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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Band ----> Soulfly - Master of Savagery
  2. Well these are some hardcore science nuts (which I think are in Germany). I doubt they'd have the tolerance to forever name an element after a Video Game character they've probably never heard about. BUT here's hoping the dudes/dudets are hip, and name it after our special Spartan McNoodle!
  3. Whenever I get the chance I'll go check it out. I think the way I see it is with the movement on auto fast, you don't have the ability to toggle how fast you go. With Sprint it allows you to go faster, but only when you want it to. Like if you wanted to sneak you wouldn't use it. I just find it more immersive if I'm allowed to use Sprint is all. Thanks for the good discussion man. I would continue, but I have to opt out since I have things to go do. Peace.
  4. Oh yeah forgot to say... They ain't no hay for a 360... ay. As in I don't think the 360 shall have one.
  5. Strangely I favor the Elite designs in the opposite order they're presented. 1. 4 2. Reach 3. Wars 4. 3 5. 2 6. CE
  6. Haven't they done it with all mainstream Halos? Excluding CE. I think there's a high chance there will be one.
  7. I committed to the argument the second I posted. I think there's sufficient "words" to prove that. And I walked away simply because I found it impossible to argue with someone as hard headed as I. I have better things to do than sit here and talk to a brick wall. And your comment was overly critical of my previous posts, so I chose not to respond. I believe the evidence I suggested was credible. If I'm wrong then it's on me. Lastly I believe it's true. You don't. End of story. Let's move on.
  8. My bad I meant both Sprint and Loadouts. No I'm not MLG and have not never played MLG playlists. I would just find the speed of the matches I've played in Halo 3 and partially Reach to be slow: since in 3 your reduced to walking speed (and faster in MLG) and in Reach the same was true if you had a different AA than Sprint. Whenever I play 3 I have the sudden urge to just let loose and sprint. I feel really restricted due to the limited movement, and that's why I did not play MM in 3 much. In Reach you had Sprint, and so the pace was a little faster and more attuned to my play style. I'm one of those people who run around everywhere. I just find it strange to uninclude Loadouts and Sprint because as a Spartan, you should be fast and allowed to use whatever weapon suits you at the start. I don't know I just feel like the way your describing it is just 343 releasing a Halo 3 clone. If anything a gametype would be far better executed.
  9. Welcome to 343i Community forum! I play Halo 4 allot too, and you can add me if you want. My GT is SelfDestruct217.
  10. *face palm* THE IMAGES WERE LITERALLY REAL. The dev posted the actual picture of the Xbox on the Twitter post. I highly doubt They would've Photo shopped that. Furthermore the User posted an image of the exact same Xbox months before the Dev posted the Twitter post. And you think the Gaming industry is a 100% pure running Machine that has absolute 0 leaks? It happens all the time. Plus what if the Company rubbed the Employee wrong, and they wanted revenge by ruining the companies schedule of information releases? People get angry and do stupid things without planning ahead. They also do stupid things for stupid reasons because of negative variables, like drugs, drinking, financial ruin etc. Ill just agree to disagree. I'm getting out of here. Like you've said in the "343 has to get it right.." I'm gracefully leaving. Does not mean you've won.
  11. Then there's no freedom. I understand Halo 3, and 2 were this way, but I'd rather prefer my own custom loadout instead of being forced to play in such a slow gameplay. @ChristopherRyan
  12. The user probably was an employee of some sort that as far as we know actually did get fired. We don't know. Plus do you actually think an employee would post with all his/her information on the thread thinking they won't get fired? Obviously they're going to hide they're identity. Even if the information is "vague" as you call it, it is still credible due to some of it being confirmed by respectable sources. Also define "Concrete". You mean the actual post?
  13. Wayne's World! Party time! Excellent!

    1. TDM


      Bruce Wayne's World! Being Rich! Be Batman!

  14. So your saying 343i should pretty much rerelease Halo 3, but in a slightly revamped form? I'm sure the closest thing you'll get to this is either Halo 3, or modded game types in Reach or 4. Maybe an actual Anniversary edition, which I doubt will happen. In my honest opinion I don't think 343 needs to downgrade back to Halo 3 or any previous game to succeed. They can learn from the previous games to see what formula made them successful, and work off that, but I think most of the Community just wants something fresh and new: as in some form of innovation for the series. Finally I know that was just opinion, but to me Halo 4 feels nothing like CoD. I can easily see differences between the two. I'd like to know what you see besides just the Loadouts, since there's more to both than that one comparison. And for the record just because CoD has loadouts doesn't mean it's reserved specifically for CoD, and that they solely came up with that feature. Halo 4 may have loadouts, but I see nothing wrong with their implementation. If anything I see it as an upgrade. Sorry if I came off as irritable or something. I respect your opinion, and appreciate you making your statement without mindless ranting.
  15. Wow lol I think this is getting a little out of hand... I know there's a crapload of a chance this thread gets locked like the others. I have no idea what sqrt(-1) is so I'll continue with 3.
  16. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Working on this for a friend. Might draw Captain Britain sometime in the future

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  17. You know this thread is going to be locked like the rest. .06
  18. BZ1 He means the actual armor Chief wears in campaign. The armor Chief wears in the Halo 4 campaign is unobtainable, as in "Ain't nobody gettin dat!". If you decided to Mod, then be prepared for the high chance you'll get banned by 343i. So far only MK VI (6), and MK V (5) are the only armor in Halo 4 that John actually wore in previous games, albeit in a revamped GEN2 form. I would think there's a slim chance 343i would do something community wise on releasing Chief's armor as unlockable, but I think it takes away from Chief as it's only unique to him, and no one else... Plus I'm sure 900% of everyone who knows about it being unlockable (if it were) would go and retrieve and wear it, so it becomes lackluster. Maybe they can do a Bungie armor kind of thing or something.
  19. It sounds weird listening to my own voice... creepy. Anyway it was fun with what I actually played.
  20. I think in order to keep Halo 5 as presumably high quality as possible, it needs to be specifically made for Xbox One. If they had the idea in mind for it to also release on the 360, they would have to hold back some things so it could be compatible with the less powerfull Console. I've heard that 343 had problems with Halo 4 since the old 360 hardware (I think that's right) was too restrictive, and kept them from including more content in the final game, but with Xbox One they'll have a crapload of breathing room to add whatever.
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