[the MoM banner is causing derpness within the thread, sorry]
This has been a loong time coming... and it's finally here (ala 666th post :spiteful: )
Sunday, August 17th, 2 pm EST, 7 pm GMT
[the time is subject to change]
[banner, and topic name will be changed to suite a game change]
I know, you're wondering how I'm going to do this... well here's my plan.
1: Say you're joining, and post your GT. I will then include you on the list. I don't care if you post things that have nothing to do with the Gamenight on here, but please tell me if you can join beforehand before you do.
2: A few hours (maybe just an hour) before the actual time of the playdate I will host a pre-party to screw around in. Send me a message, and I'll invite you. It is not mandatory to join the pre-party, so you can wait until the actual party starts, or a little after if you're a "late bloomer". If you can't join, please tell me, and I'll remove your name from the list and open a spot for joining.
3: When the time comes I will be lurking in the Shoutbox to invite people, and after everyone's in I will launch the game-night... and the shenanigans will begin!
The rules have been skimmed. Must read though:
- - - - -
Thanks to everyone who came!
Unease P34nut
Sub ZeroX7
Honorable mention to these dudes! They may not have made it, but they will always be in remembrance... *cue weird funeral music*
Edward Kenway
Ardent Prayer
Blake Belladonna
Butch Flowers
Ruby Rose