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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Even though I love Halo 4... I know the popularity system will likely fall around this: 1. Halo 2. 2. Halo CE. 3. Halo 3. 4. Halo 4.
  2. Working on getting a Playdate going for you guys. Might do it in July. :)

  3. //BEGIN TRANSMISSION// //GDR PERSONNEL - Recruit Status// //CODENAME - "Self Destruct"// The OS fought valiantly. Impressively. Just goes to show how articulated, and dangerous the snake has become. They fight for freedom from oppression, but what happens after the war has been won? Peace? Tranquility? The end they fight so fiercely for is just a means to turn the heads of those easily swain. They hold us in low regard as "Controlling Inhuman Beings", when the real enemy is right underneath them. Inside them. In the end... they are far worse then we can ever become. They are their own enemy. Once they find that freedom has been attained... the beasts will turn on each other. For when the leash is unchained... the demons let loose... peace will hold no longer. The only way to insure peace... is to institute laws. Regulations. Peace can not exist when there are men who would relish in destruction of society, and anarchy. For when the GDR has fallen... the OS shall surely fall as well. What may the solution be? Treaty? Pact? No... Submission. Give up before the war turns into a hell-spawn. The OS will surely fight till the last man or woman standing; that we are sure of. But when the fight has finally started...when they take it to the next level... we will show no mercy. No prisoners. Lastly, the rogue known as "GSD" is a formidable one. He will fight for whoever has the biggest wallet. Initially he fought for the OS, but turned to our side. What was his intention? Does he think we will "forgive" his actions? In time he will face justice... but for now I hope the Commandants will attempt to acquire his honed skills. We surely will need them, no matter where his allegiance lay. This is Self Destruct signing out. //END OF TRANSMISSION//
  4. It's up in the air if Juggernaut is even remotely being considered for Halo 5. Regicide played similar to it, and they might just keep that going, but who knows. Relating to Infection... It pretty much was replaced by Flood. While Halo 4's Flood was entertaining it wasn't all that different from Infection. The Flood can't Sprint, and have incredibly long Range and special modified AAs. Plus the Beginning, and ending music. That's pretty much it. I really think they could bring it further, and make it like Left 4 Dead with the different Flood infected and such. Maybe even a Gravemind boss. That would mix things up.
  5. I owned and played both Bad Company 1 & 2's campaigns. Never got into the Multiplayer. I can see why the game was such a success. The Campaigns were goofy, but really good. How could you not love Haggard? One of my favorite moments was when Haggard figured out there was Gold in Russia, and immediately ran off into Russia to go get it. "Haggard just single-handely invaded Russia!!!". Then there was the moment they land in Texas accidentally and Haggard instantly recognizes it and is like "OOOOO YEAH DALLAS COWBOYS!!". And who could forget the constant bickering between Haggard, and Sweetwater? Every Cutscene they would sit there and do random stuff, like playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. For a Battlefield game, the Campaigns were above-par compared to the newer games. Though 3, and 4 went towards a more down to earth approach. I think the formula they need is to just be funny, and original. Let loose with the goofyness, and we'll be sure to gobble it up. BUT Keep the great gameplay too. That's going to be a challenge to balance both of those. I might actually go and get these games back now that I remember.
  6. Can a Mod move this to The Master Chief Collection please? Thanks.
  7. Welcome to the forum Spartan! You'll find a similar hatred for those dastardly Covies, but watch out for the loyalists...
  8. Now here's some mini-news. Take a gander at who's playing Agent Locke from Nightfall... Mike Colter Here's another, courtesy of Halo4Nation. He was apparently attending E3, but I never saw him (well I only watched the Microsoft Expo, so touche). Judging from the "This is his origin story" we will most likely see his face all across Nightfall. Source: http://halo4nation.com/news/all-news/face-of-agent-locke/
  9. Here's what my Art Page on Instagram PC looks like - http://www.343industries.org/forum/gallery/image/4190-art-page/

    1. Twinreaper


      That's some really excellent artwork. You've got some real talent there. nice Stan Lee btw

