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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Basically this is what my new signature will consist of. Some rearranging and it'll be done.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram, Self Destruct, SelfDestruct217

  2. I already posted this a couple days ago, but hey I don't mind. Oh and this originally came from a Halo Bulletin from Waypoint. It was a Question/Answer thing between Bravo, and some guys from the Waypoint Forums.
  3. You just kinda answered your own question. Those features you stated are a reason why 343 wants to keep it as true to the original as possible. Ultimately I can see some things being changed to accommodate the 60 fps and graphical upheaval.
  4. Heck yea! Just imagine if we were given all those Skulls. We would be unstoppable. lol
  5. In an ideal world where violence is a thing of the past, we would not need Warheads to show our dominance towards those who would show aggression towards us. But we don't live in that world do we? If anything having Warheads is completely illogical seeing they destroy the environment for EVERYONE. If you targeted someone with a Nuke it would not only destroy them, but the ecosystem around that area. Plus the radiation, and fallout will linger forever: pretty much denying anyone shall ever live there again (well not soon anyway). Since I don't think anyone would risk the cost, and moral implications of launching a Nuke at someone (or the persecution by other Governments, and the UN) it would seem strange to hold Nukes for the sole reason of showing our "might". If someone did an act of Terrorism on the US, or did anything for that matter that involves heavy aggression, NO ONE would launch a Nuke at them. The ONLY reasons a Nuke would ever be launched is if rival countries hold each other at gunpoint with them, and the rising level of tension would ultimately break out in war; Someone dumb accidentally launches one, or a Nuke goes off by accident (believe me, there were PLENTY of accidents involving Nukes that could have ended extremely badly); or finally someone intentionally launches one of their own accord and/or threatens someone else with one. Simply having Nukes to show our dominance over those who don't is quite stupid. But we don't want to be completely defenseless do we? What if we disarm ourselves, and someone threatens us with Nukes? What could we do? Maybe we could shoot some of the Nukes down with missile defense systems, but some of the Nukes could get through the batteries and hit us. We definitively don't want that to happen. So all in all the only reason to have Nukes in the first place is because other people have them, and could use them against us if we got rid of ours. So that's a "Yes" for me. If the whole world disarmed themselves, and ALL specs regarding Nukes were destroyed, then I would vote "No".
  6. Here is some surprise MCC info, as suplied by Bravo on Waypoint - http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35883-halo-bulletin-mcc-answer-highlights/

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Dangit *supplied. We REALLY need an Edit option.

  7. In the new Halo Bulletin on Waypoint (6.19.14) Bravo took to the Waypoint forums to answer some questions regarding the Master Chief Collection. I've managed to sew together the new information. Due to some of the answers being vague (at least for me) my interpretation may be wrong or off. Sorry about that. - 1. It will be downloadable on the Xbox One Marketplace, and will retain access to Halo: Nightfall, and the Halo 5: Guardians Beta. 2. Bravo states that the "goal" is to include the original Custom Games options for each game. 3. Halo 4, or CE will NOT have playable Elites. 4. Someone mentioned Button Combos (like BXR. Never heard of "Button Combos" before) for Halo 2 campaign, and Bravo assured that BXR and other Combos will be present. However he did say some of them will not work as they did in the original. 5. There will be universal Control Schemes that work for all games. There are still Dedicated Control Schemes for individual titles if you prefer them. 6. There will be a Spectator experience that allows Online players to stream their gameplay to Twitch. There is no in-game Spectator utility though. 7. The Master Cheif Collection Matchmaking will feature NO Join-In-Progress. 8. Co-Op in the MCC will feature Split-Screen, and Online play. Here's the Co-Op list and functionality: Halo: CE Anniversary – 2 players max, split-screen or online Halo 2: Anniversary – 2 players max, split-screen or online Halo 3 – 4 players max online, 2 players max split-screen Halo 4 – 4 players max online, 2 players max split-screen 9. According to the Bulletin, ALL will start from ground zero for "rank, stats, armor, and more". 10. Regarding a question whether Halo 4 Medals will be present in the Halo 2 remastered maps, Bravo assured that some of the medals and "assets" in the E3 Ascension gameplay are placeholders, and in my opinion will probably be changed. - Yet again Bravo denied the possibility of a 360 release by saying "We do not have any plans to bring the game to Xbox 360 as the game size, enhanced features and technical specifications simply can’t support it.". He also pretty much said the same thing as Frankie when asked about a PC version. They are focusing on the Xbox One right now. Don't fret though. Frankie did say that it wasn't impossible for it to happen. Maybe when the MCC ships in November they'll attempt to do something for the PC. Here are the rest of the questions if y'all want to check 'em out.: SOURCE: https://blogs.halowaypoint.com/en-us/blogs/headlines/posts/the-halo-bulletin-6-19-14 Thoughts? PS: If that was you BaconShelf who asked the question relating to the Stats, I commend you for getting your question answered
  8. New Pre-Order skull revealed by ShopTo called the "Bonded Pair" Skull, it is ONLY for Co-Op, and it grants a Player 100% damage boost for 60 seconds when your Co-Op partner dies. - http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35475-halo-the-master-chief-collection-pre-order-skulls-and-bonuses/

