Perfection speculation introspection... Time fer another weapon post :}
Gravity Gun.
A fusion of the one in the Dead Space Series, and Half-Life 2. It has low damage, but is useful for blasting things away. It cannot pick up objects like the Half Life 2 one can, but can be useful for object clearing. The Gravity Hammer may seem more practical, but the Gravity Gun has alternate abilities...
a. Aside from normalcy with forcing things away, you can also hold the trigger to catch thrown Grenades, and throw them back. You can also catch Rockets, Fuel Rods, and Incineration Cannon bolts and either deflect them, or catch and shoot them back. Catching Plasma Pistol discharge, Mantis rockets, Rocket Hog rockets and such.
b. When using the Gravity Gun, the force field generated by it scrambles the Promethean Vision: essentially making you invisible to it.
c. If a Hologram is moving towards you, you can charge and deflect it to walk back the way it came. Not really much of an ability per say, but a minor "Oh that's a cool little feature" kind of thing.
d. You can deflect a Sword, and Gravity Hammer lunges if timed correctly. Though you still take a portion of the damage from the weapons.
e. You can aim down and shoot to do a super jump. Maybe even a double jump.
f. If timed correctly you can stop a Vehicle from running you over, but you receive about half the damage. A Wraith or a Ghost can throttle you though.
a. Low damage yield. Not even worth using to kill people directly. More or less a means to knock people back, maybe even blasting them off of cliffs.
b. Low reload speed. Those with Dexterity will have an advantage.
c. Has the regular charge of a Plasma Pistol. Overheats a little longer than a Plasma Pistol though.
d. Cannot deflect rounds from all Snipers, Railguns, Needlers or regular Loudout weapons except the Plasma Pistol.
This is more or less a Power weapon, and cannot be obtained in Loadouts (well in Customs yes).