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Mr Kittens and Gibberish

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Everything posted by Mr Kittens and Gibberish

  1. Aww...I guess I shall play next Mafia game. I bet Mafia will win this game
  2. Can you slightly trim my pic so the height is smaller, and add a dark Grey background, with rising Black Fog? Since I am finished with the Concept of my game...can I post the sign up thread and have a mod lock it until its time to play it?
  3. In a theoretical explanation, is it possible to destroy Parallel Universes and Alternate Dimensions? What got me curious was I was watching some of TomSka's videos
  4. Banned for banning the banner who banned you for banning the fake innocent!
  5. Pour something gross on me...you could easily wash it off. Other wise its just nasty to eat something gross. Bcuz me no likes throwing up. Would you rather be punched in the gut unprepared, or kicked in the side unprepared?
  6. I forgot to add Parachute...sorry. I mean 50/50 chance the Regular string and emergency string on your Parachute not work.
  8. I want some Light Saber chopsticks! :(

    1. Maestro


      They'd burn your food

    2. Delpen9


      Good for cutting steak or your mom's overcooked pork-chops.

  9. I am tha last surviving pro-town!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I am definitely protown guys! I can assure you I am. WE WILL WIN THIS! WE MUST NOT LET THA MAFIAZ PREVAIL!
  11. (Speech, which I will type later.) Previous Mafia games Rules: Roles/Factions: Sign up list:
  12. You happen to be the decendant of a great man who helped a forerunner escape an extremely bad situation (the extremely bad situation happened to deal with the flood). For a reward he gave this man two huragoks, but they were somehow sepperated from this man, and for thousands of years they were stuck in a ship trying to find him. They happened to accidently get stuck in the ships time chamber (like the one in from onyx), and when they finally were able to get out, they somehow found out he died, and found his decendant...you. You wouldn't have them make more Hurrogok? Incase if one died, one huragok can't make another huragok without another huragok...
  13. Ok then...I am still doing Mafia 14 though. It was taken, by Selfie. But then he went to 12 all of a sudden, see below... Re-edited my Mafia 15.0 post. I'll take that 12.0 spot btw. 15.0 is up for grabs now. Self Destruct is your host this evening! Mafia 12.0: The *Void of complicated crap* edition of Mafia. So in a nutshell there's absolutely NO Neutral, or fringe Faction aside from Pro-Town, and Anti-Town. Yayee. How To Play: Factions: General Rules [READ]: Player List: 20 or more if player attendance becomes larger in the next few games. Role Status: Oh by the way Selfie, what did you make the Role Status list with?
  14. I am hungry...me wants sweet and sour chicken with white rice...

    1. depressant


      I hate sweet and sour chicken.

  15. Im going to stick to 14, you can have 15, other wise you have to wait a longer while. Detective 1x - Can investigate 1 person every round, and has two lives. (once he/she loses a life, they can not be attempted to kill for 2 rounds) Get rid of the extra life, and anti-death thing. I guess I will get rid of the extra life, don't know what I was thinking...I think I was tired when I typed it up. Medic 1x: Can protect any citizen once every round. Nothing wrong with this. Ks... The Oracle 1x: All knowing, and all mighty! Has the ability to stop a lynching twice (Can not use their power at start of the game(Duh...). So does the Lynch not happen or what? Canceled? Word it better. Wait what!?! That must have been an error, I will edit that. Citizens 14x Add a description for these even though they have no power. I guess I will do that. Henchmen x3: Can vote who to kill, and who to do the deed. Add a description saying they have no power. All of Mafia decides who to kill, not just the Henchmen. Im just implying on what they can do. they do have no power...I will edit the other descriptions so it makes more sense. Because again I was tired when I typed everything up. I'm just one of those lazy guys that puts things that must be done to a further time. Juggernaut x1: has 3 lives. Nothing wrong with this. Ks Don x1: Can cast 4 secret votes throughout the game, and has 1 extra life. Lower the secret vote count to 2. Get rid of the extra life, and instead make it where the Juggernaut needs to lose a life before the Don can die. I think I will change his/her power into something else, because I realised this has already been done. The Grimm Reaper: Can kill or bring back one person once every 3 rounds. The Reaper represents death, not life. Also, I think the death/revive count should be kept at 2. There is no death/revive count at all, he is a replacement for the sniper, but instead of killing somebody, he can also bring somebody back. Police: Can put or take out anybody from the suspect list 4 times throughout the game. Keep it at 2. Ill tone it down to three. Psychic: Is like the Detective, but can only use their power once every 4 rounds and can share their findings with Pro-Town, or Mafia. Seems alright here. Ks Also I will take 18.0!
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