  9. The only reason GSD is a Mercenary is because he too good a player to be put on a single team (well that's what everyone else says). I've seen you play before, and you're pretty good: but to be a mercenary you'd have to prove to be good enough to merit being one in the first place. That list up there should suffice (Loadouts? Why?).
  10. Here's my titanic bit of analysis. And that is all my freends.
  11. It looks like Halo: Escaltion #10 has Blue Team on it - http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/Previews/22-710

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rrhuntington


      Spartan's in the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boy blue and the man on the moon.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      I think there's a chance that that might be the Pilot helmet from Reach. But if it is EVA then it could be Blue Team making an appearance because that's Kelly's helmet style. And in the background I can't tell if that's CIO or Commando but he's seeing a reflection. In my opinion it's up in the air whether the Spartans in the back are II's or IV's, they kinda look more like Spartan II's to me.

    4. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Fred will be the one in the back Kelly with the EVA and the other possibly Linda?

  12. The Microsoft Store just revealed that a bonus $10 Xbox Live gift card code would be it's pre-order bonus. Updated the topic accordingly. UPDATE: Added the ShopTo skull as well.
  13. I got mentioned 3 times... but also the Great Forum War Banner was created by muah, so you could say I got mentioned 4 TIMES! Haahahahahahahah! Seriousness this was nicer than The Director's shoes (and that's saying something). Good work!
  14. Hehe sucker! Caboose you better post next... I'll count from 12,000 to zero... and if you don't comply within that set amount of time... I'll kill the sun. Don't know how I'll do it. Don't know if the Sun is even alive... it's day is coming.
  15. Today (or by this point yesterday) Eurogamer posted an article revealing some details relating to Halo 5: Guardians' plot. 343i's studio boss Bonnie Ross is the one who spilled the beans. Agent Locke/Nightfall and the Green Machine : Anyhoo I'll begin. Eurogamer says that Agent Locke has large prominence (aka "Key Role") in Halo 5, but the Chief is still the alpha poodle (aka 2: The Star of the show). Relating to Locke, Halo: Nightfall will be the origin story of Locke. It gives some optional background for the character, and you won't miss out if you don't watch it. Kind of like Forward Unto Dawn... but we gonna watch it anyway fo dayum shure! Relating to the Chief... "He is human, he's always been human, but at the end of Halo 4 he really is reflecting on who he is and why he exists," Ross says. "That was very deliberate because the story we want to tell on Xbox One really is an important part and the main part of (t)his hero's journey. It's more about what he's searching for versus what the UNSC is asking him to do. "(Halo 5 is) a continuation of Master Chief's story." Haler 2: Anniversary Arbiter connection. Eurogamer follows with the info that the Halo 2: Anniversary Terminals will be from the perspective of The Arbiter. Then they post a completely new (well to me. I didn't see this, nor mention of it whatsoever up to this point) bit of an apparently bombastic Cinematic from E3. "How well do you know your friend, human? And what would you call me if you learned the truth of what I have done?" That's an obvious reference to how The Arbiter commanded the fleet that glassed Reach (aka 3: Blew it to hell).... well I think that's right. I gotta read up on the lore more. Continuing, He also lead the same fleet to Installation 04, and was branded a Heretic after it's destruction at the hands of the Green Flamingo. If Locke were to learn this... well monkey wrenches will be flying through the air is all I'll say. Unfortunately right now I can't go fetch the