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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. I am changing my vote from Frankenzer to SiberianHuskyY.
  2. How many votes do we get? Oh and I vote Frankenzer.
  3. I already posted my proof. I'm not Mafia.
  4. Added some Music Vids to my page! Got the idea from Twinreaper :) - http://www.343industries.org/forum/user/72967-self-destruct/

  5. THE BREAD MAN IS MAFIA. Oh and can I request credentials from each of the "Supposed" civilians? Or just a PM to... scheme?
  6. I try to break the silence whenever I can. Sometimes though there is probably 4+ members in the Shoutbox with silence going on 10+ minutes, and I/or someone else have to go in there to break the ice... I don't care what the conversation is about, I just randomly go in, and start saying things.
  7. Are there going to be more Ninjas vs the Forum or not? If not then that Award ceases to be of use.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      No more... For now.

  8. Prruuuf? You want prrruuf?? HERE IT ISS.
  9. I didn't get a PM, and if you want proof then I'll post it later. I have to go to the Dentist in 4 hours, so I have to get ready.
  10. I think we should continue making the map we have now. And 10 item/deletes sounds good. I also vote yes for another map poll.
  11. What the heck come after 6?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Delpen9


      A question mark.

    3. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      6 comes after 6, followed by another one = 666

    4. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      An infinite amount of numbers that aren't 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.

  12. JL You ragamuffin, I ain't sending you squat!
  13. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Here's a progress piece of a FuD drawing requested by le SiberianHuskyY himself.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram, Self Destruct-anator Tator Creator

  14. Bye man. Hope things turn for the best for you.
  15. I'm sorry to say that we are not 343i. We really need something more to tell new members that we are not affiliated with them. Now onto you're request for 1-50: in an interview I think with either IGN, or Gamespot, Frank O'Connor or Dan Ayoub stated that people who loved the Halo 2 ranking should be pleased with the new ranking. I don't know if it's true Halo 2 Ranking, but I can hope it'll be like it. Oh, and welcome to the forum!
  16. This is reaaaally hard to read, but you still have a good idea going here! I can see Forge being set on a different disc then Campaign, and MP cause for 1: That reduces the stress the main game has to go through with it on the disc, and 2: We can now have more room on a stand-alone disc for more content. BUT There are problems with this. If Halo were to go the "separate disc" way for MP, and Campaign it would be annoying to constantly have to switch discs to play each mode. For Xbox One it wouldn't be much of a problem seeing it can already handle a crapload more than the 360, but for the 360 it would be an annoyance. I think the best way would be to go the ODST way, and include it in a "Full Multiplayer Experience" disc that's lacking Campaign. This way you can play Theater, Forge, and MP/Matchmaking without having to switch discs. Now for Forge to actually be sold as a separate entity.... that would be tricky. If you only have Forge, then you're lacking Custom Games, and Theater to actually test the maps you've made. I mean it would work if it was just like a 5$ thing that you could buy, but still have Forge in the regular Halo games. That way people don't think they NEED to spend more money for something that could have already been in the game to begin with. Better yet all these additions, and content you listed could probably be included in a Future Halo game without the hassle. But the logic behind ODST's Full Mp Experience is strange as well. They could have just included a modified Halo 3 that has all the DLC maps, so people can enjoy both Halo 3's campaign, and ODST's.
  17. Yep, you pretty much sum it up for me. I don't really have much to add... well what about the gel layer impact by the Spartan armor? I haven't seen any information relating to impact resistance by GEN2 armor, but judging by how more advanced it is it's most likely to be be nearly on-par with GEN1. This may be completely irrelevant, but I'm prone to going off on a limb like that. lol For the most part, I've seen 5 different impacts in the games. There may be more though. 1. In Reach where Noble 6 was thrown from a Corvette, and landed on Reach. From the looks of things he sustained minimal damage besides a limp (maybe some other things as well), but by the time he enters New Alexandria he's fine. 2. In Halo 2, where Chief lands on the... ship thing (The Frigate's name escapes me) after arming the Covenant bomb. He acts perfectly fine after that. 3. In Halo 3, where Chief breaks off from the Forerunner Dreadnought, and crashes into an African jungle. From a concept art (and I think in game) it looks like Chief used a piece of metal to either A: Attempt to lessen the heat from entering orbit, or B: Actually using it as both a shield against the heat, and then again when landing. Unlike Noble 6, who's suit didn't lock up (from my knowledge), Chief's did. Presumably he was knocked out, but after his suit was unlocked he got up without any sign of fatigue. This does not mean he didn't sustain damage that we didn't see though. 4. In Halo 4, where after falling away from the FuD, he hits a piece of Ship Junk, and then proceeds to crash into Requiem's inner planet. From the look of it he got knocked out, but quickly got up like nothing happened. 5. Again in Halo 4. This time after the Didact was released. When the inner beacon/core/thing started to become unstable, he decide to jump for it, and land on the inner shell of the Planet (from what I remember). This time though you can see the impact actually caused a huge crater. Chief get's knocked out, but get's up afterward acting pretty normal. Judging from these examples, and you're analysis of the Spartan IV armor, I think it's safe to say that GEN2 armor could probably hold up against a heavy impact. (sorry if some of this makes 0 sense, or if I sound like I disregard information you just posted. I tend to make things complicated real quick). Welcome to the forums by the way!
  18. Stinkles (Frankie) on NeoGaf actually said this. I saw the post like a week ago, but I decided not to make a topic on it since I didn't think it was significant enough to use. He pretty much says that the MP will most definitely be 1080p, but the Campaign might run below that; but he says that they are trying to overcome that hurdle. I'll try to get the link to the post for you.
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