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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. Banned for not understanding the moral implications of Han shooting or not shooting first.
  2. Banned for being conceeded enough to believe that he can ban himself.
  3. Thanks for all the late welcomes.
  4. The Stig: I see your emotional songs and raise you moving songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_lqJLb0H_o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziUgcimUkuA
  5. Goku (Kaoken,Super Saiyan,SS2,SS3,SS4,Vegito,Gogeta,Gokule) Bulma Master Roshi Yamcha Krillin Tienshinhan Piccolo Gohan (Super Saiyan,SS2) Vegeta (Super Saiyan,SS2,SS4) Trunks (Super Saiyan) Freeza Cell Majin Buu Android 18 Chaozu Chi-Chi Launch Hercule Satan Oolong Pan Goten (Super Saiyan,Gotenks) Videl Yajirobe Android 16 Android 17 Bardock Broly Cooler Android 20 AKA Doctor Gero Nappa Raditz Mercenary Tao
  6. But now we can play Goldeneye.
  7. I hooked up the N64 yesterday. So There probably won't be any Crazy Taxi until around August.
  8. Dark Cloud was an amazing game. It's great to see another fan on here.
  9. Banned for being literate It's the cover to Drums and Wire by XTC (one of my favorite bands) give them a listen if you have a chance.
  10. Just got the new Beach Boys 50th anniversary live album. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.

  11. They are probably too afraid.
  12. Yeah I always it was one of the most underrated platformers on the genesis.
  13. Wow this thread has been inactive for four days.
  14. Banned for believing that he has the ability to ban another person.
  15. Zombies Ate My Neighbors. One of the best SNES games ever.
  16. It seems I got the suds. Not very happy about it.

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      You can't go to the doctor. They'll make you read old magazines!

  17. Which means, everything you're about to read, is a creative play-by-play of what ACTUALLY happens when I play. You talk like that's actually exciting. http://bfolder.ru/_ph/14/605803487.jpg
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