cinimatic in question, so we'll just have to take Eurogamer's word for it (they talked to Bonnie so we'll forgive them). The OTHER Halo Video Series surfaces! Then some surprise info from the Halo TV show by none other than the Steven Spielberg himself (which I previously thought was an independent series from Halo 5). Eurogamer says that 343 plans to connect the Halo TV show (working title Halo The Television Series) with Halo 5: The Uber-Tastic Guardians. Steven "The REAL Dirty Dan" Spielberg is working this as separate from the Halo: Nightfall series "Ride Or Die" Scott is producing. Halo The Television Series will launch generally around the same time as Halo 5: Guardians, in the autumn (probably November like always) of 2015. The Euro says that Ross gave the idear that Halo 5, and Spielberg's TV show will be linked in "more ways than one." "It does give you a more interesting entertainment experience," Ross said. "At Comic-Con we'll talk a lot more about what we're doing with TV and what we can do with it on Xbox One, and how we're viewing it. It's a lot more seamless going from game to different experiences." "One thing we'll talk more about at Comic-Con is what we can do with linear on Xbox One that we couldn't do on 360. It's super exciting for us to think about a digital series and television. "Halo 5 is a lot about his future, but as you'll see through all of the linear pieces we've woven through, his past is key to his future." BETAAAAAA!! Not much new was said relating to this besides the "Yeah we'll be watching the Beta like the NSA watches over the general populace" ....Too soon? Let's move on. Frank "The Stank" 'O Connor gives some mumbo jumbo relating to the challenges 343 faces with the beta, and what they'd like to see... but also says "How are they dealing with new weapons?"... yeah that's a colossal amount of info right there. Wow thanks Self Destruct for posting something we ALREADY KNOW!! You're welcome! Forerunners... and yes, you guessed it! PROMETHEANS!!! As that glamorous sub-title says, Bonnie "The Boss, and Self Destruct has to stop giving nicknames to people" Ross says: "We decided to do a little bit more detail on the Forerunners," Ross screamed (she actually said it politely, but screaming catches your attention doesn't it? I thought so). "We wanted to bring a new enemy class into Halo, so we spent a lot more time mapping out exactly what that culture (is?). It does play a big role in Halo 5 and beyond." So there you have it. Prometheans (aka 4: those crazy dudes wit the faces and all dat) will be making a comeback... let's hope I'm interpreting this correctly. Lastly, "We also had a tendency to kill all of our characters besides Master Chief. We are not Game of Thrones, and we actually want to make sure going forward we have a larger cast of characters with which to tell stories." ...Soooo that may be a nod to The Ur-Didact (who fell to his apparent (and probably too soon untimely death for his first in-game appearance) pineapple house. Wait... wat?). Oh and obviously he's coming back... if you have seen the cover for Halo: Escalation #9... where Didact is laying some smack-down on the Chief. Suuu... yeah that's it. Eurogamer is a saviour to us all. Thoughts? Hallucinations? If the last one is so, then I cease to exist. SOURCE: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-06-16-343s-master-plan-for-halo-5-guardians
  16. What's on your mind? Tacos? Bacon? I hope it's Bacon.

  17. We're not the Official Forum for 343. HaloWaypoint is. But welcome to the community anyway Gamerman9461.
  18. Hey welcome to the forum! As far as I know you can only view Screenshots from your File Share on your PC. Everything else is blocked. I know there is some sort of option to view videos, but I need to go check to see what it does. If you're going to mod gametypes then just put the File from your Xbox on a Flash Drive, and then put it on your PC.
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