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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Well I saw a "is the didact alive?" post earlier, and it made me want to just go do my own discussion on whether or not he will return (I'm basically just copying what I said in the "Flood Return" topic by Seeker of Truth, so thanks man for making that topic in the first place). I'm going to post some evidence to show that he will, and feel free to post your own opinions, and thoughts below. Or maybe just completely disagree with me, I don't care. Let's get started. My knowledge on the lore is currently not solid since I haven't read up on some of it in awhile, so if I say something that's off then feel free to correct me: 1: A pulse grenade won't do as much damage to class 12 (or for Didact's armor it could be even higher) armor compared to Chief's class 2 (since his armor was upgraded in cryosleep we can guess he might have went up a few armor grades). So an inference could tell you that he survived the Pulse blast, and fall into the Slipspace bubble (cause for 1: His experimentation with Flood immunity made him immune to the Composer). And like the people in New Phoenix, he could have been transported back to Requiem with the newly formed Prometheans, OR fell to New Phoenix in a damaged state. That is open for debate. 2: He appears on the Halo: Escalation #9 cover (which for those who pay no attention to the Comics, is a comic based on the events after Spartan Ops, and Halo 4) punching the Chief. There was no event in Halo 4 where Didact literally punched the Chief, so there's more leverage. But it could also just be an analogy to how Chief was nearly defeated by the Didact, and the cover shows it: kinda like Chief getting shellshock from his encounter with the Didact. I just want to say that the Comic has yet to come out, so it's speculation at this point... but still. Here's the cover 3: 343i specifically states that they want to bring up some characters, and try to keep them there instead of killing them off outright. They said that they were guilty of doing it in some previous fiction, but their intention is to try to keep them as alive as possible (And really now. Why would they kill a pivotal enemy/character from the Halo lore in 1 game? Seriously... he's bound to come back). I have to go fetch the source where they said that though, so I'll post the link in a bit. 4: The Silenced reminded me of this, but The Didact speaks in the Epilogue... just another bit of info to support this. Anyhow thoughts?
  2. I want to know what makes the Flood bad from your perspective. Also some guy made a comment earlier about a "Is the Didact still alive?", and I have things to say about that: 1: A pulse grenade won't do as much damage to class 12 (or for Didact's armor it could be even higher) armor compared to Chief's class 2 (since his armor was upgraded in cryosleep we can guess he might have went up a few armor grades). So an inference could tell you that he survived the Pulse blast, and fall into the Slipspace bubble (cause for 1: His experimentation with Flood immunity made him immune to the Composer). And like the people in New Phoenix, he could have been transported back to Requiem with the newly formed Prometheans, OR fell to New Phoenix in a damaged state. That is open for debate. 2: He appears on the Halo: Escalation #9 cover (which for those who pay no attention to the Comics, is a comic based on the events after Spartan Ops, and Halo 4) punching the Chief. There was no event in Halo 4 where Didact literally punched the Chief, so there's more leverage. But it could also just be an analogy to how Chief was nearly defeated by the Didact, and the cover shows it: kinda like Chief getting shellshock from his encounter with the Didact. 3: 343i specifically states that they want to bring up some characters, and try to keep them there instead of killing them off outright. They said that they were guilty of doing it in some previous fiction, but their intention is to try to keep them as alive as possible (And really now. Why would they kill a pivotal enemy/character from the Halo lore in 1 game? Seriously... he's bound to come back). Sorry for that epic digression, but I just wanted to get things strait. Anyway the Flood are most definitely coming back, like Baconshelf has posted. There are too much clues, and evidence to point towards it. Plus the lone Flood Spore on the Spirit of Fire (I swear EVERYONE needs to go read Escalation...) suggests a return.
  3. You know I swear it's always the Transformers with me lol. I'm probably just going to completely affiliate myself with them or something: Cause Age of Extinction looks fergilicous. Anyhoo what am I looking at... Your sig freaks me out, but It's still nice nonetheless. 9/10.
  4. That's an AR man lol JXZAW I like how your sig is simple, yet gets the job done. So 10/10; there isn't much problem with it.
