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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. First and foremost the Microsoft E3 Press Conference was fantastic! Full of surprises (Ahem, the Conker Character in Project Spark, and Crackdown 3), and I have to say it was very enjoyable for something I'm not usually into watching. Now onto Halo. Halo 5: Guardians Beta On Halo Waypoint, it states that the Halo 5: Guardians Beta is scheduled to run from December 27, 2014 - January 22, 2015. Requirements: - You must be 17 or older to participate. - The Beta requires the Halo: The Master Chief Collection game disc to play. - Xbox One, internet and Xbox Live Gold membership required (obviously). I'm not sure how you actually get into the Beta firsthand. On the Page it states that participating in the beta unlocks content in both the Master Chief Collection, and Halo: Nightfall, and that the "Exclusive Items" will carry over into the Halo 5: Guardians game. Halo 5: Guardians releases sometime in late 2015 (the release date has not been announced, as stated on Waypoint). Halo: Nightfall Halo: Nightfall is a 5 Episode Live Action Series with episodes releasing on a weekly basis. The story as quoted from Waypoint: "A strange and treacherous world exposes elite UNSC operatives to a much deeper danger in this live action series from 343 Industries and Scott Free Productions. Executive-produced by Ridley Scott, Scott Free TV President David Zucker, and directed by Sergio Mimica-Gezzan ("Battlestar Galactica," "Pillars of the Earth," "Heroes"), Halo: Nightfall is an exciting new story for Halo fans and fresh audiences alike." During E3 I remember the lady from 343i stating that the show will have the Character from the Halo 2: Anniversary/Master Chief Collection Trailer, and the Halo 5: Guardians teaser art. Though I don't know if that's true, so don't take my word for it. On Waypoint it says that it'll be on Xbox One, and Windows 8.1 (at least it says they're required), but I'm sure the episodes will also be viewable on most Online Video sites, like Youtube. As of now I don't think the launch date has been announced, but please tell me if it has. *Pertaining to both the Beta, and Halo: Nightfall, Waypoint states that the dates, content, and features are subject to change.* SOURCE: HaloWaypoint.com - Thoughts? Concerns? Tacos?
  2. Well to be honest it would be easier to be more hyped for the Halo 2 Anniversary Multiplayer (and original CE Multiplayer) than the Beta. So far the only thing Halo 5 related was that brief cut scene after the Halo 2 demo where the Spartans go at it. There's not really much to see there. A Spartan does a Ground Slam, and there seems to be a massive Jump mechanic at the beginning. Not much else. When we get more info on the beta, then the hype will increase, but for now I think most people just want to kick ass, and teabag in the nostalgia that is Halo 2
  3. Oh. My. God. The Official Xbox of Instagram just commented on my post... *Squeals* This is amazing!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      What the heck is Instagram?

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Frog, It's like Facebook, but with Pictures instead of Posts.

  4. The Weasels shall fly high come tomorrow!

    1. Rue


      Sounds fun!

  5. Oh ya! The day of reckoning is nearly here!!
  6. Such ban. All Shoutbox. Mayh3m Bum. Wow.

  7. I don't remember you having many wins... EDIT: Never mind on that forgot you were Tyrone King. Anyway I'm most certain it's A.I.s (but someone else got that) so I'll just say... Humans?
  8. Just got (my new... Doom beta... *shivers*...) Wolfenstein: The New Order, and bought to go play it! :)

  9. Jes. Senior Shelf Destruct would like to join in!
  10. NSA... You read dis... I find yu... and I kill you... Name: Joseph James "Taco Explosion" (or Winfree for you purists) Bio: I'm an 18 year olden from Southeast Texas brah. I live in a crappy trailer (well it's functional, and I can't really complain. Other people have it WAY worse than I). I just graduated from High School last Friday, and am currently getting the feels for what I want to go do for college or something. I don't have a Car, nor a Driver's Liscense (BUT I am getting my ID in the mail in a few days). I'm more or less in purgatory in my life at the moment. Just sitting around for right now. Spending my time Drawing, making Graphics, Pooping, Eating, and repeating. I do help out with the family though, but eventually I'll start to get those, "Hey kid... time to move out... or yu die..." looks from my Mom. I excersise regularly on a day to day basis. The 1 thing I like the most about it is: You feel less crappy, and less like a Sloth. I've been attempting to eat healthier, and have been trying to go to bed as early as possible (the early bird catches the worm in the morning). I rarely ever drink Sodas, or eat Fast Food anymore, and have nearly completely dropped the proscessed food alltogether (well the Protein bars I'll let slide...). I've been playing Xbox, and games in general allot less than I used to. Don't really have the drive to do it anymore. The only thing you get is worthless Achievements, but I still do get on for Playdates and to mess around sometimes. Oh I forgot... I hate most genres of music besides Metal. It seems to be the only one that fits me best. I listen to different kinds: Death, Sludge, Progressive, Post, Alternative, Heavy, Groove, Metalcore, Deathcore, Extreme, Nu, and so on. I'm not much of a socialite, but can hold my own when the situation calls for it. I've made so much progress mentally in the last few months it's unbelievable. I used to freak out around Girls, but now I can talk to them without much problem, if at all. I plan to go get a job sometime this Summer, and need to look into the College choices... ON TO THE NEXT!! Likes: Metal, occasional Xbox gaming, Drawing and creating Graphics, messing around on here, going to LAN parties, and working out. Dislikes: Anime (mostly), annoying people, most TV shows nowadays, the current Pop/Rap Music trend (I don't even...), "I hate it just because" people, Southern Racism, Condiments (besides Gravy), fighting for no reason, and Yolo/Swag. 2 words that best describes me: Hollering Orangutan! Goals: Doing something great or something... I don't know... maybe just trying to get better at making art. Picture o me. And that is all... for now
  11. Yeah it went back to normal a few minutes ago, so everything is AOK. Hopefully setting the updates to manual should keep it from happening again. Senior Mods! Can you please lock this?
  12. Alright I got this Windows 8 ASUS Notebook a couple days ago as a graduation present. Everything seemed to be going fine until today. Suddenly it decided to "Install Windows Updates" without my consent and stayed on an update screen for like an hour. Then it suddenly failed, and is currently sitting on this: "Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer." I've looked around for a fix, and none of them seem to be working. I really DO NOT want to factory reset because I don't want to lose everything I've already downloaded. Help? Any ideas would be fantastic.
  13. I tend to stop using weapons I've gotten max commendations for, but previously I used to use the DMR all the time. After the update I started using the BR, but I used both for different situations. BR for close-mid, and DMR for mid-long. Now I don't use them and have switched to the Carbine (which is pretty annoying), due to finishing the DMR/BR commendation, but if I had to choose between which was more versatile I'd pick the BR.
  14. I hope to be a represenative of the United States of Bacon on this glorius Canada day mayne!
  15. Yaaas welcome to the best forum in da hood! Keeping it real!
  16. Livin like Larry!

    1. Gemini Dragons
    2. Eqwinoxe


      On the verge of death?


    3. InfinityDusk


      *Jumps from large hill breaking all bones in body* "Yeahhhhh!"

  17. Daaangit! Twice this has happened! Eh whatever Yoko you gots the next one.
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