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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. I was just curious as a lot of people do hate 8 most people who like the classic Final Fantasy games also like 9.
  2. I would love to see a remake of the original NES Castlevania games. They have aged better than most 8bit games but I would kill to see them with better graphics and smoother gameplay.
  3. In most games I have trouble being a "bad" guy. I'll do something evil and then I'll feel awful and have to shut the console off. The only exception to this is Mass Effect where I take great joys in being straight up evil and commiting acts of unnecesary violence, backstabbing, and even genocide. This is probably my subconscious trying to get back at Bioware.
  4. Console I miss the most: None I don't get rid of consoles (unless I don't like them). I keep for as long as they work and when they break I get another one Console with the most unused potential: Sega Game Gear. The Game Gear was an excellent handheld console. It was much more powerful than the Gameboy and unlike the Lynx it actually had a good library. It's only issue was the battery life which was mostly eaten up by the backlight. If they had just put an option to turn the backlight off (Like the SP) things may have been a lot different. Console I wish I had gotten: SNES I had a Genesis when I was a kid (which I do not regret) so this meant I missed out on a lot of classic Nintendo series'. Although that means I have hundred of games that I can get into now. Console you wish lasted longer: Sega CD If it had been given a chance I think it really could've flourished. Most disappointing Console: Nintendo 64 When you really look back on it, it kinda sucked.
  5. I play a lot of older games. My preferred system is the Sega Genesis (which I now have about 80 games for). Besides that I play mostly fighting games (Street Fighter,Tekken,etc).
  6. The SG-1000 came out before the master system. However it wasn't very succesful so most people are only aware of the Master System which was a huge success in England and Brazil.
  7. That's odd I think that the first Sonic has aged quite poorly. 2 is my personal favorite but 3 is pretty good too. I like all the classic Sonic genesis games,
  8. Welcome to the forums Travis. It's great to see more aspiring writers on here.
  9. Wow I had no idea parents were still like this. I'm not sure if its good or bad.
  10. D-38 boss and I played this throughout our middle school years. I miss those days.
  11. I'm gonna have to disagree with you on Mass Effect and Bioshock. Mass Effects plot when compared to most sci-fi movies (2001, Akira, Blade Runner) is very weak. A lot of its main plot is recycled from classic sci-fi (Arthur C Clarkes Childhoods End comes to mind). It's characters are mostly stagnant and don't really develp that much. The female characters tend to develop only up until you have sex with them. All of this stuff works well in the context of a video game but in my opinion taken out of the medium it would be a complete mess. Bioshock has a great story however part of what makes the story so excellent is that it's minimalist. In order for it to become a movie I think it would have to add a lot more to the actual plot, which could really end up perverting the source material.
  12. Yojimbo is a great movie I would not be against a video game adaptation of it. Though I'm sure Kurosawa would not approve. 2001 A Space Oddyssey could (if done faithfully and properly) make a great point and click adventure game. An Applessed FPS game would be interesting Movies that would not make good games Carrie Chinatown
  13. If anything I'd say Microsoft would be more likely to buy them out. Microsoft has had a history with Sega (they allowed them to use the Windows 2000 OS for the Dreamcast) and after the failure of the Dreamcast a lot of Sega IPs appeared on the Xbox (Panzer Dragoon, Sega GT, Jet Grind Radio,etc).
  14. It would have been interesting to see how Halo would have fared on the N64 or the Dreamcast.
  15. Seems interesting enough Full Name: Roger Wilson Class: Survivor Gender: Male Plasmid of Choice: Shock Former Occupation: Musician Clothing: Casual clothing, usually wears a flannel shirt or a sweater with Jeans Facial Appearance: Typical of a young man in his 20s. Pale face with a bit of a scruffy beard. Weapon of Choice: Wrench (He's gunshy) Backstory: Roger was a bass player in a jazz band during the fifties. After his band broke up he could find no one else that shared his passion so he moved to rapture to further his career as a jazz composer.
  16. Nothing has been announced but I don't thinks it's going to be made. Which is unfortunite because I love Tekken and was really looking forward to it.
  17. But you haven't discussed your party choices.
  18. Name: Vangelis (Nick Souza) I live in the US, the same city as D-38 Boss (whom I am very good friends with). I greatly enjoy the company of others and prefer not to be alone. I'm currently in my third semester of college. I plan to transfer to a new school after this coming semester and change to an english major. I am what many consider an athiest and to be frank I consider most religions to be inheritly evil. I love video games (if I didn't there wouldn't be much of a reason for me to be on here would there?) I especially like retro games from the 16 bit era. I'm not big on sports however I do love walking (it's also my main form of transportation). Likes: Video Games, Hanging out with friends,Music, Books, Movies,etc Dislikes: Losing in Tekken, Bioware, and Bob Dylan. Aspirations: I'd like to be a writer or an editor. A sessions bassist would be nice too. But I'll take what I can get.
  19. I think she is on a constant mission to destroy my heterosexual musical taste.
  20. The problem there is that morals aren't rigid. Having rigid values leads to narrow mindedness.
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