You make some very solid points, and currently I don't really have questions regarding the matter. I do have some ideas for some Spartan Abilities, and I want to see what you think of it.
1: Spartan Duel.
I know pretty much the whole MP experience is somewhat of a "duel", and the Sword duels bring it even further. I'm aiming for something like Gears of War's Chainsaw duels. It could be like this:
- If you and the opponent happen to both have Swords then when you "clang" together 3 times you come into a power-struggle type of duel. It's more or less a fight between who can button mash the fastest (I know we need less of that, but the Chainsaw duels were hella fun), and both Spartans try to overpower the other. If you happen to beat the other Spartan, you can do any number of things to the other and kill them. Maybe punch their chest with your left arm, kick in their leg, and stab them in the chest or something. Then maybe kick them away. It's like an Assassination animation, but something you fought for instead of stealth killing (well it's not really stealth since you can Assassinate anyone regardless of the state of battle).
- If you, and another player happen to melee each other with anything besides a Sword 2wice (as in both of you timing the melees perfectly adjacent to each other), you go into another type of power struggle duel with Combat Knifes. Maybe when you progressively start to beat the other Player you begin to start pummeling the other, and kill them. Pretty much the same outcome of the Sword duel.
What sets these apart from Gears though is that you, and the other player are completely invincible until the duel ends. The only thing that could kill you would be everything else besides regular loadout weapons. This feature could be disabled in the custom games, and some playlists.
2. Unintentional Suicide Bomber.
When you run up to Assassinate a Player, you can get another option to ram a Grenade (any will do. Plasmas, Frags, Pulse etc) or Sticky Det Mine (or maybe equipment if it's in Halo 5: like the Landmine) into their power pack. They then run around like a Suicide Bomber before it blows up; potentially killing anyone close by. This can backfire though. The player could run back at you and kill you as well.
3. Pole Vaulting.
This one may seem a bit outlandish but bear with me here.. imagine you have a Gravity Hammer. When sprinting with the Hammer you could press a button (don't know which could do the job as of yet), and pole vault and/or just launch yourself with it over an obstacle while still sprinting.
I don't think they'll allow the Flag carriers to do this seeing they aren't allowed to Sprint, but if they can then heck yes go for it!
4. Alternate Assassination moves.
Like the title says, more brutal ways to kill people from behind. Like the take downs from Saints Row 3/4.
- When sprinting you can do a barrel roll, grab the other player's feet, and throw them at a nearby wall; killing them.
- When sprinting you can jump on the other player's back, and surf on the ground! They then die because you pretty much dislocated their spine or something.
5. Fusion Coil Roundup.
I don't know why this hasn't been done before, but pretty much just picking up a Fusion Coil (or any other explosive for that matter) and throwing it at people. Maybe moving it to set a trap or something. Obviously you can get killed while holding it though.
6. Vehicle Bail/Vehicle Bomb.
I know at this point you can still bail from a Vehicle, but I'm talking full fledge getting-the-heck-out-of-there kind of thing while the Vehicle is still going. Like how John in Halo 4 jumped off a Ghost, or maybe just jumping out off a Vehicle, and rolling on the ground. What sets this apart from regular bailing is that you have to hold X instead of just pressing it, and like I said before, the vehicle continues to move forward.
- Now we've got the Vehicle Bomb. Intentionally cram a Grenade (or any other type of explosive) into the Engine, and bail the vehicle as it rams into something.
That's all I got for right now.