I've heard from others, or from you yourself that you have Multiple Personality Disorder (it's called something else now but I don't know what). I know that does bring into question the accountability of your actions due to you apparently coming in and out of control.
BUT The other you(s) have gone crazy in the Shoutbox. Sometimes towards innocent Forum dwellers. Just the other day I witnessed you calling for Rue, and when she wasn't here you called her some "Profane" names in censorship.
Now in order to "get" you we would have to know you personally, but most people here don't: including me. We do not know you in real life, and we can't gauge weither your fooling around or being serious.
Anyway If I had been Rue and seen what you've said then I would've been hurt. I don't know if she knows you personally, but it still is something that is uncalled for and needs to stop.
And you think that just because your words are censored that the younger kids will not be affected by it. On the contrary they could perceive them as cuss words, think of them as cool, and begin to use them excessively. Be mature.
And if you can't control your other selves, then I'm sorry to say that you should not be allowed to use the Shoutbox.
I like to think of myself as a friend of some level to you, but I can't let that get in the way if you can't control outbursts towards people here who didn't deserve it.