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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Hey I edited my previous post. Your up next.
  2. The last one was extremely relevant to Metastability. You would have to look at half the riddle as describing the AIs journey through Rampancy, and then the return to Sanity in the last half of the riddle. I make random pieces of riddles not coherent with the riddle's answer as a whole to throw people off. False roads more or less. Ah heck I guess I'll give that one to ya. Didn't expect Chief's destruction of the Composer to fit so well... TOO well. My original answer was a Scarab, but The Composer is waay too fitting. Guess the next riddle is yours. I worked hard on this riddle but meh. What can you do.
  3. SCORE. Get to 10 & you win. 5 - JL (Yoko) 3 - Caboose the Ace 3 - Self Destruct 2 - Twinreaper 2 - Zaguroth 2 - Ruby Rose 2 - Ledgend1221 2 - Silent Alpha 2 - UNSC Spartan-II 1 - Total Mayh3m 1 - Tyrone King 1 - WonderWombat 1 - Butch Flowers 1 - HollowPseudonym 1 - Uncooked Moa Okey here goes. ۞ The ground may shake. The mountains will quake. Your soul it will take. Your doom it will make. Leviathan of destruction. Colossus is it's name. An immense construction... Mere mortals shall never tame. Over all it will tower. Upon you an eye will shatter your sight. Left to die your body will sour... No longer to resist in foolish plight. But a dawn will come where the Knights shall dwell. No mortal fawns... from Olympus they have fell. Gods and Demons... our Shields... our Swords... Take the fight to them. Forever hear their roar. Crippled the Titan now stands. Piece by piece torn by hands. The structure has disappeared into the sands. Terror no longer reigns over the lands.
  4. Oh yes it was exquisite! Sorry rrhuntington man maybe next time. I'll post the riddle later. I've got to go to a Graduation ceremony.
  5. You have to post one. Make it like 1 sentence for all I care, and then your done.
  6. Finally Graduating today! Bye High School, you piece of crap!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      And into Highschool 2.0.... I mean college! Congrats. :3

    3. Akali



    4. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      Party over here! Party over there. Heyo, heyo, he-heyo!

  7. Am I supposed to get another little Star looking award for being on the top 15 this month? I got it from February's 15, and I don't know if you can get multiple. Also I'm keeping the 2 YouTube awards? I mean I'm all for more awards, but I'd rather be fair, and whatever. I can't come up with good words right now to explain this, so if at all possible then remove it (well if you don't see it as a problem then that's fine too).
  8. You have to make a riddle. However easy it is. You can't pass it to another person.
  9. I don't have Halo 3 so I can't play. Even if I did I would still rarely play it. Only for Playdates, and LAN parties. Though we do host Playdates occasionally on here so be sure to look out for those.
  10. Crunchitize me Captain!

  11. Okey here are some more songs. I just want to point out these are high quality: well at least by my standards. I'm not going to post some generic incomprehensible Black Metal or anything.
  12. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Beginning a Master Chief drawing!

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  13. Loving the Spam attack in the Recent Topics section.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      I blame Rue too. Only because this rhymes.

    3. Rue


      Woah, woah, woah. How am I spamming?! I'm contributing to discussion! But seriously, am I spamming?

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      They're trying to avert our attention from the real problem here: The secret Underground Moa fight club! Where are the Authorities?!

  14. Spartan DeMarco died. Not Thorne. Thorne is currently in New Alexandria exploring the area after the Quarintine lift. And I really don't get how most of the people here don't know about Escalation. I knew about it since last December. What gives? Anyway the story so far is pretty good. Flood returning (which we all KNEW they were still in the Galaxy) is a good thing.
  15. Oranges. Those carrots taste weird don't they? (SelfDestruct217 is attending ppst-haste)
  16. I think your timing should be a little better. Maybe a playdate next weekend, or next Monday will be optimal (because SUMMER YAA!!). I have a ton of things I gotta do for Graduation so I don't think I can be available this weekend. Next week I think I'm free. I'd absolutely LOVE to play the Reach DLCs. EDIT: Fergot my GT. SelfDestruct217
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