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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. How do you know this isn't what's actually happened.
  2. Excited for Raynham on Sunday. SNES games here I come

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Coppin' mad games son!

  3. I'm sure someone has ported the original Halo to the Dreamcast.
  4. I can't inderstand why people are avoiding this thread.
  5. The way I see it. The PS4 is just a poor console where as the Xbox One is a morally wrong one. Between the two I plan on getting the PS4 only because I had the 360 this gen instead of the PS3.
  6. I haven't written any fiction in a long time and I figured since I am on this site and so many of you are writing fan fiction that I might as well give it a try. This is the first part of what will probably be a short story (around 7-10 pages). I'll upload the parts as they are written. I don't know much about the lore of Halo so you guys will have to cut me some slack. But I'll take any criticism or suggestions that you may have. The story involves my favorite character from the first Halo. It takes place at the very end of Halo after her Pelican is shot down by the Covenant. Foe Hammers Song Chapter 1??? I didn’t think today would be the day that I would die. At least it’s not to those damn zombie things. Though these covenant scum aren't much better. God I hope the chief makes it. It would be a damn shame if he didn’t. After I went through all of that effort. I had to take a god damn Pelican underground, UNDERGROUND seriously that is ridiculous. Man I was good, I mean really good. The way I see it, it wouldn’t be stretch to say that I was the best damn pilot in the whole UNSC. …..Look at me this is pathetic. I am pathetic….. already talking about myself in the past tense like this. I guess it makes sense though it takes a strong person to accept your fate, especially when it’s as grim as mine. I am dying and pretty soon will be dead. I wouldn’t have to die if it wasn’t for Frye using up all of the damn supplies. I guess he needed though he was bleeding bad. When everyone else left he stayed with me. He was a great co-pilot… too bad he was such an ***. Dying right now isn't too bad I guess..... I got a good thirty four years in. Plus I should get a lovely memorial service. Maybe they’ll name a charity after me, or even a Pelican, maybe a statue. The Pelican would be best though… it seems the most appropriate at least. Wait… oh damn what was that noise! Oh it’s just one of the little ones. Chief called them Grunts I could probably take him, I still have my pistol. I always though the assault rifle looked stupid...... But I bet it would be pretty useful right now. ….. It looks like he’s gone now. Is it even a he… do they even have genders… Why do I even care?…. Can’t I just die already? I could just shoot myself now but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it. It probably wouldn’t hurt too much and even if it did, it wouldn’t be for very long. ……….. Maybe I’m not in as bad a shape as I think I am. It could all just be in my head. Let me try standing up…… ****…. Okay that doesn’t work. Maybe Chief will come save me?… nah I’m not important enough he has much better things to do. In fact he’s probably dead. I thought your life was supposed to flash before your eyes. This is bull**** serious bull**** I shouldn’t have to sit here and die without having anything nice to remember. Are my last thoughts really going to be of this miserable place. I can’t see the sun so I wonder what’s creating the heat and light. Come to think of it I don’t even know what time it is or how long I've been here……. I don’t even get the luxury of knowing the hour of my demise. It won’t matter much when I’m dead though… at least I don’t think so. Come on life start flashing…… come on already….. urghhhhhh….. Its pointless I guess that isn’t going to work. I’m going to have to do this a different way. Let’s see where was I born…..
  7. I read that back in middle school and even though some of the prose was really funny. For example theres a part where Chief complains about only being able to hold two weapons at a time. i though it was funny that in book form he was somehow limited by the rules of the video game. Either way though, I do remember enjoying it quite a bit.
  8. Wel u shud relly pla et cuz it seems lik an awsum gaem and I love those :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  9. The World needs to face it, The Beach Boys are so much better than The Beatles

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      You know what, I'm okay with this...

  10. We will most likely still get 360 games for about two years. After the holiday season next year we will start to see a big decline in 360 games and then by the next after that there won't be any. We probably will not see Halo 5 on the 360 but we might. We most certainly will not see Halo 6 (if there even will be one) on the 360. After a while it just won't be economically sound to produce 360 games. In a few years it will be considered obsolete technology. On a completely different note I think you should try to expand your horizons and play some games that are not first person shooters.
  11. Very good. You have managed to develop your own style which is very important. My only advice now is to try to expand your chapters a bit. But that's completely up to you. I am not sure if this is just a rough draft or if you are planning on writing a short story (which is what I would recommend).
  12. Did you take KOF home with you?
  13. Do you think there are any fan fics of Shenmue
  14. I don't understand what the correlation between these two things is.
  15. Have you made any progress?
  16. It looks as if this thread is going to die now.
  17. You are completely right about the mystery being a big part of what made the first two games great. But I also just think there has been a continuing decline in the quality of the games. The gameplay doesn't change much except for a few tweaks here and there and some weapon changes. After a while anything will become stale no matter how good it once was.
  18. Banned for demanding a cookie license and for not liking dream police.
  19. Excellent work again. Another enjoyable read. A big improvement from the starting point. My only criticism would be of the first paragraph which seems (to me anyway) to be cold and lifeless. Logan looks at The Assassin as he prepares his SMGs. The Assassin looke like he feels the same as him but now wasn't the time for that....now is the time for revenge. He scans for signs of Covenant activity but sees none. Then just as he was about to give a command an Elite uncloaks and assaults him with it's sword. The Assassin quickly responded by quickly shooting the elite, the elite falls just as it was about to stab logan.Just like before the elite seems to possess no shields. Try using more colorful language you repeat the words assasin and elite quite a bit don't be afraid to use he and him when you can it won't win you an awards for originality but it will improve the flow of words and keep the reader interested. Also you might want to shorten some of the sentences like with the last one, it might be more effective to say "like before he seems to have no shields" or "it doesn't like he has any shields". But that's completely up to you. Good job and keep it coming.
  20. Every once in a while I forget why I love David GIlmour so much. Then I get reminded.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vangelis


      I was really surprised that he did Terrapin (one of Syds best songs)

    3. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Syd and he were friends early on. He just spun so far out there......then got lost.

    4. Vangelis


      At least he was able to leave behind a few albums worth of good songs.

  21. A pretty good example of Irony
  22. I'd say that Terminator would win. But Robocop is easily the better film. By the way did you ever play the video game version of Robocop Vs The Terminator it was actually pretty godd.
  23. I don't focus too much on achievements so most of the ones are have were relatively easy to get. probably the most impressive one I have is from exploring 200% of the map in Castlevania Symphony of the Night,
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