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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Found a post on Waypoint about the same thing I assume: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/6e35355aecdf4fd0acdaee3cc4156fd4/topics/eden-s-barrels-d/55fdedf4-efb7-454a-9df1-1f17a0bbfff5/posts?page=1 I haven't played Halo 5 in a while, but I think this could either be: An intentional map hazard, and nothing more. An Easter Egg on the map, or part of an elaborate method to get to the map's true Easter Egg (like the giant worm on The Rig). Leftovers from the development of the map, and not a true Easter Egg. Could you provide a screenshot or video of them?
  2. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 44. - 'Consoles' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. This week we have a something-something, blah blah Halo Anniversary Grand-Tier Poll... The 15th Anniversary of Halo is approaching (November 15th), so to commemorate this I'd like to hear some of your best or worst Halo memories. Also, what are your thoughts on the state of Halo? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!.
  3. That's if Halo 6 isn't too powerful for it to handle split-screen. Then we'd be back where we started.
  4. Banned because your shallow accusations won't stop me from continuing to be the night.
  5. If you choke a Smurf what color does it turn?
  6. Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 43 - 'Worst Horror/Scary Games' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. I'm knee-deep in some pretty labor-intensive crap (at least for me) rn, so I haven't had time to do another Site Poll since the last one. Gonna have to step up and get to work, or change the name to something like "Occasional Site Poll-". :C This week it's.... I got nothing, Consoles. Spoiler alert. What is your opinion on new consoles like the PS4 Pro, Project Scorpio, or Nintendo Switch? Also, what SHOULD console companies be doing that they're not doing right now? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!.
  7. 8/10 Biologists agree, SD is gr8est host. Also, I've got the graphics for the game just laying around in my files, so if anyone wants em give me a holler. Nah it's here. It's just totally inactive.
    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      This made my week SD! Thanks for sharing. Lord Beerus sure nails table conversations!

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      *Still laughing at this*

  8. Played the demo too, though I don't think it was worth playing through other than to see a few new game mechanics. I've got quite a few gripes, but I will acknowledge that since this is a demo (and that Pokemon likes to naturally throw logic out of the window) quite a few things will not make any sense. SPOILERS: So yeah, that's all I could think about the Demo. Other thoughts coming soon.
  9. And now Trump is in office! don't hurt me Oh yeah, I wanted to let everyone know that this is my last Mafia game that I'll host. I know that I had Mafia Party declared to be a thing a few months ago, but I began to realize that I may not be able to make it a reality. I already had trouble getting Scenes up in this game (I know waiting times were reaaally long, I appreciate everyone being patient with me), so to orchestrate things similar to a classic Mario Party game would be nigh impossible without expecting extremely long waiting times. The worst thing I feel I can do to someone is make them wait. In an ideal world where I can spend all my time doing nothing but Mafia, Mafia Party would be a thing. But I cannot, I just don't have the time anymore. Sowwy. :C Anyway, thank you all for playing my games! It's been a real pleasure bringing good 'ol backdoor shady deals to a PM near you. I'll still thrash in everyone else's games though to be sure. And I might be able to help out with graphics, or feedback for your games if you request it.
  10. The Mafia 22.0 Endgame in the form of a Halloween Spooktacular! - http://343i.org/3ha

  11. Round Links: Execution: Everyone dead. The End. Why, you ask? Well I could tell you but it'd take a mountain of text to explain it all. There was a spooky dungeon, a few demonic chants, quite a bit of blooshed, and allot of Townies getting discombobulated... Oh yeah, and that thingy above ^ is rrhunt in horrific abomination form after the Don transformed him using his black magic. Kakashi, you ask? Black magic, you ask? Red text, you ask? Can you stop asking me things?? OK fine I'll explain. It was a dark and stormy night... A scrublord campfire story? What do you take me for, a pansy? No, this is a REAL scary story. AKA M L P but irl. Get it? Stop pestering me and let me continue or get the hell out! Ok, as I was saying, it was a dark and stormy night... and allllll through the house... Not a creature was stirring: not even a... What? Wrong holiday? No you're mistaken, I was in the middle of quoting A Visit From Sinister Claws you dingus! YOU'RE RUINING MY STORY! Let. Me. Tell. The. Story. Geez... Anyway... Twas' the night before Halloween... Or is it the night of Halloween? The day of Halloween? Idk whatever. Moving on: and alll through the house... Not a creature was stirring... except rrhuntington who