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Zoriah Brown

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Everything posted by Zoriah Brown

  1. First of all i just want to say that halo is a wonderful game on xbox.But i ask my friend if they like it on xbox alone and they said no.they want to be able to carry it around anywhere and play whenever.so i want bungie to add halo 4 and 5 to the ps4 and ps vita.because people like playstation and with and with the ps vita they can take it anywhere anytime.we can use the controls and the touch screen and the touch pad.second in halo 5 you should add the falcons which can go faster,can have options to ride in it and use the weapons sniper and spartan laser to get the enimies out in the falcon,add forge world with new bases,add armor effect like halo reach. thats all i want to say i. i hope bungie dont bull$hit with this like everyother. this came from my halo heart.
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