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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Hey that Friday The 13th Playdate is going on that day (I forgot who was hosting it... I think P34nut... or Maestro), so will we start before, or after it has began/ended?
  2. WoooaaaAAAAHHHhhh that's cool! Good to know ye old Zandril is still going around since the H4N forum Gonna go get this now, thanks man!
  3. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Here's my finished Carnage Drawing c:

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  4. If I were to make a board 1 Light-year long (saying that I had the technology to do so), to press a button that was 1 Light-year away, how long would it be before the button would be pressed by the board? (I got this from a Vsauce video, and I don't remember if he stated it specifically. He only said that it wouldn't be instantaneous. I just want to know how long it would take to activate the button.)
  5. Look on the bright side. At least now you know how to get it, and when the new game comes out everyone starting out won't have it: but you'll be able to get it from the start. But right now they haven't said anything on it, so It's up in the air.
  6. Yes Halo 4 runs fine. But add Halo 4 + 3, 2 (with revamped graphics) and CEA. There would be some form of strain to put all that on one Disc. And I will fall back on the "4 discs" thing I posted above, but I will say that the 360 users will probably experience allot of lag compared to the Xbox One. But (going back on what I've thought previously) I guess the 360 could handle it. Lag Olympics included.
  7. @Caboose the Ace?!?!??!?!?!

  8. I don't know if you know that we are not 343 Industries. What I do know is that the 360 architecture would have to strain to be able to play all that content. If it had been ported to the 360, then I'm sure there would have been at least 4 different discs to hold all the memory, and 343 wanted the Interface to interact with ALL the games simultaneously. If you were playing the 360 port, and someone chooses a map in MP from another Halo disc, then the people who don't have it in would have to go switch, and that would be time consuming. Plus the Unified interface allows for ALL the games to be played in whatever order the Player wants, and the splitting of the discs would have allot of unwanted load times for the Player. The Xbox One is just the better choice to have the game on. It can handle the MCC without much problem at all, and the 360 is getting to the point where it won't be able to handle new games much longer.
  9. Judging from the view count I think the File Share needs... something. I'm going to post a drawing later on, but it'll most likely get low views.

    1. Twinreaper


      Well the way your selling art....You gotta hype it up! Tell people it will get tons of views!

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      We just need some more promotion for the File Share and it should be fine. Used to most of the images would average 100 views each, but now it's barely 20. And I don't really care if my drawing gets low views, I'm just saying it will.

  10. Technically it is. Halo 4's MP was held in the War Games simulation on the Infinity, so it's Cannon. You could say that the same simulation runs the old Halos as well. I mean they simulate Flood, so it's probable that they would look into Elites as well. And no one has said that Halo 5 won't have Elites. When we get word from 343 if it's yay or nay, then let the agony commence... We want the Elites dangit.
  11. Elites don't really need augmentations. They're already faster, and greatly stronger than most Humans (well except Spartans and... Sergeant Forge!). Besides Elites don't dabble into medical things like the rest of the factions do. They deem it dishonorable. Though by now due to the extreme split of the Covenant they might have to had fallen back on their beliefs to survive. Lastly the Elites I'm afraid to say probably don't have the medical tech available to even remotely begin to create super soldiers. Halsy is most likely using Jul Mdama, and the Storm momentarily, and will likely escape their clutches. BUT there is the chance she's so angry that She reveals the Spartan Augs to the Elites in a form of revenge against the UNSC (well maybe just ONI) Now for refugees working in the UNSC is... slightly possible but not likely. What Halo 2, and 3 had between the two species was probably just a temporary alliance: since they have been killing each other for years. Though The Arbiter has shown interest in making peace between the UNSC, and the Elites (most likely to trade, and share resources). At this point I think that both Elites and the UNSC have somewhat of a mutual Alliance. I think most of the people would be more interested in keeping to their own species instead of joining an Alien race's Military, but it's possible. The Public of either race won't like it most likely. I mean most of the Elites on Sanghelios were outraged when Humans showed up there, and up until Escalation they're still irritated of us.
  12. Hey welcome to 343i Community Forum!
  13. WOOOOOO Offbeat Syndicate!!! They'll regret messing with our Manwiches!!!!!
  14. This has already been posted. Though I think it's just things that are akin to Dual Wielding, and Vehicle Boarding.
  15. Doom 4 at Quakecon!! Who else signed up for the Beta?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twinreaper
    3. Eqwinoxe


      How do you sign up?!


    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Equinoxe You would have to have gotten a brand new Wolfenstein: The New Order game to sign up. Included with the game is a Doom beta key that you put into the Wolfenstein Website under the Doom Beta. They then tell you that they'll send you a notification when the Beta will start. Now at this point I don't think they're taking any more sign ups, but I don't know if that's completely true.

  16. Hey welcome to 343i Community Forum! To 343i, everyone is welcome and we're glad you decided to join the forum! Enjoy your stay!
  17. I'm actually interested to see how they revamp the CE multiplayer. Most likely they'll use GEN2 MK V, but they did say they used various models for the Characters and such. Now for each game they would have their own Armor/Color system, with CE and 2 probably not having armor variation. Out of all the games Halo 4 was the only one with actual DLC/Preorder armor. I'm sure it'll get the same treatment as the GOTY. For the Bungie Flames or Bungie Armor I don't think will be available. I'm not sure if that crossed over during the Halo switch. I know Recon will most likely be available though. I just know Flaming effects are a Bungie signature, and if it's in there then that's great. Here's the question though. If they say everything is unlocked, then does that mean armor too? I hope not. And if it's a unified interface I wonder if you'll even be able to go customize your armor at all.
  18. Maybe they'll do another Beta. Seems strange to hold it for like 3 weeks, but I'm not sure how long normal betas are.
  19. You joined at a pivotal time... the Halo Hype Train... has begun!!! Welcome to the Community by the way
  20. Yeah the Armor looked a little less... crisp I should say. BUT There is bound to be more choices available in the Beta when it rolls out. And pertaining to the Beta, of course it's just a small portion. It's there to get the glitches out and all that. We should be glad 343i is doing a public Beta at all, unlike Halo 4.
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