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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Had a good time with what I played Shadow! Looking forward to the next!
  2. I used to believe Sasquatch was real... Good to know my childhood fear is still holding strong.
  3. The amount of people coming on here thinking we're 343i is too dang high!!

    1. Delpen9


      It's fun that way.

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      secretly i harbour a hatred for these peple

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      My hatred ain't a secret lol

  4. Nice catch! It feels like they intended this to happen, but you never know. I say it's more than likely going to be Halo 5, but we'll need actual confirmation at E3.
  5. I lookie over der... See a zombie man wit no hair... Made of me complete scare... Getting the **** out of there! (PS Looks cool!) (PPS No console version!?)
  6. I'm going to wait until it actually comes out, and hear the reviews. If it's horrible then chock another one onto the list of horrid CoD games.
  7. Is Mayonnaise an instrument?

  8. It may be old, but you can still use it. Don't reply to any olden topics though since the Mods frown upon that.
  9. Yeah for me it varies. I tend to use whatever's laying around, but the most used guns I've used were the DMR, and BR. Stopped using them since completing their commendations, and starting using the Carbine and Light Rifle.
  10. You mean General Discussion or the Forum as a whole? From the looks of things the whole Forum is pretty active. General discussion I don't know about. Haven't checked the recent post count. We still use it though.
  11. Hey welcome to the community!
  12. Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming, swimming! What do we do? We swim!...

    1. Guts


      Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho. I love to swim. When you want to swim you want to swim.

    2. rrhuntington


      See, I'm going to get that song, now it's stuck in my head!



  13. Heller! Welcome to the Community! Shark bait hoo ha ha! SHARK BAIT HOO HA HA!!
  14. I don't know if I can get up that early, but I'll try to.
  15. Why the locked statuses? POR QUE?!

  16. Made an Art account on DeviantArt today. Names Ludicrous-Speed

  17. Do you have the max number of files already in your File Share? If so you'll need to delete something to make room for new files. I don't know if it's something else. Maybe you're connection is not suitable to upload files or something.
  18. I had a hard time actually getting the gist of what you were actually posting, so my bad. Too much words make me self destruct. (I am pretty slow) I think you're saying we all should just come together as a Community instead of arguing, and labeling each other. While I'm not bothered by labeling (unless the label is hurtful or "questionably suggestive") I do think allot less arguing and the like should tone down a bit. Why can't we all just get along? *Why can't we be friends begins to play in the background *
  19. I would try, but my connection is hateful towards Campaign. If I joined I'd probably lag allot. If your still up for it, then I'm available on the weekends most of the time. SelfDestruct217.
  20. But the game currently in the MM cycle has what your talking about. There are multiple playlists in Halo 4 matchmaking that force everyone to start with the same weapons. Besides if Multiplayer in Halo 5 was solely like that, then prepare for an even bigger backlash from the community then there was with Halo 4. Besides our little ramblings probably don't have any merit to 343i at all: well at least on here. You want to argue about this, then go to Waypoint where there's a chance it might be heard by 343i. For now this topic has been butchered profusely, and I don't think we'll get past our impasse.
  21. The song you posted doesn't start with Y. :/
  22. To be honest I don't think the terms hurt anyone. It's not really "hurtfull" to call someone MLG. If anything that's a pretty lazy insult. One I doubt most people will take offense to. If someone called me MLG I'd just reply that I'm Casual: Which I actually am. I don't have the time to play Video Games all the time like I used to, so I've been resorted to playing every once in awhile... which is pretty casual to me. I may be Casual, but I am really competetive. Not enough to merit me being labled as "MLG" (which I don't play any of the so called "MLG" playlists in the first place). If I so happened to actually play enough of the Pro Playlists, then sure I'm fine with being called MLG. I do understand what you're saying (Kind of. Really long posts get really hard to read for me). My brain is half working right now since I've been at an Construction Industry-Company Speech/Share thingy all day, and I'm pretty freaking tired. I had to sit and listen to like 20 people make speeches about their respective Companies, and them trying to reel in employees.
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