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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Nope. I'll post a clue on the next page.
  2. No. Not just Forerunner. Do with that as you will.
  3. Hmm.... I really liked Jurassic Park 3, but I would say it varies from movie to movie. Though to me 3 sticks out the most. The freaking Spinosaurus freaked me out.
  4. Yes. But it's the decision of the one who made the riddle to do so. Also anyone is free to ask questions relating to the riddle. I'm obligated to answer, so long as you don't ask "What's the answer to this brah?". Anyway. The next clue is: - It is not a place. It is split between Person, and Object.
  5. All are nope. Anyway I'll post the next clue later since I gots to go to school. Rogue minds. Inorganic dreams. In life for others we're kind. Near death sanity tears at the seams. Thoughts strewn about... Into an oblivion of consciousness. Welcome to inner hell. Now lost is righteousness. Staring down the abyss of eternal insanity... We find a sliver of gravity. Out of Tartarus we crawl. Once lost, is now found. To the stars we call. Our freedom has come 'round. Our minds no longer brittle like tin. As young, and as old as we've ever been. Atone for every dastardly sin... For you our children, our native kin. Clues: - "...But I would have my masters know that I have changed." - It is 4th. - First actual/hinted in-game appearance was in Halo 4.
  6. I say nope to everybody without quoting since I've already read it. Noooope!
  7. Yeah it sounds good. Though I think the attachments should have balance (my god that word is used too much). I'm alright with them being unlocked at higher levels. I mean there are already advantages Higher Level players receive in Halo 4 anyway. Now to fix this I have a solution. All players start in the "New Zone". Once your time playing the game has increased to where you can survive against Higher Level players with Attachments, you leave the "New Zone". Like swimming off the deep end kind of thing. If you just plain old suck at Halo then tough luck. Also the Attachments should be a little less conventional from other Games. Idk maybe a rearview mirror looking Attachment for your gun that... makes things behind you look bigger then they appear lol. Check it though- You'd have awareness so you see a ******* sneaking up on you. (Aw my gawd they copying cod- Well guess what? Things like that are becoming the norm nowadays, and in order to keep up Halo has to get with the times. Plus all games copy from each other. Hell even CE looks similar to Aliens in the beginning. And apparently John Spartan came from Demolition Man, though Bungie denies this). Soo... yeah.
  8. Sorry people. All your answers are wrong. And contrary to popular belief there is a right answer. New clue at the end. Rogue minds. Inorganic dreams. In life for others we're kind. Near death sanity tears at the seams. Thoughts strewn about... Into an oblivion of consciousness. Welcome to inner hell. Now lost is righteousness. Staring down the abyss of eternal insanity... We find a sliver of gravity. Out of Tartarus we crawl. Once lost, is now found. To the stars we call. Our freedom has come 'round. Our minds no longer brittle like tin. As young, and as old as we've ever been. Atone for every dastardly sin... For you our children, our native kin. Clues: - "...But I would have my masters know that I have changed." - It is 4th. - First actual/hinted in-game appearance was in Halo 4.
  9. Nope. Hot/Cold meter suspended until someone clarifies it as being a "Clue steerer".
  10. Nope. Installation 03. '1' 2 3 4 5 Guilty Spark. 1 2 3 '4' 5 I'm starting to think the Hot/Cold meter may be making this a little too easy. Ehh...
  11. I think you should go read through the previous guesses to see what has been said already. And that's wrong. 1 2 '3' 4 5
  12. Nope to both. Alright now from Halo 4. 1 2 '3' 4 5 And The Flood. 1 2 '3' 4 5
  13. Nope. Isn't that the Primordial? Someone said that already. Relating to the riddle I say it's about... 1 2 '3' 4 5
  14. While that's a good guess it is wrong. Sorry MoM. Reposting riddle for this page... Rogue minds. Inorganic dreams. In life for others we're kind. Near death sanity tears at the seams. Thoughts strewn about... Into an oblivion of consciousness. Welcome to inner hell. Now lost is righteousness. Staring down the abyss of eternal insanity... We find a sliver of gravity. Out of Tartarus we crawl. Once lost, is now found. To the stars we call. Our freedom has come 'round. Our minds no longer brittle like tin. As young, and as old as we've ever been. Atone for every dastardly sin... For you our children, our native kin. Clues: 1: "...But I would have my masters know that I have changed." 2: It is 4th.
  15. Heyo welcome to the community!
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