  5. 2. You can only stick a Player with the Sticky Det, and Plasmas. This could be just another little feature aside from just running up and sticking the guys. Plus this works with other Grenades/Equipment that don't stick to players. I also suggest that this is only possible when the other Player's shields are down. And the only reason to do this is to get a better chance of killing more enemy players instead of just 1. Like if he's in a small group he'll kill em all with the grenade explosion. Since the Player controls vary, I think the right button varies as well. But if you have Default on, when the other Player's shields are down, and you're behind them, you get an "Press X To Shove Grenade" or something. 4. They can just be special Assassinations for specific circumstances. - Like the barrel-roll-throw maneuver only works if you and the other player are near a significantly tall, or close wall/obstacle, and you happen to be Sprinting. - The Spartan-Surf maneuver can just be another Assassination for people sprinting at another Player aside from the Tackle Assassination. No requirements aside from Sprinting.
  6. Yeah that was bs in Halo 4 when you had to have online to view the videos. (I think that's right) It will probably be better since it's on the Xbox One, and less strain is there for Internet users, but it could be a problem for people who have bad internet.
  7. You make some very solid points, and currently I don't really have questions regarding the matter. I do have some ideas for some Spartan Abilities, and I want to see what you think of it. 1: Spartan Duel. I know pretty much the whole MP experience is somewhat of a "duel", and the Sword duels bring it even further. I'm aiming for something like Gears of War's Chainsaw duels. It could be like this: - If you and the opponent happen to both have Swords then when you "clang" together 3 times you come into a power-struggle type of duel. It's more or less a fight between who can button mash the fastest (I know we need less of that, but the Chainsaw duels were hella fun), and both Spartans try to overpower the other. If you happen to beat the other Spartan, you can do any number of things to the other and kill them. Maybe punch their chest with your left arm, kick in their leg, and stab them in the chest or something. Then maybe kick them away. It's like an Assassination animation, but something you fought for instead of stealth killing (well it's not really stealth since you can Assassinate anyone regardless of the state of battle). - If you, and another player happen to melee each other with anything besides a Sword 2wice (as in both of you timing the melees perfectly adjacent to each other), you go into another type of power struggle duel with Combat Knifes. Maybe when you progressively start to beat the other Player you begin to start pummeling the other, and kill them. Pretty much the same outcome of the Sword duel. What sets these apart from Gears though is that you, and the other player are completely invincible until the duel ends. The only thing that could kill you would be everything else besides regular loadout weapons. This feature could be disabled in the custom games, and some playlists. 2. Unintentional Suicide Bomber. When you run up to Assassinate a Player, you can get another option to ram a Grenade (any will do. Plasmas, Frags, Pulse etc) or Sticky Det Mine (or maybe equipment if it's in Halo 5: like the Landmine) into their power pack. They then run around like a Suicide Bomber before it blows up; potentially killing anyone close by. This can backfire though. The player could run back at you and kill you as well. 3. Pole Vaulting. This one may seem a bit outlandish but bear with me here.. imagine you have a Gravity Hammer. When sprinting with the Hammer you could press a button (don't know which could do the job as of yet), and pole vault and/or just launch yourself with it over an obstacle while still sprinting. I don't think they'll allow the Flag carriers to do this seeing they aren't allowed to Sprint, but if they can then heck yes go for it! 4. Alternate Assassination moves. Like the title says, more brutal ways to kill people from behind. Like the take downs from Saints Row 3/4. - When sprinting you can do a barrel roll, grab the other player's feet, and throw them at a nearby wall; killing them. - When sprinting you can jump on the other player's back, and surf on the ground! They then die because you pretty much dislocated their spine or something. 5. Fusion Coil Roundup. I don't know why this hasn't been done before, but pretty much just picking up a Fusion Coil (or any other explosive for that matter) and throwing it at people. Maybe moving it to set a trap or something. Obviously you can get killed while holding it though. 6. Vehicle Bail/Vehicle Bomb. I know at this point you can still bail from a Vehicle, but I'm talking full fledge getting-the-heck-out-of-there kind of thing while the Vehicle is still going. Like how John in Halo 4 jumped off a Ghost, or maybe just jumping out off a Vehicle, and rolling on the ground. What sets this apart from regular bailing is that you have to hold X instead of just pressing it, and like I said before, the vehicle continues to move forward. - Now we've got the Vehicle Bomb. Intentionally cram a Grenade (or any other type of explosive) into the Engine, and bail the vehicle as it rams into something. That's all I got for right now.
  8. It looks a lot less complicated like Halo 4's was. I mean I don't want to hate on Halo 4, but the armor was slightly hard to look at. It was still good armor though.
  9. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Here's my new sig. Updated the Halo 4 stats as well. Now time to go edit my profile.

