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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Alright I'll add you guys after I can get on a PC. As for the time... because of EKs event I don't know what I'll do. I don't want it too early on Sunday since most people wake up late/have to work during that time, and I don't want it too late on Sunday since people go to school the next day. The only other options would be to make the Event later on Saturday, or postpone it by another week.
  2. Saturday, September 6th, 5 pm EST, 10 pm GMT Converter: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc [the time is subject to change] I know, you're wondering how I'm going to do this... well here's my plan. 1: Say you're joining, and post your GT (if you don't have your GT below your name). I will then include you on the list. I don't care if you post things that have nothing to do with the Event on here, but please tell me if you can join beforehand before you do. 2: A few hours (maybe just an hour) before the actual time of the Event I will host a pre-party to screw around in. Send me a message, and I'll invite you. It is not mandatory to join the pre-party, so you can wait until the actual party starts, or a little after if you're a "late bloomer". If you can't join, please tell me, and I'll remove your name from the list and open a spot for joining. 3: When the time comes I will be lurking in the Shoutbox to invite people, and after everyone's in I will launch the game-night... and the shenanigans will begin! EDIT: If we only have 5 people until the actual game starts on Saturday, then we will go into Horde mode. Le Short Rules: - - - - - 1: Self Destruct - SelfDestruct217 2: Zaguroth - Zaguroth 3: Edward Kenway - VinWarrior 4: rrhuntington - EVOL SPARTAN II 5: Unease N3wsnut - Unease P34nut 6: 7: 8: 9: 10:
  3. I also think Locke should have an AI. I don't know who that AI is, so I'll go ahead and choose Roland. Roland is pretty funny, and I think it would kind of flip the dynamic of a Male Spartan-Female AI that I think most people would expect (because of Chief and Cortana). That's something that would add a little freshness without being too foreign. But who says he can only have 1 AI? What if Locke could use different AIs stationed on Infinity? OR somehow a system is created so 2 AIs can work in tandem on a single Data Chip.
  4. I must confess something... There's no food here. Tricked! Treated! Trolled! Heehaw haw! don't click this Anyway let's continue, shall we? My time as MoM is almost over. The torch will be passed and all that jazz, and MoM Destruct dies forever... but Self Destruct rises from them charred pinkish ashes. Thanks for putting up with me this month, and thanks to whoever chose me as MoM (I forget how it's determined actually), be it the Mods or Staff: I am eternally grateful. Thank you to the regular members as well: you guys are great! Finally, thanks to the Staff/Mods/Twam for keeping this place running for all us! It was fun while it lasted, but I know the mantle of MoM does not persevere forever. I wish the September MoM (and all future MoMs) good luck, and that he/she will be the greatest MoM yet! Lastly the MoM wish... it hasn't been granted (at least I don't think it has) but that's alright. Just getting the title of MoM was enough for me. c: And with that the Outtro comes to a close. Thanks for reading! Thanks, thanks, thanks, 2000x thanks. - - - - - I'll just leave this here... ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
  5. Halo 4 was successful, albeit not as much as previous games. + We are not 343i. You can attempt to contact them on the HaloWaypoint forums, or through Email (though I'm not sure which Email).
  6. The new Forge thingies - http://343i.org/2b5

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Really? Theater mode and I'll be good.

    2. Ash


      Wow.. I'm super pumped now ^.^

  7. The Event was a success (albeit with a horribly slow start), and I would like to thank the people who actually remembered to join the party!!
  8. Breh. There was a 3rd conceivable ending. We kick the Mafians booty. ...but a tragedy struck. We were stuck at 1 vote JL, and 1 vote Axilus... but HE came along. Ok I'm ending that sob story, but yeah we would have won if Yoshi had not come along and screwed UP THE VOTES! AGAIN! Yoshi. Hun. Please remove your vote. We were THIS close to winning. You don't want us to lose don't you?
  9. He literally just said DO NOT VOTE.
  10. Yoshi! Vote for Axilus Prime! Or whoever didn't even vote!
  11. 7 EST? That would be 12 AM for GMT, and I don't know if they would be up for that. I could move the Event further back, but I would have to have a unanimous approval for the new time (which I don't think I'll get till then) from the current Attendees.
  12. Wat are you people even doing??? VOTE BOTH AXILUS AND JL OUT.
  13. It's alright guys. There's always my next Event. UPDATE: Poll locked. Reach is now the game-to-go I also updated the topic with a banner (cool ain't it?)
  14. Like Cooliest posted, the Dynamic Element of Lockout was shown in the above video (I'm posting the rundown for those who can't watch the video). Each corresponding "Base" of Lockout has ice over-hanging above them. A Player on either side can shoot the ice above each Base, and huge chunks of it fall down and kill people underneath. And like Hoberman said, it can be disabled in Forge. I'm thinking it's just a Forge Object that is phased, or fixed into a position above the Bases, and it falls when shot at continuously (from my guess). UPDATE: An image of the loading screen for Lockdown has been revealed. Updated the topic accordingly.
  15. Delpen9 Caboose wasn't playing for most of the game (supposedly) and he ended up being Mafian. What sets Caboose and JL apart though is that JL has been moderately active in 5.0, while Caboose isn't (he's still a damn Mafian though). Caboose claims he didn't even know he was Mafian the whole game, but that seems like a tactic to make the Pro-Towns believe that inactive players can't be Mafia (which they most certainly can be). The "He can't be Mafian because he's inactive" argument is void. Even if Caboose didn't even know he was Mafia. And Yoshi I think it's apparent that either JL or Axilus is the Mafian (I'm leaning a little towards Axilus since he completely sidewinded my and Ledgend's evidence to prove he's guilty). But like I said the smart move would be to kill both JL and Axilus. Better safe then sorry. This is the quickest route to Pro-Town victory.
  16. It doesn't really matter if we (or the people left alive to be more exact) decide to kill you both this round. It would be the smart thing to do. The dumb thing to do would be to vote just 1 of you out. BUT, like you, I would like to see the evidence showing that Yoshi is the Medic. Not like it matters since the game is pretty much over anyway.
  17. + Civvies / Unconfirmed - Mafia Suspect list: Axilus Prime / OneOarInTheWater + Ignited Bullet / Blake Belladonna + There was no Mafian voted out that round, so the single Mafian... who is still alive... is either JL or Axilus. NOT TheSilverCenturion or Yoshi. Time to die. You and JL both.
  18. But... Busn is always right :c
  19. I'm innocent and I don't know who the Medic is. I love how everyone is attacking Axilus when JL can easily be the Mafian too. They wouldn't both be on that 1st lynch list for nothing. And I know I'll get "JL had proved himself to be Pro Town" or "JL isn't Mafia" comments. Did it ever occur to you that he could be playing you? JL is a pretty smart kid. Of all people here I think he could pull off being Mafia without anyone suspecting it. The safe route would be to lynch both Axilus and JL. Game over, Civvies win, Mafians suck, Mafia 6.0 begins shortly.
  20. Don't even try, Mafian. The jig is up.
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