a035-03abe8735748
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