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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. Welcome to the forums. it is nice to have someone from Germany here.
  2. Robocop Action Figure just came in. I almost want to shell out the 250 dollars for it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vangelis


      That is very true, but its not Robocop.

    3. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      but its better than a plastic action figure @w@

    4. Vangelis
  3. What amuses me the most is that this is apparently a "hot" thread
  4. I play to win. Besides it seems like this has become our private thread.
  5. I don't want to spoil the thread or anything but how does Dragon Ball relate to Xbox Game Titles. Shouldn't we be talking about Ultimate Tenkaichi and Raging Blast.
  6. Welcome to the site I've just recently joined myself. There are a couple of other musicians on here more are always welcome.
  7. Arnold Palmer>All Other Beverages
  8. A pleasure to meet you Ian. What kind of guitar do you play.
  9. I'd probably just mess my pants and cry a lot. Isn't that what babies do.
  10. Good job with the first chapter. I wouldn't worry too much about length as quality is much more important. The only area I think you can improve in is the layout (which very well might not even be your fault) For example in the second paragraph you say ""What is that?"The captain asked the bridge members but none could figure out what. He then began to access classified" I think it might be more effective to write it like this "What is that?" The captain asked the bridge members but none could figure out what. It may seem silly but it can make a pretty big difference to the reader. Again great job though keep up the good work.
  11. http://maxim2boobles.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/20080818shenmue.jpg
  12. Shenmue is glorious. Also believe me I would love for others to join but it seems there isn't much interest in the dreamcast on here.
  13. That was pretty good it kinda reminds of Ridley Scotts Alien. I'm not well versed in the Halo universe but this is certainly an interesting concept. Best of luck with it
  14. But if we didn't dive it wouldn't be fun
  15. I always though Martin O'Donnel was overrated. I think his score for the first was good for the gameplay but it isn't something that I could see myself listening to outside of playing the game. I did like that fiesta sounding song from Halo 2 though.
  16. I liked Foehammer and Guilty Spark the most probably. When it to comes to characters they were the most original. Master chief was just the typical silent protaganist, Keyes was the fearless leader who makes the ultimate sacrifice, Cortana was the love interest, and Sgt. Johnson is your typical sarcastic commanding officer. You could argue that Foehammer was just as generic being nothing more than a tough soldier who did her job but I though her personality was able to shine through and gave her something to offer the player. Guilty Spark I guess isn't that original as he seems to be just a floating version of HAL 9000 but I am too much a Kubrick fanatic to let that bother me.
  17. A3 A3 A2 A2 E5 E5 A3 A3 E1 E1 E4 E4 Welcome to the site Ransom.
  18. It was a pretty successful match.
  19. Not to sound pompous or anything but the destructo disc doesn't appear in Dragon Ball. Krillin first learns it when training to fight Nappa. However I do agree with you that Krillin should sue Freeza, it would certainly make for a good filler episode.
  20. I don't know why you say goodbye.
  21. I do think that if they remade Battlefront 2 they would have to add a lot more maps and expand the story mode. I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan but it would be nice to be able to play through the whole story rather than just a condensed version of Episode III.
  22. Thanks for the welcome everybody. This site does seem to be very accepting.
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