was in the middle of not dying at the hands of a monster that hasn't been seen at all this entire movie, but we have a good idea of it's appearance. We saw it's leg for a half-second, so now we're all experts on it's looks, it's behavior, it's diet, it's smoking habits: the works. But let me fill you in on a little secret: it's not really a monster, but just a figment of rrhunt's imagination. Twisted, huh? I honestly didn't believe that crackpot theory meself! Anyhoo, rrhunt tripped over a log, and did a barrel roll like any airborne object does, and crashed into a tree that let out A SPOOKY SCREAM- AAAAAAHHHHHHH! ... Hm? Oh yeah that tree has a good set of lungs huh... ME scream? Nah, no way! I'm not THAT scared... OK , I got scared by my own story... I'm not immune to this you know! I mean really, it's just a stupid tree right? A tree that... screamed... No big dealio. Anyway, back in rrhuntingtonland, rrhunt's face was embedded in the tree he had collided with around an hour ago. The monster was practically chewing on rrhunt's heels at this point, and why it did not try to kill rrhunt while he was knocked out is beyond me... The thing became a little too rough, and rrhunt awoke as it sunk it's fangs into his foot. He jumped, ran up the treetrunk like an expert Shinobi, and did a 530-degree frontflip over the creature directly into a patch of Razor Grass. The man decided the best course of action would be to not die any further by running away... Classic approach, works every time. Except this time rrhunt could only make it 5 feet before what's-his'face nabbed the rrhurt, and drug him into an alternate dimension of nightmarish forms, and disturbing imagery too graphic for my audience's eyes, but I'll still tell you about it anyway. Down a corridor rrhunt was dragged, and before him passed multiple cells as if he was in some kind of prison. In each cell was a singular inhabitant. Sometimes they're people, and sometimes they're... other things. Unexplainable things. Things that looked far from Human, but were imprisoned anyway. Their bodies looked tortured, and twisted into shapes not imaginable for any mere Human... One of them was a fascinated Nigel Thornberry of The Wild Thornberrys, who was completely enthralled by a pile of green goo in the corner... Yeah, really unexplainable, huh? rrhunt had an inkling that his fate held similar traits to the condemned, and resolved to be the one to define his own destiny... OK, pause. Good story right? It's gettin' REAL good! Like, good enough to not pee your pants over, but still enough to hold it's own as a story, right? I know, I think so too. Though it's kinda short... Huh? Oh yeah I'm writing it, of course: let me continue- rrhunt grabbed an iron bar during his transport, and prepared to strike his captor across it's thigh with the makeshift weapon. As rrhunt readied his swinging arm a ray of sunshine shone in from somewhere, and illuminated rrhunt's face - his long, flowing locks of hair whipped about in the wind, and his muscles bulged as he- OK, that's a tad too far. Let's just say that rrhunt's plan naturally didn't work, and now he's in slumber land. The only thing I could think of is that Le Meastro (what I'm calling rrhunt's captor) backhanded rrhunt before he could pack a wallop on it, and knocked him out cold. Now the story has suddenly shifted for no reason, so don't go trying to explain it with your headcanon thing that you do. Just let it happen... rrhunt snorted, and let out a fart as a loud siren emanated from it's source like, halfway across the stadium. He looked up to see that he was in a large arena... He wondered why for a moment before remembering that he had bought tickets to a show there a couple days back... What exactly that show was he failed to comprehend... He tried his best to recover his memory as he scanned down to see what the loud banging noises were... Queue point-of-view swap: Frankenzer was stuck in a moral quandary. Should he do a running lariat against a subdued Orlando, or put in a little more effort with a tryhard roundhouse kick to his face... Like directly in between his eyes with his cleats? Either way, Orlando didn't give a rat's arse, and was waiting for Frank to finish him off already. Caboose The Ace's humongous bicep and forearm were practically strangling him, and it was hard to count his unhatched chickens with the imbecile breathing garlic breath all over him. Cabus had Orlando trapped in a headlock in the middle of a large wrestling ring with Frankenzer standing a ways away near a net wall. Around them cheered the entire populace of Pro-Town, all of which were demanding Frank lay the finishing blow on Orlando. Apparently this bizarre scene began as a tag-team exhibition match consisting of Frankenzer & Caboose The Ace vs. a vain Orlando & BATMAN, and then quickly devolved into a free-for-all. The first three mentioned above were clearly present in the middle of their conflict on the show-floor, but BATMAN was nowhere to be seen. Frank had a eureka... He flew backward into the net, and jumped forward into a sprint. He proceeded to do a cartwheel which quickly progressed into a sawblade spin, dip down and glitch through the map, seemingly vanish for a few seconds, and then unexpectedly erupt out