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Everything posted by TheBlindGh0st

  1. FIRSTLY WILL SOMEONE AT 343 INDUSTRIES STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AND JUST PICK A COPY OF HALO 3 UP! AND I KNOW I KNOW PEOPLE HALO 3 WAS MADE BY BUNGIE AND NOT 343 INDUSTRIES. Things WRONG with HALO 4 1. Armor Capabilities & Load outs - Load outs are frankly a wasted effort and kills the enjoyment of the game. Load outs are something that Call of Duty or Battlefield are known for doing and it should stay that way. Halo 3 was perfect when it came to Multiplayer. Anyone be it someone who played since day one or someone who played 2 years later had equal standing and had a fair shot at winning. Ever one started with an Assault Rifle and Magnum - no abilities, no start off DMR, or whatever; all that was different was personal experience and how well you studied and remember the map. 2. Forge - While I see 343's reasoning in making forging easier. It has lost its personal touch and feels more like anyone can take a map check the coordinates, the remake the map and slap there name as the creator of the map and take credit for it. 3. Heavy objects - Objects where just that too heavy and impossible to work with in forge to make maps like Halo 3's "Trash Compactor" Things RIGHT with HALO 4 1. Spartan Ops - nice teamwork oriented game type! Gave a story even after beating the campaign. 2. Reviving Old maps like Valhalla! Things TO DO to Halo 5 1. Like I said Previously just please for whatever God you believe in remove load outs and stupid armor capabilities. PLEASE I BEG YOU! Pick up a copy of halo 3 and you will see what i am saying when you compare them. 2. Longer Harder Campaign - I enjoyed the campaign in Halo 4, but it was easier that expected on "LEGENDARY" -didn't feel like much of a challenge. LAUNCH DAY, me and three other guys who where expecting the game for our first time though to me a living Nightmare and my out of my F. Mind to even suggest the idea found it not so hard. Near the end of the game we went from 4 players to 3 players to eventually just me and one other guy. I am not saying "wow that was easy" or "ha ha I am such a bad A. I'm so pro" just a little harder. 3. Make getting Armor a task instead of a length of playtime - create so task we must complete to get the armor 4. Armor abilities (Prestiging) - nice idea i like it but seems to make the game just another stupid Call of Duty Game. I KNOW PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SAY "WELL IF YOU LIKE HALO 3 SO MUCH WHY DON'T YOU JUST PLAY THAT INSTEAD OF HALO 4 OR HALO 5". I AM JUST BEGGING YOU ANYONE PICK UP HALO 3 AND PLAY IT IF YOU HAVEN'T AND SEE WHERE I AM COMING FROM.
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