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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. Everyone here knows the Spirit of Fire is coming back... right? The Arbiter? Stuff from Halo: Legends? Why have I not seen any crazy praise topics on Halo: Escalation??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Buns


      I want to talk about it I just dont have the money atm


    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Personally I find Halo: Ledgends to be all the lore I need.

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      Bnus I literally thought I wrote that second comment and said I wanted to talk to Bnus or something. This Drizzy_Doge thing...

  2. I'm not sure. I remember having my friends come over around 2004-ish (maybe after that... It was a long a$$ time ago), and they had an Xbox. They whopped out Halo 2 and started playing it, and I was like "Holy $% what is this!?" I might have played before that, but I don't remember. I remember the first console I had was either a PS1 or GameCube... Anyway I assume I started playing after I had seen Halo 2. My Mom got me an Xbox, and I played the heck out of CE and Halo 2: beating both campaigns on Legendary. Didn't know what XBL was at that time, and I didn't have the capability to play online, so online was a no go. That's how it started for me... ish.
  3. You mean CSR? Yeah that'd be a good idea. Though I think the armor shouldn't count for the Commendation completion, since getting to 50 is for those MLG guys, and not everyone. Just some bonus or reward like Yoshi1176 says.
  4. It would be a lot better if you had actually organized your sentences into paragraphs or something. The walls of text people post here are hard on the eyes. The only problems I see are not leveling past 130, removal of betrayal from matchmaking altogether, and some bug fixes. Other than that I see nothing wrong with Halo 4.
  5. Playin MGSV Ground Zeroes... I just imported For Whom The Bell Tolls... \m/

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      MGS YEAH!!! Ground Zeroes is short, but fun. EVen though it's almost purely a gimmick, it sure's working on me,

  6. Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said..."I'm too drunk... to taste this chicken."

    1. Delpen9


      ...and this is how the KKK 2 was started.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      The Keep Kids Kind club? Yesh!

  7. I quit playing Grifball because: 1. Team Killing. Me to others, and vice versa. 2. Kill Stealing. What's mine is MINE!! 3. Spawn Killing. Noobish tactical advantage. 4. Skewed Teams. I join a game with like only 1 teammate, and the game expects us to pull through >:/ Unfortunately I doubt any of that will ever be fixed. Fingers crossed fer Halo 5!
  8. To be quite honest... I think CoD should hold off from releasing a new game this year. While somewhat fun, they've definitely been on a downward spiral.
  9. I rather play Husky Raid then everything else in Action Sack. If it was in it's own playlist, then I'd stop playing Action Sack altogether.
  10. Heller! Welcome back! You probably don't know me at all.
  11. I think Nintendo should've taken the chance to do something for the 25th. Would've helped with thier little crisis going on. I also think for the anniversary they could've released some sort of Arcade game full of revamped old Gameboy games (which I think has been done already, but I'm not sure). I'm not sure how a re-released Gameboy would hold up... maybe just an emulator fir the 3DS or Wii U or something. I might buy that.
  12. This is the part where He kills you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guts


      Portal 2 rocks!

    3. Delpen9


      Sounds interesting. I've never played portal.

    4. Fishy


      Grabs defibrillator.

  13. Have a grand time candy gorging everyone!!

    1. Delpen9


      In Soviet Russia, you don't gorge candy. Candy gorges you.

  14. The time has come... to reveal my true nature... get ready... Its a whopping Flamingo Fart it is... https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t31.0-8/857839_572029626212320_289654475_o.jpg This is pretty much the only good picture (and one of the actual few pictures) I have of myself (it is from last November). I hate taking pictures, so this one will do.
  15. Yeeeeeeeeessssss!!!!! My master plan has been carefully set into motion... ...1...
  16. Yeah Twin sums it up pretty good. I think Betrayal should be taken out altogether. Save it for customs where shenanigans rein supreme, and where raging is slightly less likely to happen.
  17. Captain America 2.... was freaking amazing.

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      I know right? I just saw it a few days ago with my dad, brother, and my dads friend named Estes Davis Jr.! (What made it more special was it was the first time in over 10 years that Estes had been to a Movie Theater. And it was also his first Ever 3D and Imax movie!)



  18. I vote for a political upheaval... someone should say Smeeze. Thanks a bunch ~ Total Anarchist Self Destruction-a-nator Oh... and 105.
  19. Alright I'm thinking on holding a playdate for Halo 4 sometime in the future. I'd like to know who would be interested in such shenanigans! Also I need to get everything down before I can throw down a specific date. Gotta organize my maps and such. I would also like to know what the ideal time of day it should be Thanks, and stay classy 343i! └(^o^)┘
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