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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Perfection speculation introspection... Time fer another weapon post :} Gravity Gun. A fusion of the one in the Dead Space Series, and Half-Life 2. It has low damage, but is useful for blasting things away. It cannot pick up objects like the Half Life 2 one can, but can be useful for object clearing. The Gravity Hammer may seem more practical, but the Gravity Gun has alternate abilities... a. Aside from normalcy with forcing things away, you can also hold the trigger to catch thrown Grenades, and throw them back. You can also catch Rockets, Fuel Rods, and Incineration Cannon bolts and either deflect them, or catch and shoot them back. Catching Plasma Pistol discharge, Mantis rockets, Rocket Hog rockets and such. b. When using the Gravity Gun, the force field generated by it scrambles the Promethean Vision: essentially making you invisible to it. c. If a Hologram is moving towards you, you can charge and deflect it to walk back the way it came. Not really much of an ability per say, but a minor "Oh that's a cool little feature" kind of thing. d. You can deflect a Sword, and Gravity Hammer lunges if timed correctly. Though you still take a portion of the damage from the weapons. e. You can aim down and shoot to do a super jump. Maybe even a double jump. f. If timed correctly you can stop a Vehicle from running you over, but you receive about half the damage. A Wraith or a Ghost can throttle you though. Cons. a. Low damage yield. Not even worth using to kill people directly. More or less a means to knock people back, maybe even blasting them off of cliffs. b. Low reload speed. Those with Dexterity will have an advantage. c. Has the regular charge of a Plasma Pistol. Overheats a little longer than a Plasma Pistol though. d. Cannot deflect rounds from all Snipers, Railguns, Needlers or regular Loudout weapons except the Plasma Pistol. This is more or less a Power weapon, and cannot be obtained in Loadouts (well in Customs yes).
  2. Hey welcome to 343i Community Forum! -Sparky- already answered, so I'm in no need here.
  3. *Plot twist* This is not a status update.

    1. Rue


      Oooooooh he went there

  4. 5/5. Eventually I'll update my signature.
  5. No. A little more posts and I'll post the next clue.
  6. Nope. Cold/Hot scale. 1 being very cold. '1' 2 3 4 5
  7. That's what I'm thinking. But there's a conundrum. If the Collection comes with beta codes, and I get an Xbox for that, then I'll miss out on getting a Halo 5 Themed Limited Edition (with all the goodies). Weighing the choices... Halo 2 Anniversary/Collection/Beta Codes vs. Kickass Halo 5 LE Xbox... If they do an LE for 5 then I'll most likely get that. Beta is great and all, but I'd rather the LE (If it exists, which is bound to happen). For your question WizardBear I would say wait until E3. Maybe they'll announce a Halo 5 Xbox there or something.
  8. All are wrong. Just because I post something quoted from a Character doesn't mean that it's it. Look deeper... Reposting riddle... Rogue minds. Inorganic dreams. In life for others we're kind. Near death sanity tears at the seams. Thoughts strewn about... Into an oblivion of consciousness. Welcome to inner hell. Now lost is righteousness. Staring down the abyss of eternal insanity... We find a sliver of gravity. Out of Tartarus we crawl. Once lost, is now found. To the stars we call. Our freedom has come 'round. Our minds no longer brittle like tin. As young, and as old as we've ever been. Atone for every dastardly sin... For you our children, our native kin. Clues: #1: "...But I would have my masters know that I have changed."
  9. Squidward... Tortellini?!

  10. I'm with the Sword. It's easier to use, and more tactile than the Hammer (at least with Halo 4's hammer).
  11. All 3 guesses wrong. Here's a clue. "...But I would have my masters know that I have changed."
  12. Come on people. This riddle isn't even that hard to figure out. - http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32747-crazy-grunts-riddle-challenge-round-6/page-48

    1. Delpen9


      I couldn't guess it after 1 try. It is hard.

    2. Delpen9


      Can we find it in the games?

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom
  13. Introspection... thinking... working... laughing... Getting back to thinking... Hmmm... The Stig!!!
  14. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Finished my L.A. Noire drawing today.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  15. I've got so many plans (mwahaha!)... making a new Signature included. :)

  16. I like to think they actually walk the interwebs reading Forums like these, and getting ideas, but I know they're too busy to do that. They get the somewhat accurate feedback needed from their Forums on Waypoint. Who knows. Maybe they actually do read everything on here. We'll never know until 343 admits it.
  17. Mind control device. A little Target Detonator like weapon that let's you take control of an enemy Spartan's suit motors, or something. Not literally Mind Control but controlling their suit. As you control them you can use the suit to betray unaware enemy teamattes. Kill them, maim them, assassinate them, spread feces on their faces and etc. The time to control the enemy would be short. Maybe 10 seconds. The max people you could kill would be around 3, or 4 (including the player you're controlling, who after either kills the max players, or is taken out by It's teammates who've caught on, the Player would self destruct in an explosion maybe half of that of a Frag Grenade). Oh and once you control the player, it basically becomes a remote controlled auxiliary Team member. It turns red on the enemy team's radar, and can be killed by them for the regular amount of points per kill (or less, or more). It might also slightly change colors to give a heads up to people not looking at the radar. When using this, you become stationary and imoble. Any enemy player can kill you and release the Player your controlling. Now from the Person being controlled perspective, they just see their Player playing by itself. They can alert their team with a mic or something. Now vehicles... Hold up I think the max ammo for the gun would be 3-ish. When you control a Vehicle it takes up all 3 ammo to use. Same deal with vehicles as with regular Players. You become another team memberz and the other team can kill you accordingly. This is a power weapon. I call it... Cortex Cracker.
  18. So... You have 71 posts and still think we're 343i? Or what? Your topic name implies so. I think your idea is somewhat solid. Seems like a good compromise for New and Old players. P.S. I did not think Reach sucked, and I think most people here agree.
  19. Well... skipping out on Prom. *Sigh* Guess I'm solo yet again this weekend. :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rue


      Omg I'd go with you Self Destruct!

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom
    4. Delpen9


      Fae and Self Destruct. I do not approve.

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