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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. I dedicate this poorly constructed poem to @Beckoningzebra1... Oh Beckoningzebra1... Let me count the ways... Aaaand there are none NEVERMIND false alarm go back to what you were doing!

    1. BeckoningZebra1
    2. Delpen9


      You wasted my life. Die, both of you!

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      @Delpin9 Go back to Antarctica!

  2. WELCOME. TO. 343. INDUSTRIAL. COOKIE. CUTTER. FILIBUSTER. INDUSTRIES!! Hopefully the Bacon/Beer deities will smile upon you, and grant you access to the Redneck Selection Cookie Vaults!! (@Caboose is banned from entering... If you see him... Slap him across the face with a rubber chicken...)
  4. I love it. I haven't been able to watch it recently since I have no tv, but it's a pretty hilarious show I heard that they're going to make new episodes.
  5. Still waiting for the Caption Contest Award.
  6. I_Make_Big_Boom


    From the album: Tacos and what not

    Finished my Halo 2 drawing. Went into lazy mode, and skipped out on the Logo, and 2 other Spartans. Plus the clouds look like flames, but whatever.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  7. Not sure what the situation on METAL is here, but I'll go ahead... Northlane - Quantum Flux. One of the best songs I've ever heard really. It's a mix of soft rock, and Metalcore. Not like anything overbearing like you typically get with Metalcore, and it has an incredibly catchy hook. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MIajmLP46b4 Now here we have Tool - Parabol/Parabola. Maynard (the lead singer) has a mesmerizing voice, and can go from soft to heavy in a heartbeat. Not like Death Metal growls. Anyway this song is pretty long... Around 9 minutes I think. But the song is actually 2 different songs. Parabol prequels Parabola. Parabol is a slow melody thing, and then Parabola is fast Hard Rock thingamajig. I HIGHLY recommend you listen to their other songs, like Reflection, Vicarious, Jambi, H., Aenema, Sober, Third Eye, Stinkfist, Hush and so forth. It ranges from really heavy, to progressive ambient metal, to hard rock, and alternative rock. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tvqOTjq0AjE Now here we have Gojira - From Mars/To Sirius. Same two part song thing going on. From Mars is a slow melodic ambient thingy, and To Sirius is a heavy Death Metal song. It's really high quality, and it has a catchy riff/hook. I recommend you look up some of their other songs like, Oroborus, Flying Whales, L'enfant Sauvage, Vacuity, A Sight To Behold, Explosia, and Ocean Planet. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d5fs5ELeJ1Q And here is Deftones - Leathers. Leathers is a very heavy metal/nu metal song. Unlike most songs I've heard before, It conveys emotion extremely well. Catchy Hook. Check out their other stuff, Diamond Eyes, You've Seen The Butcher, Rosemary, Tempest, Change (In The House of Flies) and so forth. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sPO81Fz4s2g And that is all for right now
  8. REDNECK SELECTION!!! I have gived it life, and it has blossomed into multiple Beerfest extravaganzas!!! #RedneckSelectionAlwaysAndForever+Tuesdays2014 D_D Thank you fer the tremendously terrifically stupendously superb Site Wrapups!!
  9. You should have modelled it after some very illustrious country folk
  10. I_Make_Big_Boom


    Over yonder at the pasture I have a couple Moonshine kegs, and chicken leg launchers! Gawd dangit I slipped off me horse and cut off my damn leg son of a b%&$h... Damn you Tom Cruise with your evil Witch magic!
  11. I_Make_Big_Boom


    From the album: Tacos and what not

    A little project I did for a friend

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  12. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Progress update fer my Iron Man drawing... I would of worked on a Captain America drawing (because of The Winter Soldier) but I'm waay too busy.

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  13. I have allot of stuff I have to do at the moment, so I don't know if I'd the time to watch it. I might be able to, but there's no guarantee with all the random stuff that pops up for me.
  14. Can I do it next? I feel like I have a really good one, and I've only done a riddle once.
  15. My brother has this game and it's pretty freaking amazing!
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