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
  10. I_Make_Big_Boom

    Art Page

    From the album: Tacos and what not

    This is what my Art Page from Instagram looks like on PC. Mobile is different. Anyone who wants to go check it out can go here: http://instagram.com/joe_winfree PS. I have a couple of Halo goodies on there.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  11. If a game has a really good completionist side to it (like Arkham Origins, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and Dead Island; Riptide) then it's probable to drag me in. I don't play games I don't feel like getting into. Even if the game looks good... if it has a monster of a completionist side I won't tackle it. Like Dark Souls 2, or Assassins Creed. They look interesting, but I could be spending my time on something I'll enjoy more, like Halo or drawing or something. That's not to say the other games I listed before this paragraph don't have gigantic completionist sides, but the argument is pretty much about this: I find that it's worth playing the game due to it's very catchy gameplay vs. Me not liking it, and adding more underachieved gamerscore. That's the conflict going on. The only reason I play games much anymore is due to these reasons: 1. If there's at least 2 other people with me (or at least my Cousin) then I'll be motivated to play: since we jam out together playing video games, and talking about games. The same is for XBL. I like it better when I have people playing with me that I know of. Like the guys from here. I do go solo sometimes, but I enjoy team play better. 2. Around here there's not much to do. Drawing, sitting on the PC, or playing Xbox are pretty much my only core options (I do sometimes go places though.... hopefully I'll have a job in July). 3. No matter HOW pointless they are, the Achievements still drag me in. The completionist in me is always yelling for me to get the most gamerscore out of a game. And now that I'll soon be getting an Xbox One (and my 360 get's ever so closer to it's failure date), the haste to finish the games on the 360 (which in all likelihood won't be ported to One) is now greenlit. Used to, I would spend a crapload of time trying to get the Achievements in my games; so severely that I would sacrifice personal hygiene, and sustenance to do so by staying up all night playing the game. I don't do that much anymore, but I do sometimes go on gaming binges from time to time. I find them pretty unhealthy, but It's still fun as hell.
  12. Halo Wars 2 should have allot of things, but I think the biggest is to just have more options. I didn't find it overcomplicated, but I hear others who have played more expansive RTSs say Halo Wars didn't have nearly as much content as the PC versions. While I'm not bothered by the lack of content (because I don't do complicated RTSs) I do think they need more. That's all I got for now. Might add some stuff later.
  13. Legend. My armor is drab colored and whimsical.
  14. While I hate most of Anime, some of it is kinda good. I've watched a few of them a few years back, and for the most part they were enjoyable. Nowadays most Anime looks pretty "over-exaggerated" to me, and I'm disinterested heavily. The old shows still linger with me from time to time though. While I hate Anime I don't condone it. Yeah deleting talk of Anime would be like deleting something that some person likes to talk about outside of Anime: like Tacos, GSD, Movies, and the occasional Azaxx. So it wouldn't be fair to un-include something that, even though we hate, someone else loves. So with a heavy heart... I say no. I still hate Anime though.
  15. The iBot already posted this, but Waypoint confirmed that ALL Pre-Order Skulls will be unlocked some time after Launch. Plus US Best Buy pre-orders get a special MP Guide - http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35475-halo-the-master-chief-collection-pre-order-skulls-and-bonuses/?p=322143

    1. The Silenced

      The Silenced

      I don't even like multiplayer, I'm in it for the campaign.

  16. Thanks for the Caption Contest Award ye old Mods! :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GryffinGuy007


      Staff =/= Mods. Us normal staff are the best though, remember that ;3

    3. Cooliest


      ;) and thank you Self Destruct for making me laugh with your caption!
    4. I_Make_Big_Boom
  17. Oh yeah I forgot about the Epilogue. I'll post it up there; thanks for reminding me.
  18. Yaaas! Thanks for the consideration! Can't thank you guys enough for keeping this place together, and putting up with all us crazies, so many a thanks!
  19. My god yes! In Crow's Nest Me and the Cousin would kill the Marines and hold out upstairs and try to kill them all. But they have freaking God-Mode bullets!
  20. Ahhh I knew I was missing something lol. Got them mixed up.
  21. Here's a discussion topic on The Didact is y'all want to get into it: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36077-didacts-return/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Oh jes I was pretty good. :)

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Didn't see much wrong with it.

    4. The Silenced

      The Silenced

      Exactly, I work with what I have. I should be writing a book or something. Well, maybe not a book... *cough cough* thread *cough cough*

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