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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Didn't you see me switch votes to Caboose? If not then I switch my vote from Connor Kenway to Caboose the Ace. And seriously people... I really think you're all voting for a civie (Ledgend1221) and while he'll still be able to help he won't be able to vote: leaving the Mafia one step closer to winning. If you had sense you would vote for Caboose or Yoshi.
  2. I know that. I just dumbed out on my post earlier, and forgot about it. But since he's not in the Lynch list it's not important right now. When he shows up in a list next, then we focus on him. Caboose, Ledgend, and Yoshi seem like good guys, but 1 (or 2) of them is a Mafian. I might change my vote when I can muster up some more testaments from the Suspects. If I do... no hard feelings guys. :c Suspects: Yoshi1176 Ledgend1221 Connor Kenway Caboose the Ace I switch my vote from Connor Kenway to Caboose the Ace.
  3. I vote for Connor Kenway. He hasn't said much of anything the whole game.
  4. Woahman we already know. Anyway these shenanigans are getting pretty fierce. While I can think of some suspects, I reaaaaally think Frank is Mafia. If he's not then dammit.
  5. We're not 343i. Go to Waypoint and maybe they'll hear your plight. Sorry. Anyway I think this is a good idea. I always hated having to scroll through ALL my maps to find one, and even then the names were no help at all.
  6. You goin have an attendance list? Ohyea count Self Destruct in - SelfDestruct217
  7. That dude in the Leather Jacket down there is lookin fllllyyyyyyy.

  8. Dammit you aren't even a part of this!!!! But the P34nut.... NOOOOOOOOO!!!
  9. Ello Hitbox Arena! Welcome to the forum! *Turns, and yells at some crew members over yonder* GO SWAB THE POOP DECK YOU BILGE RATS!! Me treasure lay just beyond the waves!
  10. Cut me some slack, jack. Catch ya back on the rebound!

  11. I really think Art Depo, and Events should have different colors. I mean bright Green is free: 0
  12. Welp. Good to know I ain't no Mafia. That sucks Twin. Let's still hope we can win this.
  13. I have a question. What is the difference between the "Top 15" award (purple and brown) compared to the exceptional member award thing (Star on a stalk)? Is it for like top posting? It wasn't in the awards section.
  14. I plan on buying it after it releases. The pre-order bonuses, while cool and all, are only going to be exclusive for like a month.
  15. You know I actually have an interest for doing this sort of thing sometime. I know I probably don't have the best of "voice", but it would be pretty kewl to do some voice work for some indie games or something. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Isn't it randomly picked? Actually I also want to know what happens when people vote someone "out" on the suspect list. Do they die, or what?
  17. Hold up... what if Twinreaper is the detective?
  18. Can't you just buy a US version? I know shipping probably costs allot.
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