    © Self Destruct.

  10. Hey RollingThunder, welcome to the Forum! P.S. Kickgrass name you got ther
  11. Hey thanks for holding the lobby man, it was really fun while it lasted.
  12. "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

    1. Delpen9


      If you can dodge a ball, you can dodge a wrench.

    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      Stupid movie is stupid. That being said it had some amusing insults in it... Crotch stain...

  13. Any codes relating to Reach can cost allot depending on the code. I've seen Eternal Flames (or Legendary Idk) go for like 100$ on eBay. So it's safe to say getting any codes will be slim to none. They have all most likely been used. Sorry.
  14. Finished. The file is in my File Share (Teleforge 1). You're up Butch Flowers.
  15. On NeoGaf le Stinkles (aka Frank O'Connor) replied to 2 messages relating to Halo Wars 2, and the Halo Wars poster that showed up in the Phantom Dust trailer. Here's the question/answer: - "Stinkles, do you have anything to share about Halo Wars 2?" "Not at the moment and that poster was just a weird coincidence" Then... "Okay." "P.S. Do you really expect me to believe that after your constant denial of Halo 2 Anniversary?" "Read what I wrote carefully." - Let's take a look see and read what he wrote carefully... "-do you have anything to share about Halo Wars 2?".... "Not at the moment". That is an obvious nod to a Halo Wars 2 being made. He may be baiting the guy, but I doubt it. What do you guys think? - Source: My old hunting grounds http://halo4nation.com/rumors/frank-oconner-addresses-halo-wars-easter-egg-teases-sequal/
  16. Well it is cheap that they would put such OP Skulls as pre-orders, but look at it this way. The games have been around forever. Most people who get it will be veteran Halo guys who have already beaten most of the games on Legendary. A couple Skulls (that not everyone will get) is not that bad. I don't think I heard the same argument when CEA came out... it's where ALL these pre-order Skulls came from (excluding Bonded Pair and the other ones who haven't been announced). Bandana and Pinata were in-game Skulls that had to be found to activate, while the Grunt Funeral Skull was a pre-order. Even though you had to find them to activate them (you could literally look up where to find them), they were still there. The game was still hard to beat anyway. The point I'm making here is this: While Skulls are there to modify the campaign you can still play the original Legendary without the Skulls on. If the "N00bs" say they beat it on Legendary, then that's their problem. Invite them to play with you on Legendary without the Skulls, and if they completely suck then you know they used the Skulls. Besides it was pretty fun in CEA with the Skulls on. Watching Grunts blow up in a chain reaction explosion that blows up half the map is priceless.
  17. If Forge didn't have his combat knife on his armor, he would've been done for. He might have fought a little longer: wriggling around, and dodging Ripa's attacks... but he eventually would have died. He's resourceful, but horribly outmatched. Same thing with Thel. I'm thinking Thel is supposedly smarter than Ripa (that's up for debate), and more agile. Even though he's not as big as Ripa, he's still huge regardless. Fully standing he would be nearly 2 feet taller than John (in his Mjolnir armor). So he would pretty much dwarf Forge anyway. And if Forge were caught in the same situation as before, but with Thel (and without his combat knife) he would die. The same can't be said if they were brought together fully armed.
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