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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Do you currently have Gold Membership?
  3. Many congratumaliations on your recieveing of MoM credentials! But really, you deserve it. You've been an all-around good member here. Oh and here's a present!
  4. So if there is no affiliation, then how can MLG host a Halo 3 tournament? When 343i/Microsoft owns Halo?
  5. I don't think an MLG sort of thing could go down between 343i and MLG due to "strained factors" between the two. MLG dropped Halo 4 in 2012, and subsequently (from my knowledge) stopped playing Halo officially for nearly 2 years (but they just did a Halo 3 tournament in August). On the Halo Channel video at PAX there's a tab for "E Sports", and there's allot of competitive competitions between Pros at the big Halo Panels, so of course something like that is probably going down right now for the Master Chief Collection. And I've heard that 343i is like tight-nit with EGL (or whatever it's name is) instead of MLG. Now relating to Halo 4, there may be updates in the future that are specifically for E Sports. They haven't announced anything yet though about something like that happening.
  6. Soo... wait only 8 people can join your party in GTAV? I thought it was like 16 or something. Anyway I've received all the updates for V, and my internet has been renewed: So I should be good for the Event. If there's not a 8 players restriction, then sign me up baby!
  7. I don't think I'll be able to get an Xbox One or Destiny this month; if at all before the MCC. So currently I'm restricted to just old Halo on the 360.
  8. Well... duh lol why would the Mafia keep the original PM telling them they're Mafia? I thought that them using different PMs to communicate was like common knowledge or something. YOU of all people would know Caboose. You were a Mafian last game after all... even though you "supposedly" weren't active until near the end of the game (which I doubt). ...Mafian.
  9. Woah 20$ for 1 issue? That does seem like a rip-off. I just read the stuff online, BUT I'm planning to get the whole Escalation Bundle (or some other name I forget). It proves that 1: AT LEAST SOMEONE READS ESCALATION!!!! WHYY PEOPLE!! Oh and 2: Mafians read things
  10. caboose is mafia OK let's get our bearings together. Who here... has NOT read Halo: Escalation? I think that's an easy way to find out who, and who isn't Mafian.
  11. I want to like the post... ;_; Anyway heck yea I'm going to be playing Halo 3! Nice find btw Blake.
  12. The Armor I believe to be restricted to the H2A engine, which is a heavily modified original H2 engine. Technically this armor is new: like the new elements, audio/graphics etc that H2A contains. But I also attribute the armor sets to just aesthetic updates to the original Player Customization of Halo 2. It seems that individual armor pieces are not an option, and a single option consists of a whole armor system. Halo 2 had a system where armor could not be changed. Spartans had default MK6 while Elites had regular Recruit Armor, as well as the custom colors. Whether or not this is actually the case is speculation on my part, and I'm sure we'll find out more in the time before MCC is released.
  13. As the title says, a screenshot of Elite Armor from Halo 2: Anniversary has been revealed (seemingly from PAX, and courtesy of Halo4Nation). One of the variants closely resembles the classic Elite Armor seen in the older games (like CE, 2, and Halo Wars) and the other two (from my knowledge) are unknown variants. Also above the 3 sets (which I'm guessing there will be more) is the regular Armor Option, what seems to be a "Armor Type" option (for either Spartan or Elite races), and finally the Player Colors. It has been confirmed on numerous occasions that armor unlocked from previous games, along all other unlocks (including Ranks) WILL NOT carry over into the Master Chief Collection. It's a clean slate of course. Well... that's it. End of the show, thanks for watching, and all that. - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Halo4Nation http://halo4nation.com/master-chief-collection/halo-2-anniversary-elite-armor-screenshot/
  14. As the title says, a screenshot of Elite Armor from Halo 2: Anniversary has been revealed (seemingly from PAX, and courtesy of Halo4Nation). One of the variants closely resembles the classic Elite Armor seen in the older games (like CE, 2, and Halo Wars) and the other two (from my knowledge) are unknown variants. Also above the 3 sets (which I'm guessing there will be more) is the regular Armor Option, what seems to be a "Armor Type" option (for either Spartan or Elite races), and finally the Player Colors. It has been confirmed on numerous occasions that armor unlocked from previous games, along all other unlocks (including Ranks) WILL NOT carry over into the Master Chief Collection. It's a clean slate of course. Well... that's it. End of the show, thanks for watching, and all that. - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Halo4Nation http://halo4nation.com/master-chief-collection/halo-2-anniversary-elite-armor-screenshot/ View full article
  15. As the title says, a screenshot of Elite Armor from Halo 2: Anniversary has been revealed (seemingly from PAX, and courtesy of Halo4Nation). One of the variants closely resembles the classic Elite Armor seen in the older games (like CE, 2, and Halo Wars) and the other two (from my knowledge) are unknown variants. Also above the 3 sets (which I'm guessing there will be more) is the regular Armor Option, what seems to be a "Armor Type" option (for either Spartan or Elite races), and finally the Player Colors. UPDATE: Another Elite Armor screenshot has been revealed on Halo4Nation. It has been confirmed on numerous occasions that armor unlocked from previous games, along all other unlocks (including Ranks) WILL NOT carry over into the Master Chief Collection. It's a clean slate of course. Well... that's it. End of the show, thanks for watching, and all that. - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Halo4Nation http://halo4nation.com/master-chief-collection/halo-2-anniversary-elite-armor-screenshot/ http://halo4nation.com/master-chief-collection/halo-2-anniversary-elite-armor-screenshot/ This post has been promoted to an article
  16. The number of Mafians above me is too damn high!
  17. I reached my maximum like quota today but... YAAAAASS! Congratulations Blake, you deserved it!
  18. I freaking love that name man... Dreadnought... gawd it's amazing. Anyway welcome to the forums Dreadnought! You'll find a TON of people here who share your passion!
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