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Everything posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. ATTENTION: I might be doing a Game Night sometime in the near future! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    3. Composite Armour
    4. Rue


      I'd be interested if it's open invitation :)

  2. Like everyone has said: your problems lay with the Teammates and not the gametype itself (Though Grifball has a very stupid mechanism for letting you teamkill ALL THE TIME, and I think it's pretty idiotic to have it in there... Same goes for Betrayal in general. It needs to go). Anyhoo I think your problems should be fixed so long as you continue to play in the playlists. I can guess that the higher your CSR goes, the better the players you'll get. But there are other options that everyone else has pointed out, so it does not mean the end of Halo for you.
  3. See ya around man. Hope things turn out good for you
  4. No mirages, subliminal messages, clever tactics, or corporate espionage here! It's tha real deal son!!
  5. Ello and welcome back!! Allot of strange happenings have happened since you've been gone... Redneck Selection grasped the community... The Forums were nearly destroyed from the impending doom of April 1st... ..And most frighteningly of all... I forgot to wear UNDERWEAR!!
    1. GryffinGuy007


      Woah, you're amazing at that. @ - @

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Thanks @Austinacious :D

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      NEVAAARR!! I'll art to the end of time!! Thanks though @Edward Kenway :D

  6. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Finished my Bane drawing I've been working on for the past week

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

  7. This isn't really a priority for me, but I'm wondering when I'm supposed to get the Caption Contest Award. I don't really care when I get it, or if the Award Dudes are busy creating it, but I'm just saying so "Whoever hands out the Awards" hasn't forgotten. Thanks
  8. Female Name: Flava Flave!! Combat style: (Melee weapons) - Anything lying around: Preferably the Katana, and Golf Club... (Explosives) - Holy Grenades, Landmines, and the works... (Heavy weapons) Fat Man, and Rocket's Red Glare. (Heavy energy weapons) Tesla Cannon, and that YCS Gause Rifle thingy... Plus maybe that Green Gatling Laser... Armour preference: Crimson Dragoon Stealth Suit w: Rebreather, and Party Hat!
  9. Dredd is a pretty good one. I've seen both Dredd movies, and even though the old was good I think the reboot is waay better.
  10. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Finished this a couple days ago, and was too busy to upload it until now. Whatcha think!?

    © joe_winfree on Instagram

  11. GAAAAAAH HOLY CRAP I WON!!! I like to thank my Plumber, my annoying Plato Teacher... lol seriously though I really appreciate it, and thanks to all ye hilarious cooky Forum Dwellers for keeping it real! Nice wrapup by the way Drizzy (you extravagantly majestic llama you...)
  12. Welcome! Please refrain from going to the morgue of dead forums.
  13. Welcoy to 343i.org! Your lucky you can play ANY instrument. I can't even play a Banjo. PS: You should start a band!
  14. Drawing Iron Man :). And what does it take to be in the Art Department? - http://www.343industries.org/forum/gallery/image/3859-iron-man-3-drawing/

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Art-ing. just, Art all over the place. Continue to art until someone notices. if they ask you to stop, art all over them. Add an F before all the Art's, and you get the dumbest thing ever.

  15. From the album: Tacos and what not

    Drawing Iron Man from Iron Man 3 for my friend

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram

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