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Mr Kittens and Gibberish

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Everything posted by Mr Kittens and Gibberish

  1. Which should I choose? The HTC One M9 or the LG G4. Can you be technical with your answer
  2. I'm officially getting a Smart Phone! :D

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Welcome to the club

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      This is a good decision

    3. Delpen9


      That was a Smart choice.

  3. I guess Ill go witht the bandwagon again. I vote tha Building for religious purposes.
  4. Well that is it...your artwork has inspired me to practice more.

  5. I AM INNOCENTS! I Vote Kakashi_Hatake And there is no way I would have came up with something like that. Its too dull, I would have came up with something more Banterish... Example: Force fead to a Giant KFC Drum-Stick at a Kentucky Fried Human

  7. Congratulations! It's about time! lol, you deserve to be our MoMmy! Wear that colour with pride, joy, and never shame! For PINK is a...a...colour? idk lolz Anyways enjoy this month in PINK!
  8. (Speech, which I will type later.) Previous Mafia games Rules: Roles/Factions: Sign up list: Tweaked it a little bit :3
  9. I meant to say Ben was used to specifically be Lockes AI.
  10. Well at least we have 2 of the same interests...lol I would love to paintball though.

  11. Aye, thats an easy one. I would rather have Boiling water poured on me (experience). Because running through fire could melt your skin...with the boiling water it just burns you badly. Would you rather... Have to teach quantum physics to Caboose from red vs blue for three weeks consecutively, or watch neon cat for 3 weeks consecutively?
  12. ONI had captured Ben, and killed him. They harvested his brain, and then turned him into an AI you see in Hunt The Signal. Specifically, Lockes AI. There is a lot of irony in all of this. Ben's hero is the Master Chief. Locke will use Ben to hunt down the master chief, and eliminate him. There you have it, all in a nut shell.
  13. But that is where you are wrong. His ultimate goal was to stop Pro-Town from winning: "Honestly though, I just want Pro-Town to die. That is my entire plot." That qualifies as not being loyal to your own team.
  14. And in my game, if you ever do stuff like that to your fellow pro-town team...you get the ban hammer, and will never complete it. But you can join other mafia games after mine (duh). Same for Mafia, its just vice-versa.
  15. Is Twam Illuminati? Twam Twam has 4 letters Twam rhymes with Guam Guam also has 4 letters 4 + 4 = 8 Triangle Triangle has 8 letters A triangle has 3 sides The illuminati is a triangle Twam is the Administator of 343i Community Forum (this site) 343 3 + 3 = 6 6 + 4 = 10 Illuminati has 10 letters Twam is Illuminati Confirmed
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