of the ground like a land shark. He lunged at Orlando - supercharged by the hilarious power boost gained by breaking the game - and then did an aerial barrel roll before splattering the poor man with his crusty crab claws like a tomato thrown against a wall. Unfortunately for Frank the barrel roll he did while wearing the VR Headset completely twisted his spine, and he immediately died after delivering the killing blow to Orlando. A slightly startled Cabus - drenched head-to-toe in blood and guts - could only utter something about there not being any noodles to eat his spaghetti with. Then he remembered that he IS a bowl of spaghetti, and quickly commenced preparing himself for dinner. Before he could dig in a giant flying, screeching monster swooped in from the ceiling, and swiftly ripped Cabus to shreds to turn him into REAL spaghetti. The only person to actually acknowledge anything that just happened was some dude fully clad in blue body armor sitting way up in the stands - he screamed like a giddy schoolgirl before passing out from his excitement... OH wait he's actually dead now, nevermind. Looks like he screamed himself to death. May Church finally rest in piece... After a few more seconds of dumbfounded silence, the Townies erupted into a cheer, and praised BATMAN's unexpected victory. She raised the World Championship Belt into the air to elation of the masses. However, she activated Frankenzer's Trap Card, and he unleashed Mirror Force upon the frightened BAETMAN even though she didn't even attack him during her Battle Phase... BATMAN had no choice but to use her only Trap Jammer she had in her entire arsenal, and she totally negated Mirror Force like the scrub card it was. Frankenzer said something close to, "We'll see about that!", before going into detail about his favorite card Pot of Greed... After he drew 2 cards like any good Pot of Greed pro does, he proceeded to attack BATMAN directly with his Kuriboh... But she activated A Hero Emerges, and forced Frank to choose 1 card from her hand??? Suddenly, two humongous doors blasted open in a walkway in between the stands, and to everyone's shock a new contender approached: IT'S THE ELEMENTAL HERO HAXILUS CRIME??? rrhuntington's memory was starting to come back... This was an event he had gone to years ago back when the Townies and Mafia were more like disgruntled rivals rather than vengeful and/or murderous opponents... How or why he was recalling these events was unclear to him, but rather than trying to uncover the truth he decided to just go with the flow, and let the dream continue. He quickly spied at the spot between his legs to see a massive bowl of popcorn placed there: just like it had been back in the day... rrhunt grabbed a handful of popcorn, and chowed down as the titans clashed. Axilus, in total insubordination, fired his laser at BATMAN, but missed, and accidentally set Yang Xyz Long on fire. As Mr. Kittens and Gibberish and Melody tried their best not to combust as well due to being within the general vicinity of the flailing Yang (and not wanting to give up their seats), rrhunt chuckled, and continued enjoying the show. He downed another bowl of corn, and looked on as the Maefia Bros. busted into the room like Axilus did, but this time blowing a hole in the wall right beside the open doorway to enter. Delpen9, and Composite Armour strolled in carrying giant clubs - they were both wearing cavemen attire which was somehow similar to plumbers for some reason... They called out Axilus specifically, and said his Jailkeeper days are over. Axilus had no idea what they were on about, said something about rolling out, and revealed twin Energon Blades from his forearms. The brawl was now too ridiculous for the commentators to follow, and they both struggled to maintain their composure. One of them, Wam, noticed that the other was Drizzy_Dan despite having sat there together for hours, and without hesitation he grabbed him, and pulled him out of the observation deck high above. Wam and Drizzy both crashed into the stage at Mach 10, and as they began a silly slap fight BATMAN did a running backflip over the crater they were in, and kicked Delpen9 down - standing on his back like a skateboard, and sliding across the stage. The viewers in the stands were also now in on the brawl, and squabbled over the ownership of the best seats even though there's like hundreds of them totally vacant... Mr. Kittens had enough of Melody's trash talking, and decided to take out the trash: He did a handstand, fell over, and approached Melody as if he had pulled off some amazing maneuver worthy of cheer. Melody snorted, and with a heave-ho she pounced onto Kittens, and proceeded to gouge his eyes out with her enormous Buzzard talons. Then out of nowhere Yang barreled into the duo, and with him came a massive tsunami... of flame since he was still on fire... The war between land, sea, and sky then began as it was chronicled in the scrolls, though Yang wasn't actually that much of a part of it since he was busy running around screaming his lungs out due to being in agonizing pain. rrhunt was beside himself. He wooed at every jab, and yelled upon every takedown. The pandemonium in the ring, and the ensuing rumble outside of it was like a dream