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  1. Really? we've only explored 2 rings, and there's still another 5 out there to be explored, so yeah, the flood should make a return in halo 5. and the storm elites are deluded and it would make sense for the arbiter to put a stop to the madness and help the unsc desroy them.
  2. These are the top ten things I want in Halo 5: 1.RETURN FORGE WORLD 2. a new class of prometheans 3.a promethean infection that forces them to allie with us and the Arbiter's elites 4. the Arbiter 5.a longer campaign 6.FireFight or a Flood survival mode 7.less boundaries 8.new promethean weapons 9.customizable forge pallet 10.to be able to play in multiplayer as any of the four species: Spartan, Flood, Prometheans, or Elites
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