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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Fuel Rod Cannon. You get more rounds, and it's just as devastating as a Rocket Launcher: if you use it right.
  2. Vaulting Frog stumbled around drunk on 4.0 and was always looking for his Scotch. lol
  3. Where is Mayhem anyway? He. Needs. To. Defend. His. HONOR!!
  4. Andrew Del Rio? Oh Butch I think you should repost the Riddle on every page. That way we don't have to go back. c:
  5. What is NASA's $ budget compared to the 60s?
  6. That's the exact same mindset I have for this, and Delpen9 just wants to completely disregard this like it's not a legitimate thing. The people who were not Mafian in 4.0 will probably be Mafain this game. HOMIES 4 LYFE
  7. Weapon sets ARE Loadouts. I covered this in my Gamescom Recap. In the meantime I'll explain that Weapon Sets are not as modified as Halo 4's and Reach's were. It's just a simple choosing of 3 different Loadouts: 1: Plasma Rifle 2x Stickies 2: Magnum 2x Frags 3: SMG 2x Frags And Frank on NeoGAF did damage control and said that there WILL BE equal starts for everyone in Halo 2 Anniversary. So that's basically saying the Weapon Sets probably won't show up in every gametype.
  8. It could be a Combat Bow or something. It could easily fit in. The problem is that if Halo implements a Bow, then people will go around saying we copied Crysis.
  9. I can say Delpen9 is mafia without playing either, but it still gives me as much merit as you do. The only "evidence" we can go off of is Oar's death and speculation inside this thread.
  10. Well Bnus quoted Mayhem too, and it says something entirety different. Bnus even replies to it accurately. Ya forgerer! YHE DIRECTOR IS MAFIA. HE WANTS TO RAKE MY FREEDOM!!!
  11. I want to be able to zoom out to view the whole map, and position my view as close to the ground as possible. I hate having to scroll everywhere when zooming out would've fixed it. I wanna see PVP, but the same way it's done in regular FPS MP. Like on Ragnarok you control one tower and deploy Spartans and etc. Also a game mode like Horde, or Firefight where you get like 3 bases and have to hold out for multiple waves. A potential boss could be Covenant Cruiser preparing to glass you. MAC Cannons. Those gigantic Railgun things from Halo Reach and 4. Promethean and Flood control (like Gears 3 Beast Mode). Lastly a bad guy Campaign to introduce the alternative factions to the player. OH and army customization like normal MP customization in the FPS Games.
  12. Damned dirty Mafians. They and all opposition in Anchorage will be crushed under the boot of Democracy! Delpheen... Delpheen I can see you Delpheen... I know you're Mafian Delpheen...
  13. Liberty Prime's directive: liberate Alaska from the Communist Invaders!
  14. I'll add you when I get on my PC. Mobile tends to screw up my topics if I edit them.
  15. Dangit... I thought I stumped you. Anyway. Is it possible for Humans to achieve Photosynthesis?
  16. Well yes, a mirror can reflect anything: including colors, but on a tiny scale... a mirror is green. And I think that AppleSupport Question thing is a fatal flaw in the system. I know my password, and Apple ID, so it should let me change my Security Questions: which it does not. If someone who was completely intolerant of this system came along I bet they would attempt to sue Apple. I wouldn't because that's a stupid thing to do... but it happens. And I bet they could get away with it too. Thanks for the reply though.
  17. Hello! Welcome to 343i Community Fan Forums! What particularly is your problem with the Spartan Ops mission?
  18. I had this exact same problem. But unlike what The Director has told you, AppleSupport could not fix the problem for me. The only way they could get it to work was for me to remember 1 of the 2 security question answers, and I could not. My dilemma started out with a regular Support Handler, and then went all the way up to a Manager. Even she did not know how to fix it. I bet if I had stayed there the problem would have gone even higher in the ranks. That 10$ is still gathering dust on my Apple ID. Anyway, Director, I have a question... Mirror glass is green, yes?
  19. What... what is this? Bread? Bread what is this? Pls?? Tell me bread?? This is absolute confirmation that the toast is Mafia. I mean look at that foil... no such creature besides a dastardly Mafian would use it to thwart Pro-Townian plans.
  20. So I guess it's just the waiting game for now. In the meantime I'll be pointing fingers at whoever looks corny and/or suspicious. 1: We have an army. 2: No one takes our land. 3: Fan Blades have more trust than Peanut Butter. 4: Why is this numbered? Why am I doing this? Who are you people!? Judging from that harrowing list (godspeed Gerald Ford) O can calculate that out of ALL the attendees here... Caboose is Mafia. Who cares if he's not in the game I'm telling you he is 100% Mafia. Maybe not now, but when he comes back he'll definitely be a mobster. Bwwwwweeeeeeeeeb. Last but not least... Delpen9 is mafia. And that is a full recap of Round 1 so far. Come back in 24 hours to hear the rest of the scoop. I commend the people who actually read that instead of skimming through... you're the real heroes.
  21. It's okay Steve. We know you and Blue have a relationship.
  22. I saaaaw eeet.... that makes you...
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