come true - especially since the ones who caused him so much trouble were now getting the snot beaten out of them. Although the commotion appeared to be in good jest for a time, it slowly dawned just how primal and gruesome it really was. Orlando punched Axilus on his metallic thigh, and cried out as his knuckles were disintegrated. He doubled over in pain, and was horrified when Axilus bent down, grabbed his arm, and twisted it back until his humerus snapped in two. Orlando's screams were like nails on a chalkboard, and his voice began to fail as he was lifted into the air, and crushed by Axilus between his palms... Slowly... Painfully... Like a man trapped in a tomb with walls that crept in ever closer until the person was nothing but a thin film in between the cracks. The level of horrendous violence was rising all across the stadium: Drizzy was on top of Wam, peeling the flesh off his back as he roared... BATMAN was brutalizing Frankenzer, to the point where his body was nothing but a mass of broken bones and meat... Yang's skull was exposed, and his skin dripped off as life left him. But before he could leave this world Melody kicked his face in (having herself eliminated Mr. Kittens), and his entire skull imploded... rrhuntington's jaw was agape, and his disbelief could not be suspended. No longer did he indulge in the suffering of others: he was far too distraught at the sight of such hatred... He did remember things getting really heated in the original turn of events, but definitely not to this degree... He jumped up with intent to flee from the stadium like he did originally when he was halted by something firmly anchoring him by his left ankle. Laying on his belly underneath the seats was Church - both his wrinkly, necrotic hands wrapped around rrhunt's leg. Although Church had "died" just under 30 minutes ago, it appears his body was far more decayed than it should've been at this time... The corpse appears to have crawled out of it's grave, and chunks of it were scattered about behind it: indicating it had drug itself to rrhunt's abandoned nest... Church cranked his head upward, and loud crackling could be heard emanating from his stiff neck. As he spread his maw to speak a cloud of dust and airborne dead cells emerged, and dissipated. With it came the stench of putrid decay, a scent only manifesting itself to rrhunt just now... Church's voice was weak, but was loud enough to speak over the war: "W-Where did we... Where did we go wrong?" "I-I don't know I-" "We're ALL DEAD... I've been burning for so long... In the fire where th-they've been TORTURING us... Oh god, the pain, the PAIN!" "I'm sorry, Church, I tried to save y-you and-" Church let out a cackle. He beamed ugly thorns from his mouth - shards that used to be as glossy as pearls, but now weathered down into thin, menacing shapes, "Save us? SAVE US? HAHAHA-", Church leaped, and grabbed rrhunt by his shirt collar. He tried to shove the condemned away, but it only served to empower the reanimated. Church blinked, and rrhunt saw that the man had had his eyes removed. Thick metal rods could be seen winding around within the sockets... "Ohhhh you tried to save us! HA! If you HAD saved us we wouldn't all be dead, would we?? I wouldn't of had my legs boiled... No otherworldly worms to burrow deep into my brain! No needles stuck underneath my nails! Your words mean NOTHING to me now!" "What do you expect me to do then, huh??" Church leaned in close, close enough for his aura of dying skin to begin coating rrhunt like smoke grime on surfaces, "We've been damned... Doomed a fate worse than death... And if we can't have rest then YOU shall not have it either! YOU'RE GOING TO BURN ALONG WITH THE REST OF THEM, HAHAHAHAHHA-" "GET OFF OF ME!", rrhunt tried to kick Church, but as his foot connected with the cadaver it did nothing but pass through. Church suddenly vanished in a large vapor, and evaporated as if he had never been there in the first place. rrhuntington turned back to the stage in terror, knowing that what he would see would fracture his psyche forever... The entire stadium was now bathed in an ominous red light, and blood was smeared all across the stage, and the area surrounding it. Entities that resembled persons who had been at each others throats before were now wandering about, or continuing to tear into each others flesh... But among them stood grotesque creatures that could not have descended from any kind of Human that had been there... Silhouettes of malevolent beings dancing about the vast room flickered over all, but their point of origin could not be found... Their shadows were darker than the darkest night, and their laughter induced ultimate fear... ... Ahhhh? Was it scary? It was totally scary, wasn't it? I mean look at my hands, they're shaking! OhhhhhhOOOOHHHhhhhhOHHH! Spooky, huh?? Ok that's enough of that. Long story short: rrhunt the Civilian dies, Kakashi the Don is evil incarnate, red text means evil, Drizzy_Dan the Spy's a doofus Igor to Kakashi's Frankenstein, and everyone lived happily ever after deep within the dark recesses of Hell... in eternal suffering. Good eats, huh? The Mafians win Mafia 22.0! Congratulations! Thanks for playing, and Happy Halloween! Final Player List: Final Role Status:
