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Tim Jones

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Everything posted by Tim Jones

  1. The update did the most good to mods. Lag cheaters were bad at times but they love this fast paced update. The only reason I have Xbox live was because I loved Halo. I am not great but only decently good. I have a hard time with great players but love trying to end their sprees or making them mad by killing their camps. But now the online play sucks so bad from the mods and lags it isn't worth playing. Time for me to find another game and dump Halo all together for online play. I will get the next games but not for online. MS better watch their back if users don't want to pay for a membership to play junk. I wasted 5 minutes on BTB watching a lagger get kills before the rest of the team could spawn at startup or even get to the good weapons. They even took the large spawns and snipes all from our side of the map so when we spawned they had already camped and started using all heavy weapons, vehicles and snipes on us as we spawned, That was just the start of the game. Swat is no better with the lag cheats and glitches. If 343 even cares....you are dooming Halo and Xbox. I know many others who are even dumping xbox for ps3! What a waste.
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