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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Dis is da itty bitty kitty fairy. She liek yiu vary much. (=^・ェ・^=)ノ彡☆ May #RedneckSelection reign forever, and echo into the infinite vastness of the university of Dumbness! *Good log post by the way. Read ALL of it. FML... lol no it was seriously really good, and looking forward to your tyrannical reign as MoM *
  2. Okey... bracing myself fer a tidal wave of information! Really though I really think this year will be the best E3 so far
  3. I have no clue what you were saying past the first couple sentences.
  4. Yehiree! Congrats on earning yer most posthumous pooping honor in become our MoM!! Hey... MooooM? Can I have some lunch money?
  5. There seems to be a YuGiOh / Magic surge going on lately at my school...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      *4th. I'm probably not getting back into it though. I stopped playing like 8-9 years ago, and I'm sure that time will increase.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Bakugan is great dude


      New Vestroia best season

    4. Vaulting♥Frog


      I am holding onto my Magic collection still. 15000 cards in total (well around that anyways)

  6. I had to put the image in Spoiler, since I'm not sure how big it'll be relative to the Topic. My phone takes pictures in like 1600x1200 or something. Really freaking huge pictures. Anyway I hav 2 main controllers for gaming. The MW3 remote my Cousin uses whenever he comes over to play coop, and the old 360 Era Ringed X button remote is fir myself. Despite it's left stick being split, it works amazingly well. It has some resistance in the stick for precise aiming.
  7. Well hello ther! Welcome to the 343i Community Forum! Please excuse me. I'm off to go get a flamethrower, and hide under my bed.
  8. In specific playlists they should keep betrayal, but in everything else it should be absent. In most playlists I've played so far, Betrayal is allowed. I think BTB, CTF, Team Slayer, and others are allowed. Anyway the reasoning behind betrayal removal is mostly due to misconduct by players and trolls. Those people who kill steal your weapons, kill you for the fun of it/trolling, and just poor skills pertaining to some teammates who can't aim worth crap. An area very plagued by Betrayal is Grifball. In close proximity to ANY player when letting the hammer rip, and their dead. KDs drop, Booting abound, Ball Stealing, and "Player hammering just to kill teammates". It needs to go. The argument that "Betrayal allows the Players to learn from their mistakes, and not betray again" is bull. Any player in the allowed playlist can kill you regardless of either if was accidental or intentional. Either way it has negative results. Ending of Kill Sprees, KD drop, Objective loss, and other things. I'm not very up to arguing today, but from what I've seen a bunch of things stack against Betrayal implantation. Keep it for customs, and Specific Playlists, and leave the majority without Betrayal to stop trolling, and bullying.
  9. And so on this hallowed day, a great many Forumites... (Forites, Fomites, Forumi whatever) wept deeply for our beloved MoMs departure... He shall never be forgotten. Alright now that that's over, let's discuss the matter of distribution of possessions, as stated in P1nknut's will... ALL VALUABLE POSSESSIONS HEARBY ARE GIVEN TO THE GRACIOUS, AND OVERLY CAUSTIC JOSEPH JAMES SELF DESTRUCTION. CABOOSE ALSO GETS P1NKNUT'S PRESERVED FECES. LASTLY LEDGEND1221 GETS A VERY SPECIAL BOX CONTAINING P1NKNUT'S COVETED COLLECTION OF ASSORTED HUMAN BONES AND REMAINS + 1 FREE SUBMISSION TO KICK JUSTIN BEIBER IN THE FACE TAX FREE. *sobs*
  10. Why do I have 2 YouTube awards? I thought you only get 1 for following the channel.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      I might've forgotten to edit the fact that I had awarded you with it so when Red went through the thread today, he gave it to you as well.

    3. Delpen9


      Well he might as well just keep them both. right? lol

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Sooo... I'm keeping it? It's fine if you remove it, but I just want to remind you about it if you've forgotten.

  11. It happens. What's unfortunate is that it's highly unlikely to be fixed and will always be with us. I'm guilty of doing this also since my mentality requires me to Shoot any enemy I see, and there's no notification that the Enemy player was just about to be killed by your Teammate, and yoink them. Very frustrating. I'm also guilty of some of the stuff from the list but it's caused by accidents and unforseen events. Like the last Ninjas vs The Forum game, I was lagging and I kept splattering people by accident when the lag clips me backward, and forward. I kept killing this one poor dude, and whoever you are I'm sorry lol. Buuut... I do troll sometimes. └(^o^)┘
  12. Butt Scratcha! Butt Scratchaaa!!

  13. Hey Nate welcome to 343i Community Forum! Hope you survive the tyranny of the Angry Mods (which Azaxx is extensively vicious).
  14. I don't know what your talking about Caboose. To me ALL the movies were great. The prequels especially. Loved Episode III. Looking forward to see what they'll do fer 7, 8, and 9.
  15. Hold up... I subscribed to the YouTube channel however long ago, and I've just recently found it out... So I need that award I guess. I'm not sure what my account name is. I think it's Joseph Winfree, but if not my profile picture is some Guy having an arm come out of his skull.
  16. Heller! Welcome to the 343i Community Fo-Ram!!
  17. They played us like a d@mn fiddle!!!

  18. "They played us like a damn fiddle!!!!" -http://37.media.tumblr.com/6a8b2ef292e5479ba0da2ed3ba0baf8b/tumblr_n33ugkoEeT1rj6o6so1_1280.jpg

  19. Yes. Twinreaper sums it up pretty nice. BUT we need to have the option to rank up past 130 if we keep the normal progression system. If 343i decides to make it take longer to get to max rank, then leave it.
  20. You've missed a couple: 1. Destroying random vehicles laying around at the ol base so Teammates can't get them. 2. Actually destroying Teammates vehicles with them IN IT. 3. Grabbing the Sniper and/or Random Power Weapon and completely wasting the ammo shooting in the air or something. 4. Intentionally splattering Teammates. Also not deciding to stop the damn vehicle, and go full speed ahead if a Teammate gets in your way. 5. Killing Teammates for an Objective their carrying to get points. Like the Flag, Oddball, or Grifball. 6. Sticking Teammates with the Sticky Det without them noticing, and using them as unknowing Suicide Bombers. 7. Blocking a pathway with a vehicle. 8. Packing 3 Guest XBL players (who all suck) and hopping on Matchmaking. Instant loss abound.
  21. Good job everyone! Victory tacos are in order... Unfortunately I gots no $, so we'll have to make Caboose go steal some money from the Red base. Godspeed you valiant one!
  22. I_Make_Big_Boom

    Le Arbiter

    From the album: Tacos and what not

    Okey. Finished up The Arbiter, and might add Elites in the background. I post ALL my drawings on Instagram if y'all want to go see it. @joe_winfree is the name.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

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