  12. Damn, nice digs. Oh hi btw. Welcome to le thrashing grounds.
  13. Round Links: Lynch: Wam took one good look at Drizzy_Dan like he has always done, and then unleashed a flurry of quick jabs to the back of the poor soul's head with his strength amplified by black knuckle-dusters bathed in the blood of ten-thousand slain Demons accrued over the eons, and conjured straight from the eternal pit of despair where Drizzy's going next. However, it appears that this extreme turn of events didn't actually happen, and that Wam had actually been staring daggers at an unaware Drizzy for something like 40 minutes now. Wam himself didn't really know why, but he sensed something especially off today with Drizzles. During Wam's murder fantasy daydream, the survivors were all in the midst of a presidential debate, except whoever's getting elected is going to become a delicious pastry via Wam's black magic, and the only one wanting this position was a VERY competitive Kakashi_Hatake. Why? How the hell do I know?? Oh wait I remember now, it's because of [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] oh and [REDACTED] plus [REDACTED] wait [REDACTED] What is [REDACTED] STAAA [REDACTED]. ...OK I think it's over now. They didn't want me telling you about [REDACTED], so I guess I'll just have to move on until later on in this same post where I actually get to tell you. Anyhoo, the debate was getting heated so Drizzy turned on the air-conditioner. rrhuntington claimed that the only one who could've offed Yang Xaeiou Long last night would have to have been Kakashi. Why, you ask? Because he swears he SAW Kakashi teleport into the Black Hawk after Melody was atomized a couple weeks ago, and no one was standing even remotely close to Yang inside the Tribunal Chamber when he was turned into a silly skeleton prop. If Kit-katshi indeed had the ability to teleport, he could've jumped to Yang's location, murdered him, and then quickly returned to his original spot. Kakashi tried his best not to laugh, and scoffed at such an absurd accusation. Teleportation? Seriously? Pro-Town barely had enough budget to have fully functioning plumbing even BEFORE they all left the mainland on the dredger, so how could Kakashi have mustered the resources, and manpower to even begin constructing such an advanced construct? Contrarily, Kakashi decided to throw a bone to rrhunt by stating that he knew HOW to make one, but just didn't have the wealth to make it a reality. Drizzy lowkey handed rrhunt a Burn Heal, and then wandered off somewhere. rrhurt was getting sick of these games, and knew that Kakashi is guilty. He also suspected the hapless Wam's involvement in many-a-Execution for some time now despite being the one who finished off the Juggernaut. His usage of black magic reeked of suspicion, and it's possible that the strange teleportation technique he saw Kakashi use briefly could have actually been a result of magic usage rather than pure technology (cus you know, whenever you can't explain something with real-world knowledge you immediately call it magic, amirite? I am, thnx). This does not even bring into account the absolute nuisance Wam had been to Pro-Town from the get-go... Though this could be explained as the black magic Wam's forever bound to slowly degrading Wam's psyche over time, and the fact that he's survived for this long is a Christmas miracle in Halloween... But nobody talks about that. The room was now going on 100 degrees, so Drizzy opened up a few windows to let some cool air in from the extreme sauna outside, which could be seen initiating spontaneous combustion of some palm trees. Beads of sweat ran down his face as Drizzy got a large cup of water and ice out of the fridge absentmindedly, and poured the entire thing over his head to cool himself down. However, he forgot that they didn't actually have a fridge, and the water he extracted had actually come from a giant cauldron full of boiling water used to purify local seawater. As Drizzy's face melted off he ran around the Tribunal Chamber screaming his lungs out. Wam stuck out his leg as Drizzlith made his fourth lap, and caused the singed man to fly into the middle of the room, and faceplant into some jagged rocks in a small pit in the middle of the Designated Judgement Zone. rrhunt and Kakashi were briefly disturbed by the sound of shattering glass and gibbon howling before returning to their argument. Wam had a good laugh, and then hobbled over to Drizzy to help him up before healing him. However, as he got closer he saw a confusing sight: Drizzy's skin was peeling off in large chunks, but underneath was... just another face. A red face to be sure, but still a face... Like Red Skull, but without an actual skull-like structure and total lack of nose... Like Red Hulk, but less muscly, and more puny and wimpy... Like Two-Face but without the extra face... Like Scarface but without the wooden face... Kinda like [REDACTED] but without the [REDACTED]... Like-OK, I'll quit. -But not just any face: a face void of any burn brought on by the scalding water. In that moment Wam knew Drizzy's true identity, and before anyone could intervene he readied a spell... He had known something was horribly wrong with Drizzy from the moment he saw him... The ugly, green wool sweater... Those stupid loafers Drizzy calls shoes... The overbearingly nice behavior... The large, obviously drawn with a couple sharpies, grin across his face... Something was always preventing Wam from seeing further... But now he knew what the cause of it was: He made a mental note to schedule an appointment with an Eye Doctor to get a new pair of glasses. Oh, and to utterly destroy the other magic user who has been manipulating Wam from the shadows this whole time... rrhunt smelled something like a welding odor, and looked down to see Wam grasping a ball of green energy, and hunched over a cowering Drizzy - himself unable to speak due to his vocal cords being severely burned. Also, curiously his loafers were engulfed in flames. "Oi, Wham!? What do'ya thonk yeure dooin', mate??" *Incomprehensible fast mumbling seemingly made by multiple persons, and resembling some kind of obscure, tribal chant...