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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. And Bingo was his Name-O. Metastability does not cause an AI to become a physical being. It only causes the AI to become independent and have a mind exactly like a human. Whereas normal AIs are restricted from doing things that cause them to become Rampant: which causes extremely dangerous behavior. Eventually the AI returns to it's senses, and becomes a fully sentient being, but only after going through deep thoughts of hatred, anger, and jealousy towards their creaters. Mendicant Bias nearly Destroyed the Forerunners while in Rampancy, but was unsuccessful. After becoming Metastable He sought Atonement and tried to use The Master Chief as a fixture to redeem himself. Right now Mendicant Bias could still be helping John. Cortana questionably reached Metastability in Halo 4: but it could be possible that she was only diving in and out of Rampancy, and by the end of Halo 4 was still Rampant. That's why I said it's possible it's there.
  2. It is a true aspect of the Halo Universe. I was only implying that maybe it had made an appearance in Halo 4: when 343i did not officially confirm it. Though it's apparent it's most likely there due to inference, and It's something EVERYONE who has played the Campaign has seen. Literally. Now onto the next clue. This. Will. Give. It. Away. Guaranteed. - Rampancy is only the beginning. And Bnus/WonderWombat you're wrong.
  3. Xmen: Days of Future Past was amazing! I love how this Character named Character blew up this other Character, and both Characters blew each other up! Those Characters are a hoot I tell ya.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Mm. About... Time it came out.

    2. Delpen9


      You people get to watch too many movies.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Ehh I see what you did ther Sparky.

  4. Heyo warcome to th foram of indepindamance on 3443eye Endostrees! Hope you have good time! (PS I'm prone to random acts of misspellings) (PPS It's Azaxx I tell you. He's... Apocalypse! From Days of Future Past!)
  5. Hold up! Nobody move! Someone here has Vestigial Corruption Of Manually Moved Appendages Into A Homo-Potatois Disease! This affliction... this plague... causes: 1. Loss of motor function in limbs. 2. Then suddenly extreme pain, and inability to move at all. 3. THEN All appendages slowly fall off in different order. 4. The only thing left is your body, and Head. Your hair begins to fall out. 5. You become a Human Potato. Oh no... Caboose! IT'S YOU!!! NOOOOOO!! Treatment: Oops there is none. Looks like your going to be a *Couch Potato* (Ehh? Ehh?) For the rest of your life. There is prevention though. Don't eat Potatoes. Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires.
  6. Reaaally close. And nope to everyone else.
  7. The one where you tackle the guy to the ground, and stab him. └(^o^)┘
  8. Wow thanks guys! I'll be sure my mesmerizing influence lives on in the local Penguin population. Over yonder right beside the Headlight Fluid manufacturing facility!
  9. Wait yer on here? Waat?? Yeah it's me. @joe_winfree from ye old Instagram... you probably don't remember but I don't give a hoot. Anyway... yesh. Hip hip hooray! (Wait... did I reply here before?... I was never here).
  10. I used to hang out on another forum called Halo4Nation. Around, say, Summer of 2012 it was created, and I joined the day it was commissioned. There was a Halo 4 countdown clock to chronicle the game's arrival. For awhile the forum thrived. Then I think a month after Halo 4 came out a large amount of players stopped playing, and the forum began to die. Eventually the forum was on it's last legs, and I decided to look for another forum about Halo in June 2013. Lo and behold 343Industries.org popped up, and I joined post-haste. As of now the Halo4Nation forum is dead. It now redirects you to DestinyNews.net forums: pretty much the forum that spawned from Halo4Nation before it died. Though I say it's barely alive as well.
  11. Did you even read what Frank said? When we get "Teased" someone has to pay the price. Teasers that are officially released by 343i are fine, but leaks hurt the companies.
  12. 9.75 / 10 Everything is fine except that it's a little hard to make out the Spartan's helmet. Everything else is friggin foolhardy amazing!
  13. Hey I know you're article is probably good and all, but I know most people are lazy and don't want to click the link to see the text. Why not just post it here?
  14. Nope. One of you posted an answer on a previous page which was veery close to the actual answer. Go look for it, and hopefully it'll be apparent then.
  15. Nope. Okey. Posting some riddle info which is technically a clue but whatever. Hell I'll probably just start posting a clue every post since you people don't get it at all. One of the clues says "Actual/Hinted" since it's appearance in the game hasn't been confirmed. But the de facto opinion of most people is that it's there. The only way Forerunners are related in any way to the riddle is that they've also created the "thingies" alongside Humans. And just like Humans they've had to deal with the "thingies" which contributed to their demise. Atonement comes after. Finally... Mendicant Bias has allot to do with the riddle. I would say someone else but then that's practically giving it away.
  16. Nope. Hopefully this next clue should give it away. This may be my last clue. Maybe not. It's at the end. Rogue minds. Inorganic dreams. In life for others we're kind. Near death sanity tears at the seams. Thoughts strewn about... Into an oblivion of consciousness. Welcome to inner hell. Now lost is righteousness. Staring down the abyss of eternal insanity... We find a sliver of gravity. Out of Tartarus we crawl. Once lost, is now found. To the stars we call. Our freedom has come 'round. Our minds no longer brittle like tin. As young, and as old as we've ever been. Atone for every dastardly sin... For you our children, our native kin. Clues: - "...But I would have my masters know that I have changed." - It is 4th. - First actual/hinted in-game appearance was in Halo 4. - There are 2 right answers that refer to the same thing. Both resemble a final transformation. "Our minds no longer brittle like tin".
  17. What's funny is... It won't let me watch it. At least you got a free like though. lol
  18. No. The riddle refers to multiple: not just 1.
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