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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. ... Holy #$&*... Such amazing... Many cool... Wow... *Silent screams of joy*
  2. Buttered toast!!

    1. Vitamin Pwn
    2. GermanShepherdD


      A ladle? Oh my. IT'S A TUB OF GRAVY!

  3. Reposting riddle... Rogue minds. Inorganic dreams. In life for others we're kind. Near death sanity tears at the seams. Thoughts strewn about... Into an oblivion of consciousness. Welcome to inner hell. Now lost is righteousness. Staring down the abyss of eternal insanity... We find a sliver of gravity. Out of Tartarus we crawl. Once lost, is now found. To the stars we call. Our freedom has come 'round. Our minds no longer brittle like tin. As young, and as old as we've ever been. Atone for every dastardly sin... For you our children, our native kin. Getting colder.
  4. Sorry Sanic (yu rune so fas iswer ura supperman foreel) but you're only allowed to post 1 answer per post. + Plus both your answers are wrong, but they're close the enchilada.
  5. Hee haw!! JL - 5 Butch Flowers - 1 Caboose - 3 Swaguroth - 2 Ruby Rose - 2 Ledgend - 2 Uncooked Moa - 1 HollowPseudonym - 1 Self Destruct - 2 Silent Alpha - 2 UNSC Spartan-II - 2 Tyrone King - 1 Okey here we go. I think y'all should be able to figure this out quickly. Rogue minds. Inorganic dreams. In life for others we're kind. Near death sanity tears at the seams. Thoughts strewn about... Into an oblivion of consciousness. Welcome to inner hell. Now lost is righteousness. Staring down the abyss of eternal insanity... We find a sliver of gravity. Out of Tartarus we crawl. Once lost, is now found. To the stars we call. Our freedom has come 'round. Our minds no longer brittle like tin. As young, and as old as we've ever been. Atone for every dastardly sin... For you our children, our native kin.
  6. I believe this should be true as well. If your on those Lone Wolf missions then it seems weird to find a perfectly functional AR or DMR just laying around after you've been using Covenant or Promethean weapons the whole missions. This shouldn't be true for when your on a mission that starts out with you being on Infinity or something (since they provide you with a new weapon).
  7. Ur-Didact's (or Shadow Of Sundered Star) War Sphinx guards?
  8. This is why we need to get rid of these. If anything we need to find a different weapon that is lethal, but not as harmful to the environment should it be used. I'm not promoting usage of doomsday weapons, but of something we could protect ourselves with, and force aggressive Countries to back off. I mean The President (of the ol US) travels with "The Football": a singular device that launches all of the US's nukes should another country attack the US with nukes or something. That's a little unsettling...
  9. Welp, Zack Snyder tweeted a picture of the new Batsuit from Batman Vs Superman with the Batmobile partially in the background. Looks like it's from The Dark Knight Returns (Don't Spoil it for those who haven't read the comic or watched the movie). I think it's pretty apparent that this movie is the first meet'n'greet of the two characters, and may borrow from The Dark Knight Returns, but that's speculation. I think it looks great. 2016 seems soo far away though. I've read somewhere that they intend to keep the date to compete with Captain America 3 (which releases the same day apparently), but I gotta go make sure it's true. Anyhoo. Thoughts? Concerns? Tacos? Let your cerebral inner workings out! (How am I supposed to post a source if the Mods frown upon posting off site links? I can't hyperlink words on here so someone clarify that for me. I got this from a DC Entertainment Instagram post)
  10. Nunsense: The sense of Nuns.

  11. Maybe it's because the discontinued content is actually no longer there? Like you can't download a nonexistent file. I have found an old Download list in the settings tab on the 360 and was able to redownload a few files, but I think it's because the Content was still actually available to download in the Marketplace. I think your file stopped downloading at 35% due to connection problems or something, and now a while later the actual Content was removed from the Marketplace. The only thing left was the cached data from the original file still stored on your Xbox. I don't know if it's anything else. I hope this helped.
  12. It's your connection. The videos only work if your connection is good. I've experienced exactly what you have, and the only way to fix it is to have an adequate online connection. I suggest looking up the videos online if you don't have the means to better your internet.
  13. Back in the day I was all about the supernatural stuff. Like the Mothman, Alien abduction, Witches, and all that. Pretty much still am. It would be hard for me to sleep sometimes since I would always believe there would be an Alien or Demon or something sitting in the room watching me. To this day I still have a hard time sleeping because of this. •_• Watching all those horror movies hasn't really helped either. The absolute worst one that keeps screwing with me is John Carpenter's The Thing, and the 2011 prequel. My god those were freaking scary as hell. (●⌒●)
  14. I can help you out on Campaign coop, and other things if you want. I'll try to get on later today.
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