* "What doo'yah meen he's arr Mafiahh??" *Some clicking noises, and firecrackers popping...* "Nouh! I wunt letcha' keel'em, Wham!" *The sound of leaves rustling angrily...* Wam, and rrhunt both raise their arms in the air, and loudly grunted as they circled one another as monkeys tend to do. Kakashi, leaning on his podium, appears to be unfazed by this strange turn of events. He looks onward as the two numskulls try to reason with the other, and displays no apparent volition in trying to diffuse the situation. The only indication that this is affecting him at all is a slight grin slowly forming across his maw... Drizzy's entire body was steaming at this point, and any competent observer could see that he's drowning in his own hot blood infused with Ghost-Pepper juice. The last straw broke between Wam and rrhunt as Drizzy began to melt his way to the Earth's core, except this process is painstakingly slow, and that he's only made it a few inches into the dirt. Wam tried to shake off rrhunt to get a clear shot at the sinking Drizzy, but kept being obstructed. Wam tried one last slam dunk, but was denied by the opposing team's MVP, rrhunt. Finally achieving maximum roadrage status, Wam willed himself into the powerful Satsui no Hado state, and did a devastating flying jump kick to rrhunt's left ankle right before body slamming him into the same rocks Drizzy was currently burrowing through. Before rrhunt could recover Wam readied his magic missile, and fired three rounds of green plasma at the incapacitated Drizzy, who could only muster an audible gargle... But none of them landed. Drizzy opened his only good, non-jellyfied eye to see rrhunt shielding him, and also holding up one of the silvery stones they were laying on. Wam stood before them glowing with a green and red aura that quickly began to pulsate - his face frozen in a horrified expression. Turns out rrhunt managed to deflect the blasts back at Wam using a reflective stone he had cherry-picked from the pit below. Wam's current condition was evident that the magic had some negative affect on him, and this was made even more clear as his aura grew... Silly String shot out of Wam's nostrils, and Party Poppers exploded as reality began to bend in the close proximity to the increasingly insane witchdoctor. rrhunt threw Drizzy's left arm over his shoulder, and began to haul him away from the green area surrounding the comatose Wam. Rather annoyingly the sandcastle around them began to crumble, and the survivors had no choice but to vacate the premises ahead of it's demolition. As the distance between them and the destabilized Wam grew further so did Kakashi's grin... He smoothly held out a cigar, and set it alight with a lighter engraved with a flame motif as the group halted at their former beachhead where the sandcastle originally stood. How, or why it was moved deep into the jungle is a question best left unanswered (total cop-out, I know. Deal with it)... The last 3 Townies looked behind them into the forest, and watched in awe as a mighty green bubble rose high into the atmosphere. Merely a second after this transpired a violent shockwave blasted the trio far back onto the beach - nearly into the water - and crippled all their senses for a moment. The earth trembled, and shook from the eruption - small brimstone rained down from the heavens for a couple minutes before subsiding. Soon after this the quake halted, and the island was returned back to it's natural state. However, a massive plume of green smoke stood far beyond the clouds, and possibly deep into the outer atmosphere just before the threshold to space. After the Townies regained their composure, they returned to ground zero (which is probably still covered in fatal radiation) to see what had become of the land there. To their shock they saw a mighty toaster strudel surrounded by a crater at least half a mile wide just sitting there within, and still radiating intense heat. If Wam was powerful enough to do this while going mad rrhunt didn't want to know what he could've been capable of had he been sane... rrhuntington turned around, and held up his arm to assist Drizzy once more... but found that both Drizzy and Kakashi were nowhere to be found... He hollered out into the wilderness for a response, wondering if they were playing some kind of sick trick on him. The only thing he received was deafening silence... rrhunt doubled back to see if they were still near the crater to yet again find nothing. Holding onto the belief that they had returned to the beachhead, rrhunt waded into the forest - he failed to notice the rock he had used to counter Wam fall