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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. I can already tell this is going to be a productive thread. I guess at least we can talk about Virtua Tennis.
  2. I was just wondering if there are any Dreamcast fans on the site. I recently rediscovered the system and would welcome the oppurtunity to discuss it with others.
  3. Nothing beats the Blade Runner soundtrack at midnight

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I don't second that comment.

    3. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss


    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I dont.....but neither.....does everyone.......

  4. Not sure if you still have the money but I recommend getting Sonics Ultimate Genesis Collection. You can find it for around ten dollars used and you get so many great games. It comes with all of the Golden Axe, Streets of Rage,Sonic, and Phantasy Star games and plenty of other lesser known gems. I have spent hundreds of hours on streets of rage 2 alone. So if you are still looking for something to play definitely pick it up. It is also great for two player stuff which was the genesis' best feature.
  5. Awwww man Zone of the Enders was great. I was really hoping that the recent HD Collection would bring in some new fans but it still hasn't caught just yet. Story wise much stronger than any of Kojimas Metal Gear nonsense. I do help three does get made. He confirmed that he plans to make one but that would require him to stop putting Big Boss prequels which doesn't seem possible at this point.
  6. Music is a large part of my life so I have quite a few favorites. It is nice to see some Peter Gabriel fans on here though, I have been on a huge Genesis kick lately. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ihJrWewydw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVIKF03KkVM
  7. My personal favorite is Krillin. I thought of him as a symbol for what happens when you have little self-esteem. Yamcha seemed to me more like a symbol for overconfidence. Also come on the Destructo Disc is like the coolest attack.
  8. I feel real sorry for those that have had the horrible misfortune of playing this train wreck.
  9. Hello all. My names Nick, I just joined the site today. I'm 19 years old and live in the US. I haven't played Halo a lot lately but I plan to get back into the series and figured coming here would be a good way to start. I also know a couple of people on here and figured this would be a good way to stay in touch with them. My hobbies include listening to/playing music (I'm a bass player, I actually play in a band with D-38 Boss for those of you that know him.), reading (I'm also an aspiring writer but have been pretty lazy about it lately), as for video games I stick mostly to old ones. I look forward to a lot of good times on this site and plan to be a contributing member.
  10. For a straight remaster I would do Skies of Arcadia. An old dreamcast rpg. I wouldn't change much but give a major graphics overhaul, and fix some of the ham fisted dialogue. I would keep the art style the same though. I wouldn't make nit like that legends remake that they did on the gamecube. That thing was horrendous.
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