out of his pocket onto the forest floor... A short while after he had begun retracing his steps - a mile at least - it appeared that he was still not getting any closer to the beach... rrhunt was now slightly anxious. He knew there was still a long time before nightfall, but still wanted to get out of there as fast as possible... Something unsettling about the place was making his hair stand on end... As he passed a palm coated with damp moss he heard a nearly inaudible cough from behind him. He twisted around to find it's source, and scanned every possible place it could've come from... but... gleaned nothing... He contemplated calling out once again, but stopped himself - the strange quietness of the wilderness began to upset rrhunt. With a troubled expression he turned to face the same tree that the misty moss was attached to... But hanging upon a stray branch on it's side was the rock rrhunt had accidentally dropped earlier. Perplexed, he plucked it from it's perch, and examined it further... His face became grim upon turning the stone over completely: all across it's bottom was a thick layer of bloody skin. A low, animal-like grunt blurted out somewhere behind rrhunt... He did not try to find it's source this time, and instead began sprinting as fast as he could to anywhere but there. Strange noises increased in number in rrhunt's long wake, and the sound of oscillating, echoing laughter a ways away began to ensue. What sounded like a combination of children chanting, and a demonic low roar steadily rose in level. rrhuntington stopped, and hid in a large gap of exposed earth underneath a tree-trunk. His eyes welled as whatever was afoot pursuing him was soon to bear down on him... Wam, Civilian, transformed into a colossal toaster strudel. You have a bunch of hours until the Mafia 22.0 ENDGAME! Player List: Role Status:
  14. Srry babies, had a bad case of the flu over the weekend. Couldn't do jack with my nose acting as a makeshift fire-hydrant up until only a few hours ago. I'll get on le Lynch as soon as I can. C:
  15. Round Links: Execution: The Tribunal lasted a mere half-hour before things went to hell in a hand-basket again. The lights shut off out of nowhere, and a loud scuffle commenced within the designated judgement zone in the middle of the room. After a brief moment of silence there was a blood-curdling scream, and then a loud "PLOP!"... The lights flickered, and re-illuminated the room as it was before. To everyone's horror before them on the floor was some skeleton Halloween decoration wearing a witch's hat, and grasping a broomstick... and to the right of this was a large mass of... something fleshy. Wam poked the remains for a full minute before deducing that Yang had somehow been scared out of his skin! Nobody believed him of course, and they themselves came to the conclusion that Yang had been kidnapped by a roaming band of wild boars, and drug off into the forest to be eaten alive. Despite how ludicrous this sounded, Wam agreed wholeheartedly without disputing it. Totally spooked and not wanting to even remotely try and split up to find clues (everyone knows how THAT ends), everyone did a lazy salute to the fallen without even attempting to see if Yang was still alive somewhere, and rrhuntington quickly hauled the blob of flesh out back to the dumpster before the imaginary creepy-crawlies could nab him. The skeleton however was strung up in the courtroom to increase the spooky-factor by a factor of 400... Yang Xiao Long, Detective, literally scared out of his skin. Suspect List: Drizzy_Dan Kakashi_Hatake Wam rrhuntington RNG Null You NOW have 48 hours to decide who dies (or not) in the Lynch. Player List: Role Status:
  16. I misconstrued the Mafian's intended target as Mr. Kittens instead of who they actually wanted to kill: Mr. Skeletal AKA Yang. So to fix this mistake Yang Xiao Long, the Detective, will be the Executed target for this Round. Yang will also be removed from the Suspect List, and be replaced by Drizzy_Dan. Sorry for the inconvenience. Carry on.
  17. Round Links: Lynch: The only screams heard this night are of the untold monstrosities still hidden in the island's unexplored forests. Any Mafian still left alive after all this time keeps their ill will to themselves... for now. Meanwhile, the Townies held a tribunal to decide who among them still remains a turncoat... No one was safe from scrutiny, and anyone who even remotely tried to escape would be shot on sight with extreme prejudice by the Tribal Moderator Drizzy_Dan holding an RPG. Wam applied multiple times for the position, but was heavily opposed every time. Safe and sound behind their makeshift sand fort towering over 50 feet tall, and with no indication that anything vile would be bothering them tonight, the Townies began their trials... Suspect List: rrhuntington Kakashi_Hatake Wam Yang Xiao Long RNG Null You have 48 hours to decide who dies (or not) in the Lynch. Player List: Role Status:
  18. If they were we'd be having allot less Executions. Then that is no one's fault but their own. If you don't commit then you will surely lose, that's no secret. BUT if you decide it's already over before it's actually over then you'll lose for sure. Put in a little effort, and you'll be surprised what comes out of it. But if you still lose then at least you'll have the cred to say you tried to stop it instead of not doing anything at all.
  19. Round Links: Lynch: It was eleven past the hour... Drizzy had been in hiding for almost 50 minutes, sitting on his quads in a thorny bush. He was on the lookout for that crazed cat-man who appeared out of nowhere a while ago, and began terrorizing the once peaceful island full of death, destruction, and now even MORE destruction. Orlando was on the lookout in plain sight outside the bush, ready to die with Drizzy like the comrades they were. It felt like it happened only yesterday... even though it happened like an hour ago. Pro-Town was in the middle of having a fiesta celebrating the death of Wam... Except he's not actually dead, but buried alive in a shallow grave - currently counting the number of unique roaches entering, and leaving his tomb. In any case, a heavily suppressed Wam is a good Wam, and Pro-Town wants to reap the benefits of it for as long as they can. Orlando however was on edge. He had been hearing mysterious rustling in the bushes for exactly 2 minutes - the time it took for me to explain the situation - and maybe, possibly 50 minutes before that even. After a minute more of loud banging, construction noises and ear-splitting grinding Orlando finally decided to see what was up. He parted the leaves of the bush, and saw Drizzy sharpening a stick into a spear with his crusty finger nails: "What the hell are you doing in here?!" Drizzy was confused with Orlando suddenly forgetting the plan, "Wat?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOOOOIIIINNNG?!??" "Oh lol, imma makin me a speah. Go away, ur givin up ma positon. Imma campin'!" Orlando didn't like this alibi at all, and decided to punt Drizzy into the sunset, but the sunset was a tad too far away to reach, so he settled for the rocky shallows by the beach. Drizzlith slammed into the rocks with a loud, chainsaw-jet-engine-like blast of noise. Pro-Town stopped what they were doing, and to their dismay Wam emerged from his grave with a mouthful of roaches - disturbed from his eternal slumber by all the racket. "Ouchies...!" "Da WHUT? WHY U MAKIN DA NOISE, DIRZA?" "Nyeah say, nyeaaaah!", exclaimed rrhuntington. "I was protectin' frum da Beer! Whey u forgit?" "HWAT?!?" Drizzy knew what was coming, but these poor, stupid id'gits hadn't a clue. Even though the island had been destroyed in a fiery blaze not long ago Drizzy still somehow survived, but what was strange was that the destruction he saw... seems to have never actually happened. Everyone was still alive, and no one appears to remember anything... It was like it was just a vision, a grim message only for he to witness. Both he & Orlando did not discard their animosity for each other, and form a brief friendship out of total fear. Wam was not only buried, but dead underneath a mountain of roach corpses - a humongous bottle of RAID took em all out... Did Drizzy somehow travel back in time?! He must warn them of the destroye-!" Then out of nowhere Beerus The Destroyer manifested with his lackey, Whis. They had been lured here by the delicious strudels being cooked over the open flame in the middle of the beach - the aroma traveling across time, and space to reach their domain far away in a distant galaxy: "Yo dawg, I heard der was a Luncheon here yo?" "SHUT. UP. BEERUS.", Whis smacked the baby boy on the back of the skull, and caused internal bleeding. Bills rubbed his noggin, "Whey, Wizz, wheey??" "What is this, a prison?? WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS, YOU FREAKING-??" "oh noooooooo, th destroyaaah!", said Drizoi ahead of Whis laying some serious smackdown on the insolent Beerus. The shout surprised Beerus, piquing his interest that someone knew who he was. Bills hovered over to the crumpled Drizzly, and stooped down: "Ya hoid ah mee?" "Uhhh duh, stuppid. I saw yeur here befoeh..." "Nu uh." "Yaes?" "NO." "WHAT?" "Who you?" "Who me?? Who YOU?!" "OH HELL NAAWWW!" Beerus charged the biggest ball of plasma in the solar system, and launched it down at the Earth. Orlando tried to stop it with a Kamekameha, then a Spirit Bomb, and then by going x20,000,000 Kaio-Kalamari, but totally flunked, and took the entire brunt of the energy blast on himself alone. The cat-god uttered some words about destruction or something, and Whis karate-chopped him back to his bed halfway across the universe before heading off in the same direction. Pro-Town had no idea what the hell just happened, or who a Birch was, but they DID know that a good State had fallen today. Poor, poor Florida... They made a note to never talk about Florida ever again. Orlando, Civilian, erased from existence. You have 48 hours or less until Round 8. Player List: Role Status:
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